Impact of Wind Turbines
Task 1: Project Planning
Task 2: Landscape: evaluation
Task 3: visual impact methods
Task 4: Tools for visual impact assessments
Task 5: Recommendations
General context for windfarm provision
General Discussion and Conclusions
Contract Details

Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


General Discussion and Conclusions


  • Purpose of reviews
  • Purpose of examples
  • Purpose of overall product (education, demonstration, publicity?)


  • Established
  • New
  • Why the reviews and examples led to the recommendations


Observations to aid potential readers/users

There would be scope for streamlining the processing for each product to reduce the number of hardware platforms and software packages involved. For example, the photomontage work could be undertaken using Photoshop housed on either a Silicon Graphics or a PC; the topographic exposure calculations could be implemented within Idrisi, on a PC; a simplified fly-through could be undertaken within Erdas Imagine (using the VGIS module).

Potential future developments

  • Issues of realism and generalization
  • Link to landscape character
  • Technical ("crystal ball gazing")
Updated: 23 January 2024