The Macaulay Institute

Land Allocation Decision Support System

Multi-object Land Use Planning Workshop

Following an update on LADSS progress, participants were asked individually to produce land use plans for Hartwood Farm - one of the LADSS test sites. The farm information available to participants was the same as that which was available within LADSS. Information packs on the site were sent out prior to the meeting. Following the individual planning, the workshop divided into small groups each encompassing a range of land management perspectives to discuss and produce a consensus (where possible) multi-objective plan. These group deliberations were moderated using a soft systems facilitator/reporter approach ensuring that all opinions were expressed and recorded. The multi-objective land use plans derived by LADSS for the site was presented and participants given the opportunity to compare the plans produced by individuals, the groups and LADSS.

The Groups were split as follows:

Individual Allocation (Farm Manager - F2)

Group 1 (G1-1, G1-2)
  • Bank Adviser (BA1)
  • Agriculturalist (AG1)
  • Biologist (B1)
  • Estate Manager (E1-1, E1-2)
  • Farm Manager (F1)

Group 2 (G2)
  • Systems Analyst (SA2)
  • Agriculturalist (AG2)
  • Conservationist (C2)
  • Estate Manager (E2)
  • Farm Manager (F2)

Plus the Current Allocation.

The allocations were processed and compared with the results produced by the LADSS Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms (mGAs). The chart below shows the comparison for the two objectives - Financial Returns and Landscape Diversity.

Multiple Objective Comparison: Current, mGA, Individual and Group Allocations

Further Reading