AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow.

Think tank pages

Effect of algorithms on the final risk map. The following images were produced by FIREMAP using the slope coverages shown in slopes.html

Click on the small image to open a new window with the full size image

Effect of slope on fire-risk

Original demo.sim Ritter's Horn's 1/distance Sharpnack and Akins
Diagonal Ritters Average Down dip Simple Max. downward gradient Least squares Parabaloid

Effect of aspect of fire-risk

Original demo.sim Ritter's Horn's 1/distance Sharpnack and Akins
Diagonal Ritters Average Down dip Simple Max. downward gradient Least squares Parabaloid


Effect of slope and aspect on fire-risk

Original demo.sim Ritter's Horn's 1/distance Sharpnack and Akins
Diagonal Ritters Average Down dip Simple Max. downward gradient Least squares Parabaloid

Roger Dunham is the one to blame- Alistair Law@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Fri Aug 15 14:03:39 BST 1997