Project PL AAIR- 2392. Report on Task 5.3
This report has been compiled as a reference
document containing details of, and points of contact for, geographic
datasets (both graphical and digital) for Pan-European data and
data available in the countries of each of the participants (Finland,
the Republic of Ireland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom).
The objective was to identify and list the
data available which may be relevant to the modelling of abiotic
forest damage, specifically by means of wind, snow and fire. Constructing
the models, deriving suitable data and assessing the validity
of such modelling at different scales or resolutions is the key
outcome of Project PL AAIR-2392. Therefore, the data summarised
in this document may not be appropriate for subsequent use.
There may be limitations in the data because
of insufficient coverage, inappropriate classification, inappropriate
compilation date, inadequate resolution (spatial or temporal),
insufficient accuracy, or insufficient background documentation.
Any data set which has to be created for
the purpose of the project will be referenced in future versions
of the data listing. Therefore, the data listing will provide
a source of information for comparison of data available, in each
geographic region, for the differing modelling techniques that
will be employed in subsequent tasks of the Project.
It is anticipated that this register will
be maintained throughout the duration of the project, to include
new datasets that may become available, refinements and additional
information concerning existing datasets. The time period of this
project overlaps a consultation document from the European Union
entitled "The EGII Policy Document - Towards a European Geographic
Information Infrastructure" and due note will be taken of
the development in European spatial data policy where applicable
to this project.
The datasets of relevance to this report
were identified under a Programme Planning Stage of project PL2392.
The data identified in that stage were subsequently reviewed in
terms of their availability to each participating member country
in both graphical and digital form.
The type of data sets identified as of particular interest were:
Most of the organizations responsible for
the derivation and publishing of the datasets identified are Government
Departments or national agencies. However, the number of private
companies providing graphical or digital data at a range of scales
is considerable. Such companies tend to fall into three groups:
1. cadastral or land surveys; 2. aerial photography; 3. atlas
houses. A limited amount of information has been collected relating
to the private sector but the provision of map, and in particular
digital, data is a rapidly expanding business. Therefore, a number
of new products can be expected to originate from this sector.
The most comprehensive collection of data
for the countries of the European Community is held in the CORINE
information system (Commission of the European Communities, 1993).
The data were compiled, starting in 1985, and maintained by the
European Community Agency Task Force (ECATF) (EUROSTAT 1995a).
The datasets held within the CORINE system include land cover,
forest cover, soils and climate (EUROSTAT, 1995b, 1995c and 1995d)
and includes that data managed by GISCO (EUROSTAT, 1994; GISCO,
The land cover mapping is incomplete with
the United Kingdom still to be finished and only the base satellite
imagery prepared for much of western Germany, Italy, France and
In general, the scales of the data are small,
ranging from 1:100 000 to 1:3 000 000. Much of the data within
the CORINE Information System is held within the Arc/Info package,
with other tabular data held within the Oracle database management
system. Data are available from the EEATF (EEATF, 1994).
The compilation of the CORINE datasets was
undertaken before the most recent enlargement of the European
Community to include Austria, Finland and Sweden. Therefore, in
the context of the project within which the report has been compiled,
there is little data available for use in Finland and Sweden.
At the end of this document there are listings
of the data available for each country together with contact addresses.
The paragraphs below comprise a summary of these listings to provide
an overview of each subject subdivided by country.
4.1 Land Cover
Geodan B.V. (based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
publish a Land Use Information Finder for land use data in Europe.
This was produced for the RIVM-LBG in Bilthoven, the Netherlands
(RIVM, 1994; Van de Velde and Scholten, 1994). This provides another
source of information on the existence of graphical and digital
maps, and their availability, for each country in Europe as well
as continent-wide data.
The data contained in the Information Finder
(1994 version) did not include any data for Ireland but does include
data for each of the other relevant countries, including those
most recently members of the EU (Austria, Finland and Sweden).
4.2 Forestry
The forest areas of each of the participating
countries are mapped and inventoried according to national priorities
and each country uses its own techniques. Forest data on a continent-wide
basis is held within CORINE as described earlier.
In Finland, the forest inventory has been
operational for over 70 years. It has employed a combination of
ground based and remotely sensed techniques, including line transect
sampling and sampling from within 3000 plots for monitoring forest
health. Mapping is largely undertaken through a multi-source approach
with satellite imagery and digital map data of such datasets as
soils and meteorology. Currently, the multi-source approach is
due to be extended from Southern Finland to the whole country
(Tomppo, 1993; Tomppo, 1995).
The Republic of Ireland has approximately
7.6% of the land area under forest, of which 80% is State owned
by Coillte (Dodd, 1995). There is no national inventory of forestry
but Coillte do undertake inventories of the land they own or manage.
The methodology is a census approach to surveying the forests,
using ground visits to each forest (little use is made of aerial
photography). The scale of mapping for the forest boundaries is
1:10 560 based upon basic mapping scale of the Ordnance Survey
of Ireland, and the minimum mapping unit is between 0.2ha and
In addition, site surveys of the physical
resources of the forests were carried out which include, site
fertility, soil type, elevation, exposure, drainage , wind hazard
and accessibility. Currently, work is being carried out into semi-automating
the processing of the forest inventory data using GIS.
Forestry information in Portugal is obtained
from the Forestry Institute (the National Forest Inventory), the
Institute for Nature Conservation (habitat and vegetation mapping)
and private corporations (which carry out resource inventories
of their own stock) (Pereira and Martins, 1995). Forest inventory
data has been compiled as part of the land cover mapping from
the beginning of the Century. Since 1963 aerial photography formed
a major source of data using scales of 1:15 000 for central and
northern Portugal. Photographic interpretation has been undertaken
at different times across the country producing cartographic data
at 1:25 000 in accordance with the scale of national base mapping.
Ground surveys have been undertaken in recent
years to provide additional information on eucalypt plantations
and stands of cork and holm oak. Currently, every fourth aerial
photograph is studied using a dot grid as a basis for sampling.
Additional data gathering for forest information utilizes satellite
imagery and aerial photography for monitoring forest change (and
fire damage), with results produced in digital map or image form.
Swedish forestry data is held by the Swedish
University of Agricultural Science and the National Board of Forestry.
All datasets have been derived using field survey, air photo interpretation
and satellite imagery and give information about stand timber
volume, forest soils and tree species composition, plus administrative
and vegetational forest boundaries.
Woodland cover in the United Kingdom may
be derived from several surveys over recent years which were based
upon aerial photography, satellite imagery and ground surveys
(Brooker, 1995). However,
the responsibility for forest inventory lies with the Forestry
Commission (Locke, 1987). A census of woodlands and trees is undertaken,
approximately, every 15 years, starting in 1924. The current inventory
will be the start of a rolling programme which will be a combination
of aerial photographic interpretations and ground surveys. The
base scale is 1:25 000 for those stands greater than 2ha (MLURI,
1993). The inventory data with such details as crop types and
ownership are recorded at 1:10 000.
Information on the forestry datasets was,
in part, compiled from recent initiatives on a `Forest Inventory
by Remote Sensing' (FIRS) organized by the European Community's
Joint Research Centre at Ispra (Kennedy et al, 1995). The
FIRS initiative of the European Community, DGVI, is a new Programme,
the objective of which is to develop a geo-referenced information
system on European Forests.
The responsibility for organizing the FIRS
Programme lies with the Institute for Remote Sensing Applications
of the Joint Research Centre of the EC at Ispra. The first stage
of this programme is the development of a common nomenclature
system for forestry and identification of the variables that would
be of greatest importance in such an information system (Driessen,
1995; Kerber and Olesen, 1995; Teller, 1995).
Certain variables being considered by the
FIRS group may be of direct interest to the forest damage project.
A commonality between the forest damage models and those variables
being considered for inclusion in FIRS may enhance the uptake
of the models (where applicable) in Europe. A full listing of
the variables currently being considered is in the FIRS Final
Project Report "Definition of a System of Nomenclature for
Mapping European Forests and for Compiling a Pan-European Forest
Information System".
4.3 Topography
Topographic data exists in digital form
at scales of either 1:10 000, 1:20 000 or 1:50 000 for each of
the five countries. All such datasets are compiled by or distributed
by the national mapping agency. Almost all the coverage is derived
by photgrammetric techniques (although using different scales
of aerial photography) to produce base map data at 1:10 000 scale.
Digital versions of the data are usually available at the smallest
scale (1:50 000) initially, and scales of 1:10 000 or 1:20 000
have become available subsequently.
4.4 Soils
The scales at which digital data on soils
are available are generally smaller than those scales for which
land cover and topographic data are available. The classification
systems used by each of the national soil survey organizations
are different (even within the United Kingdom). Therefore, any
requirement for a common classification of soils by, for example,
soils wetness, would have to be tackled separately for each geographic
area. A comprehensive summary of soils mapping in the EU has been
published by the JRC (ISPRA) (ref).
4.5 Climate
The results of a project funded by the European
Community during the 1980s for the derivation of a wind atlas
for the European Community (Commission for the European Communities,
1989) for the purposes of assessing the potential for wind energy.
The data is published in the form of a printed atlas including
graphic maps, tabular data and background details on the models
that were used. In addition, the data is provided on a diskette,
divided according to the country and the type of data. The coverage
of the atlas does not extend to include Finland or Sweden. Data
on temperature, precipitation and pressure are comiled under CORINE
(EUROSTAT, 1995b) and published in graphical and digital form.
Each national meteorological service also provides data for their
own country, usually tabulated by Meteorological observation station.
4.6 Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photography
Additional datasets of relevance were those
from remotely sensed instruments. The extent of availability of
such data varies considerably between countries due to climatic
conditions. A listing of different types of remote sensing satellite
sensors is included, with addresses of points of contact for each
group of satellite imagery.
Satellite data is available from a range
of sensors for the whole of Europe. Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner,
Thematic Mapper, Spot and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) are the most commonly available and also the most commonly
used. Data from the Russian satellite (MOMS) and the Japanese
satellite (xx) are also available although they have longer delivery
The supply of satellite imagery is dominated
by private sector companies, either through direct operation of
the satellite (for example, SPOT) or as national distributors
(for example, NRSC Ltd and Nigel Press Associates in the United
Kingdom). Other, major suppliers of satellite imagery include:
EOS for Landsat data (Multi Spectral Scanner and Thematic Mapper);
and Satellitebild, Laruna, Sweden. The US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has several WWW servers that
provide satellite information and imagery to the internet community
Ever country has a mix of black and white,
and colour aerial photos across a range of scales. In each country
a mixture of private sector and public sector bodies provide aerial
This report has raised the possibility of
cooperation between the project team and the RIVM in the
Netherlands. RIVM currently maintain a PCbased data dictionary
of land use data across the European continent which is not exclusively
countries in the European Community. A similarity of purpose has
been established and information about datasets has been exchanged.
A similar opportunity to exchange information
is open with the University of Edinburgh, the Department of Geography
of which are responsible for a "Digital Elevation Catalogue"
(Gittings, 1995). This catalogue is currently not an on-line search
facility but is widely distributed on electronic bulletin boards.
A copy of this report is accessible through the Project World Wide Web site:
Brooker, N A (1995), Geo-referenced forest
information for the United Kingdom, linking nomenclature and integrating
spatial datasets, In: Designing a system on nomenclature for European
Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop, European
Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 327 - 340.
Commission of the European Communities (1989),
European Wind Atlas. (Eds. I. Troen and E L Petersen), Published
for the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General
for Science, Research and Development, Brussels, Belgium by Riso
National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark. pp 656.
Commission of the European Communities (1993),
CORINE Land Cover, Guide technique. Directorate General: Environment,
nuclear safety and civil protection. Brussels. pp. 144.
Dodd, P (1995), Geo-referenced forest information
for Ireland, In: Designing a system on nomenclature for European
Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop, European
Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 229 - 240..
Driessen, A (1995), European forestry information
and communications system, In: Designing a system on nomenclature
for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 133
- 134.
Eurostat (1993), Basic statistics of the
Community, 30th Edition. Eurostat Information Office,
Luxembourg. pp 398.
Eurostat (1994), GISCO, Geographic Information
System of The Commission of The European Communities. EUROSTAT,
Brussels. pp 20.
Eurostat (1995a), GISCO Database Manual.
Commission of the European Communities, GISCO/EUROSTAT, Luxembourg.
pp. 77.
Eurostat (1995b), GISCO Database Manual:Climate.
Commission of the European Communities, GISCO/EUROSTAT, Luxembourg.C3100CT2.DOC.
pp. 22.
Eurostat (1995c), GISCO Database Manual:
Land Cover. Commission of the European Communities, GISCO/EUROSTAT,
Luxembourg.C3200CT2.DOC. pp. 24.
Eurostat (1995d), GISCO Database Manual:
Soils. Commission of the European Communities, GISCO/EUROSTAT,
Luxembourg.C3300CT2.DOC. pp. 14.
European Environment Agency Task Force,
(1994), CORINE Information System, Summary Data Dictionary, Directorate
general for the Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection,
Brussels, March 1994, pp. 80.
FIRS Project Group 1996 Definition of a
System of Nomenclature for Mapping European Forests and for Compiling
a Pan-European Forest Information System".
GISCO (1994), CORINE Information System,
March 1994.
Kennedy, P,J, Paivinen, R and Roihuvuo,
L (1995), Designing a system on nomenclature for European Forest
Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop, European Forest
Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994.
Kerber, A G and Olesen, H H (1995), European
Geo-referenced Forest Information Directory, In: Designing a system
on nomenclature for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an
International Workshop, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland.
June 1994. pp. 133 - 134.
Kok, B (1995), Towards a GEO Information
infrastructure in the Netherlands. In: Proceedings of JEC'95,
The Hague, pp. 390 - 393.
Locke, G M L (1987), Census of woodlands
and trees 1979 - 1982. Forestry Commission Bulletin 63. HMSO,
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute (1993),
The Land Cover of Scotland 1988 by aerial photographic interpretation.
Final Report. The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen.
Melkerud, P, Olssen, M T and Rosen, K (1992),
Geochemical atlas of Swedish Forest Soils. Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, Report 65, Uppsala 1992. pp. 85.
Pereira, J and Martins, L (1995), Geo-referenced
forest information for Portugal, In: Designing a system on nomenclature
for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 289
- 300.
Teller, A (1995), Nomenclature systems used
in CORINE for forest applications, In: Designing a system on nomenclature
for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 123
Tomppo, E (1993), Multi-source national
forest inventory of Finland. The Finnish Forest Research Institute.
Research Paper 444. pp. 52 - 60.
Tomppo, E (1995), Multi-source national
forest inventory of Finland, In: Designing a system on nomenclature
for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 193
- 196.
Van de Velde, R J and Scholten, H J (1995),
The preparation of a 10 minutes Pan-European land use database
for environmental monitoring, In: Designing a system on nomenclature
for European Forest Mapping. Proceedings of an International Workshop,
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland. June 1994. pp. 95
The following Organizations or Agencies
have contributed information for inclusion in this report.
Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom.
The National Land Survey of Finland.
The Geological Survey of Finland.
EUROSTAT, Luxembourg.
Geodan (B.V.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
RIVM, Bilthoven , The Netherlands.
Bruce Gittings, The Department of Geography,
The University of Edinburgh.
European Forest Institute (FIRS Project
8.1 European Union
WWW pages
Europa Home Page
Dataset Name
European Land Use Information Finder
Description of Data
Pan-European land use database of currently available map or statistical data.
Seven land use categories (including: arable,
agricultural grassland, permanent crops, forest, urban areas).
Land use polygons from a vector database plus statistical sources.
Contributing information originated from EUROSTAT, USDMA, FAO,
INENCO, SEI and additional national sources. The database is housed
on a PC, operating with a Windows interface.
Digital 10 minute
Projection: CORINE Lambert Azimuthal
Error and accuracy information: unknown
Source Organisation
Dr Hans Veldkamp,
Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene (RIVM),
Laboratory for Soils an Ground Water,
PO Box 1, 3720,
BA Bilthoven,
The Netherlands.
Tel: +341 30 743332
Fax: +341 30 292897
Dataset Name
CORINE Land Cover - 4 datasets
Vector 1:100 000
250m Raster
10 X 10km grid cell statistics
Description of Data
Vector 1: 100 000 - 44 classes with a 3 level hierarchy mapped from satellite imagery (generally TM) and auxiliary data.
Raster 250m - derived by rasterization of CORINE 1:100 000 vector database (44 classes, 3 level hierarchy). Predominant land cover class allocated to a raster cell.
Statistics 10X10km
- derived from CORINE 1: 100 000 vector database. Percentage of
area covered by each of the 44 classes. 1: 300 000 scale equivalent.
All three datasets are available in UNIX,
ARC/INFO export format for CORINE Lambert Azimuthal Projection
or National Projection systems.
Vector - 1: 100 000 scale
Raster - unknown
Statistics - 1: 300 000 scale equivalent
Source Organisation
Mr. M. H. Cornaert
European Environmental Agency Task Force, CEC DG XI
200 rue de la Loi
B 1049 Brussels
Tel: +322296 9175
Fax: +322296 9562
Participant Access
MLURI to register for use.
Dataset Name
CORINE Forest Cover
CORINE Forest Health
Description of Data
Forest Cover - derived from CORINE Land Cover project data by reclassification and vector generalisation, resulting in a forest cover database in 1X1km raster format. UNIX, ARC/INFO export format, and CORINE Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection.
Forest Health - derived from national and
trans-national surveys, carried out according to Harmonisation
Survey Methodology.
Source Organisation
Mr. M. H. Cornaert
European Environmental Agency Task Force, CEC DG XI
200 rue de la Loi
B 1049 Brussels
Tel: +322296 9175
Fax: +322296 9562
Participant Access
MLURI to register for CORINE
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Basic inventory of soil units of the E.C. according to the F.A.O. nomenclature
350 soil classes: two level FAO nomenclature
stoniness phases
texture classes (3) slope classes (3)
Scale 1:1 000 000
Error Accuracy: unkown
Source Organisation
Mr. M. H. Cornaert
European Environmental Agency Task Force, CEC DG XI
200 rue de la Loi
B 1049 Brussels
Tel: +322296 9175
Fax: +322296 9562
Participant Access
Dataset Name
CORINE Digital Elevation Model
Bartholomews digital dataset
Description of Data
CORINE DEM - 5 X 5 min. world wide elevation in raster form.
Bartholomews - digital data for most European
Countries (including all western European countries) - Bartholomews
CORINE DEM - 5 X 5 mins. altitude of cell to the nearest integer meter.
Bartholomews - 1: 1 000 000 scale
Source Organisation
Mr. M. H. Cornaert
European Environmental Agency Task Force, CEC DGVI
200 rue de la Loi
B 1049 Brussels
Tel.: +322296 9175
Fax: +322296 9562
J. Bartholomews Ltd.
12 Duncan Street,
EH9 1TA.
Tel: +44 131 667 9341
Fax: +44 131 662 4282
Participant Access
MLURI to register for CORINE.
Dataset Name
Wind atlas
CORINE Climate - mean monthly interannual
Description of Data
Wind Atlas - Graphic maps, tables and discursive materials and diskette with tabular data on wind speed and direction for 220 meteorological stations across the countries of the European Community as of 1989. Account is taken of surface roughness and height above the ground surface in deriving the wind speed values. The dates from which the meteorological observations were used are different for each station. However, in general the data was for observations between 1970 and 1983.
CORINE Climate - mean monthly internannual climatological data (based on time series of mostly 30 years) from national meteorological services supplemented with information from other data bases and publications from other agencies.
1. Rainfall - mean monthly total/ monthly maximum/ monthly rainy days.
2. Temperature - mean monthly average/ mean monthly max and min/ absolute monthly max and min/ mean monthly frost days
3. Evapotranspiration - mean monthly total potential/ mean monthly total evaporation.
4. relative humidity - mean monthly average
5. vapour pressure - mean monthly average
6. atmospheric pressure - mean monthly average
7. bright sunshine - mean monthly average
8. cloud cover - mean monthly average
9. wind speed - mean monthly average
10. snow cover - mean monthly average
dBASE4, ARC/INFO and MAPINFO, Geographical
coordinates and CORINE Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection.
Wind Atlas data for 220 stations. Error/Accuracy unknown
CORINE Climate
data for 4773 stations. Error/Accuracy unknown
Source Organisation
Wind Atlas:
Department of Meteorology and Wind Energy,
Riso National Laboratory,
PO Box 49,
DK-4000 Roskilde,
Tel: +45 42 37 12 12
Fax: +45 42 37 01 15
Mr. M. H. Cornaert
European Environmental Agency Task Force, CEC DG XI
200 rue de la Loi
B 1049 Brussels
Tel.: +322296 9175
Fax: +322296 9562
Participant Access
MLURI to register for CORINE data.
Wind Atlas for Europe held by MLURI and
General Comments
The CORINE datasets are the principal European Community collation of environmental or spatially referenced data.
The CORINE datasets are not available for
the most recent member countries of Sweden, Finland and Austria.
No estimates of reliability of the datasets
are provided for the CORINE datasets.
Additional, "land quality" datasets
are available, which are inventories based upon assessments which
include soil, climate and slopes.
The wind atlas was derived before the European
Community was enlarged to include Austria, Finland and Sweden.
The atlas was funded by the European Community, Department of
Renewable Energies. No update of the wind atlas is currently being
planned. It can be purchased from the Riso National Laboratory
in Denmark as a printed atlas together with the diskette.
Dataset Name
Land Cover of Finland
Description of Data
Raster map of Land Cover data for Finland
(cells 25m X 25m)
Raster cells 25m
Field boundaries and surface waters at 1:25
Source Organisation
National Land Survey of Finland,
Geographic Data Centre,
Product and Sales,
Opastinsilta 12 C,
PO Box 84,
Tel: +358 0 154 5516
Fax: +358 0 154 5598
WWW site:
Participant Access
Dataset Name
National Forest Inventory remote sensing
Description of Data
National forest inventory raster maps series
covering all forests for the whole of Finland compiled from Satelite
imagery, field surveys and digital map data. Data comprises tree
species composition in forest stands and stand timber volume and
includes municipal boundaries.
25m resolution
Source Organisation
Prof. Erkki Tomppo
The Finnish Forest Research Institute
Participant Access
Public Access with cost
Dataset Name
Soils maps for Finland
Description of Data
1:10 000 for land near built-up areas.
1:10 000 in raster data structure, 25 m cells.
1:20 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 for southern
Source Organisation
Geological Survey of Finland.
Information Bureau,
Betonimienhenkuja 4,
GIN-02150 ESPOO,
Tel: +358 0 46931
Fax: +358 0 462205
WWW site:
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Topographic Database for Finland
Description of Data
The National Land Survey of Finland has
compiled a Topographic Database which may be searched using electronic
communications (such as the World Wide Web). The data model defines
more than 100 feature classes, including terrain, hydrography
and administrative boundaries.
The topographic details are compiled by
photogrammetric methods with updates every five to ten years based
upon aerial photography. Complete data compilation for Finland
should be finished by the year 2000.
The digital elevation models were derived from source scale maps of 1:10 000 and 1:20 000 for southern Finland and Northern Finland respectively (the method of interpolation was different for each product). The raster processing package used is DISIMP, from CSIRO, Australia. Many of the topographic maps are also available in vector format.
Digital elevation models: cell sizes of 25m, 50m and 200m.
The 25 and 50m resolution products were derived from source scale maps of 1:10 000 and 1:20 000 (although the method of interpolation was different for each product).
Accuracy not available
Source Organisation
National Land Survey of Finland.
PO Box 84,
Tel: +358 0 154 5177
Fax: +358 0 154 5454
WWW site:
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Meteorological Institute of Finland.
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Satellite Imagery: Landsat Thematic Mapper,
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Land Cover
Description of Data
CORINE data set for national coverage. Vector
cover at 1:100 000, compiled in 1985, with an alphanumeric database
in MGE Intergraph format. The data is also available in GRID format.
The GRID format of the CORINE data has a different legend from
that of the vector data set (origins of the data were different
- details not identified).
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Burned areas
Description of Data
Burned areas 1991 and 1992 in digital format
1:100 000 scale
Source Organisation
Instituto Florestal (Ministerio da Agricultura)
Av Joao Crisostmo no28 - 1200 Lisboa
Participant Access
CNIG and Instituto Florestal
Dataset Name
Soil Map Sheets
Description of Data
Graphical maps (not in digital format)
1:50 000
Source Organisation
? Estacao Agronomica Nacional,
Departmento de Pedologia,
Quinta do Marques,
2780 Oeiras,
Tel: +351 1 44 31 505
Fax: +351 1 44 20 867
according to CNIG IEADR, Av. Afonso Costa,
No3, 1900 Lisboa, Portugal
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Topography of Portugal
Description of Data
Whole country in 1: 25 000 sheets, most of which are in digital format.
Whole country in 1: 50 000 sheets, not in digital format.
Whole country in 1: 100 000 sheets not in digital format.
Whole country in 1: 250 000 sheets not in
digital format.
1:25 000 sheets, most of which are in digital format.
1:50 000, 1:100 000 and 1:250 000 graphic
Source Organisation
Instituto Geographico Exercito
Av Dro Alfredo Bensaude, 1800 Lisboa
Instituto Porugues de Cartografia e Cadastro
Largo da Estrela, 1200 Lisboa
Participant Access
CNIG: some 1:25 000 sheets in digital format
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Instituto de Meteorologia
Rua C - Aeroporto de Lisboa
1700 Lisboa
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Satellite Imagery: Landsat, SPOT, NOAA.
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Administrative boundaries (`freguesias')
at 1:250 000. Date of data is 1991.
General Comments
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
1:10 560 scale maps, with boundaries identified
during ground surveys. Some restricted use of aerial photography
in remote terrain. Data is held in Arc/Info.
1: 10 560 scale
Source Organisation
Coillte Teoranta,
1 Sidmonton Place,
County Wicklow,
Tel: +353 1 2867751
Fax: +353 1 286812
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Soils maps
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Agriculture and Development Authority,
Johnstown Castle,
Research and Development Centre,
Republic of Ireland.
Tel: +353 53 42 888
Fax: +353 53 42 213
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Topographic data for Ireland
Description of Data
Topographic data is compiled by the Ordnance
Survey of Ireland. Base scales are 1:2500 and 1: 10 560. 1:2 500
maps are being digitized and will be available over the next ten
years. The 1:10 560 scale maps are available in raster form. However,
the date of compilation of these maps is early in the 20th Century
and they are not based upon a National Grid.
1: 10 560 scale
1:2 500 scale
Error/Accuracy: unknown
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Satellite data is available from a range
of sensors for all of the UK. Landsat Multi- Spectral Scanner,
Thematic Mapper, Spot and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) are the most commonly available and used.
Source Organisation
Participant Access
General Comments:
Little use is currently made of satellite
imagery for national mapping.
Dataset Name
Land cover data
Description of Data
Raster data structure
25m cells
Source Organisation
The Swedish Land Survey (LVM)
Participant Access
Dataset Name
The Forests
Forest Maps
Description of Data
The Forests
- volume in National Atlas of Sweden. Digital raster maps. Derived
from field surveys aerial photo interpretation and satellite imagery
covering all forests in Sweden. Maps comprise boundaries of forest
vegetation, tree species composition in forest stands, biomass
and stand timber volume for 1990.
Forest Maps
- traditional paper and digital vector maps. Covers forest land
owned by companies, public, and private owners (forest maps are
property of the owners). The General Forest inventory provide
forest maps for small scale private forest. 90% coverage for Sweden
derived from field surveys, aerial photo interpretation and satellite
imagery. Information comprises administrative forest boundaries,
forest stand boundaries within managed forests and forest vegetation
boundaries including tree species composition in stands, stand
age, timber volume, forest soils information and cultural values
of the forest.
The Forests - not stated
Forest Maps
- 10 000 - 20 000 scale, Error/Accuracy not stated.
Source Organisation
The Forests
Mats Nilsson
Swedish University of Agricultural Science
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Forest Survey
Forest Maps
Sune Sohlberg
The National Board of Forestry
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Graphical maps. National coverage. 1:100 000.
National soils inventory?
1:100 000 digital data (vector or raster?)
Source Organisation
Swedish Geological Land Survey (SGU).
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Various topographic data sets
Description of Data
Graphical maps, 1:250 000.
Digital elevation data, national coverage.
50 m cells. (source scale not identified).
Map sheets 1:250 000
DEM source - unknown (50m cells)
Source Organisation
The Swedish Land Survey (LVM).
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Participant Access
8.6 United Kingdom
Dataset Name
Land Cover for Scotland
Description of Data
Data of the land cover of Scotland is published
at 1:25 000 scale. It was derived from interpretation of panchromatic
or colour aerial photography (1:24 000 scale) taken between 1987
and 1990. The data is compiled and edge-matched in a digital coverage
in vector form. The format is Arc/Info.
1:25 000
Source Organisation
Macaulay Land use Research Institute, (MLURI)
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen.
AB9 2QJ.
Tel: +44 1224 318611
Fax: +44 1224 311556
Participant Access
Land cover of Scotland - MLURI.
Dataset Name
Land Cover for England and Wales
Description of Data
Land Cover of Great Britain (LCGB)
Source Organisation
Institute for Terrestrial Ecology, Monkswood, Bedfordshire.
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Derived from the land cover (LCS) dataset
in Scotland. A pilot study is underway for the compilation of
data for England and Wales.
Source Organisation
Forestry Commission,
Corstorphine Road,
Tel: 0131 334 0303
Fax: 0131 334 3047
Participant Access
Accessible by NRS.
Dataset Name
Soil map for Scotland
Description of Data
National Soils Inventory. 3250 points at intervals of 5km x 5km across Scotland. Full profile of local topography, vegetation and soils data including physical and chemical analysis by horizon. Held in Oracle database management system.
1:250 000 graphical maps. Published with accompanying booklet containing descriptions of map units and their associated characteristics.
1:63 360 graphical maps. Published with memoirs for certain geographical areas.
1:50 000 graphical maps. Unpublished. Acetate or film copies as compilation documents for the 1:250 000 maps.
1:25 000 graphical maps. Unpublished. Acetate or film copies. Soils are represented as Series.
1:250 000 digital data. raster format at 100 metre resolution. Cell values represent 1:250 000 map units as described in accompanying graphical documents.
1:25 000 digital data. Vector digitized
in Tydac Spans or Arc/Info and available as Arc/Info export format
data (*.e00) or generate format.
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Description of Data
Source Organisation
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen.
AB9 2QJ.
Tel: +44 1224 318 611
Fax: +44 1224 311 556
England and Wales
Soil Survey and Land Resource Centre,
Cranfield University,
Silsoe, Bedfordshire.
Tel: +44 525 86 32 51
Fax: +44 525 86 32 53
Northern Ireland
Agriculture and Environmental Science Division,
Department of Agriculture of Northern ireland,
Newforge Lane,
Northern Ireland.
BT9 5PX.
Tel: +44 232 66 11 66
Fax: +44 232 66 95 51
Participant Access
All soils data for Scotland (except forest soils), graphical and digital - MLURI.
All forest soils maps - NRS.
No soils for England, Wales or Northern
Ireland held by participants except for experimental sites.
Dataset Name
Graphical altitude data
Description of Data
Graphical maps with contour lines. National
1:10 000, 1:25 000, 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 scale.
1:1 250 and 1:2 500 with spot heights and
survey height data. No contours mapped at these scales. Urban
and lowland agricultural areas.
Source Organisation
Participant Access
Dataset Name
Digital altitude data
Description of Data
1:50 000 contour and point (50m x 50m coverage
with the height value of each point is the mean of the height
within the cell) accuracy of 3.0 m RMS for both vector and point
datasets. This data set is referred to as the Land-Form PANORAMA
1:10 000 vector and point data structure.
Digitized from contours surveyed at 1:10 000 scale. Available
in 5km x 5km tiles. Accuracy of vector contours is 1.1m - 1.5m
RMS. Accuracy of point data is better than 1 quarter of the vertical
interval of the source contours. Digital format: National Transfer
Standard (NTF) 2.0,
1:250 000 digital contour data - Bartholomews
Ltd. DXF transfer format.
1: 10 000 scale
Source Organisation
Ordnance Survey,
Romsey Road,
SO16 4GU.
Tel: +44 1703 792773
Fax: +44 1703 792324
Copyright Department Tel: +44 01703 792684
J. Bartholomews Ltd.
12 Duncan Street,
EH9 1TA.
Tel: +44 131 667 9341
Fax: +44 131 662 4282
Participant Access
1:250 000 DEM all UK - MLURI, NRS.
1:50 000 DEM all Scotland - NRS.
1:50 000 DEM most of Scotland - MLURI.
1:10 000 DEM selected tiles - MLURI.
Dataset Name
Meterological records and summaries
Description of Data
The meteorological measurements for the
United Kingdom are organized, collated and held by The Meteorological
Office. Summary figures for any of the categories observed may
be purchased and provided in computer readable form.
Source Organisation
The Meteorological Office,
WWW Site:
Participant Access
Meteorological Office observations for temperature
readings at 146 stations in Scotland for the time period 1951
- 1980 are held by MLURI. Observations on rainfall for 1457 sites
in Scotland are held by MLURI.
Dataset Name
Interpolated climate data for Scotland:
Description of Data
Raster format surfaces representing climatic
factors at a 1km2 resolution for Scotland. Derived from analysis
of data for meteorological stations in Scotland, obtained from
the Meteorological Office. Surfaces include, maximum, minimum
and mean temperatures, mean and total rainfall, evapotranspiration
and accumulated temperature.
Figures for the standard deviations for
each 1km2 square are provided in separate images. The data are
binary raster images.
Source Organisation
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen.
AB9 2QJ.
Tel: +44 1224 318 611
Fax: +44 1224 311 556
Participant Access
Climate surfaces for Scotland held by MLURI.
Dataset Name
Satellite imagery and aerial photography
Description of Data
Satellite data is available from a range
of sensors for all of the UK. Landsat Multi- Spectral Scanner,
Thematic Mapper, Spot and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
(AVHRR) are the most commonly available and used. Data from the
Russian satellite (MOMS) and the Japanese satellite (xx) are also
available although they have longer delivery times.
Source Organisation
Aerial photography
Scottish Aerial Photographic Library,
Royal Commission for Ancient and Historic Monuments
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen.
AB9 2QJ.
Tel: +44 1224 318611
Fax: +44 1224 311556
Scottish Natural Heritage,
2 Anderson Place,
Tel: 0131 447 4784
Fax: 0131 446 2405
Forestry Commission,
Corstorphine Road,
Tel: 0131 334 0303
Fax: 0131 334 3047
English Nature,
Northminster House,
Tel: 01733 340345
Fax: 01733 68834
Aerial photographic Library,
Welsh Office,
Satellite Imagery
Nigel Press Ltd,
Participant Access
General Comments
A significant proportion of the data that
is available for the United Kingdom is provided by or available
through NRS and MLURI.
Accuracy estimates for the land cover, forestry
and climate surfaces for Scotland are available although not for
the soils datasets.
The principal source of climatic data is the Meteorological Office (MO). The MO are responsible for organizing the network of meteorological recording stations and collating the observations into daily, monthly and annual reports and summaries. This data is available for purchase in digital format from the MO.