Approaches to Modelling the Spatial and Temporal
Incidence of Snow Fall for the UK
An Overview of Discussions of the Snow Modelling Meeting held at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute on 31st October 1995
Richard Aspinall (MLURI), Patrick Bell (NRS), Dick Birnie (MLURI), Marianne Broadgate (MLURI), Andrew Cameron (Aberdeen University), Gordon Hudson (MLURI), David Miller (MLURI), Chris Quine (NRS), Gary Wright (MLURI).

This document is a report of discussions which were held on October 31st 1995. It also includes information from contacts who were not present at the meeting, the results of subsequent discussions and further information gained from the literature. I would appreciate some input from participants in the form of corrections, comments on misrepresentations, and additions if it is felt that I have overlooked important aspects. These changes and additions may be things which were discussed at the meeting, or may be the result of subsequent reflections.

An Overview of Discussions at the Snow Modelling Meeting

January 1996
This meeting was organised to identify the most appropriate means of developing a model to calculate hazard maps of snow incidence for the United Kingdom. This model will be used in the derivation of snow damage risk maps. The risk levels are defined by the tree models which predict the load, and therefore the amount of snow required to break or over-turn a tree. The discussions aimed to define a set of strategies and foci for further investigation. The meeting consisted of individuals with expertise in the following areas: forestry, wind incidence modelling, geostatistics, climatological mapping, modelling spatial variability, probability, satellite image processing and spectral unmixing. Two major questions were posed:

1. What are the mechanisms by which snow causes damage to trees and forests?
2. Considering the data and knowledge available, what methods might be most appropriate for developing a model?

The discussion focused initially on the mechanisms by which damage occurred due to snow and wind, and some concern was also given to the silvicultural aspects of this damage. Discussion then moved to the climatological parameters which might be important, to identify which needed to be understood and modelled. This discussion also considered the extent of damage incidence both temporally and spatially and the issues associated with scale and variability of climate events with respect to the meteorological records. The issues and conclusions summarised below encapsulate the general content and results of these discussions. FACE="CG Times"
Mechanisms of damage
Snow damage can be manifested both as breakage of tree stems and/or branches and by over-turning. Some of the information relating to this discussion has been supplemented by further communications from John Moncrieff and Douglas Malcolm (Forestry Department, Edinburgh University). There are several mechanisms operating which cause damage:

a) wet snow simply causing overloading of the tree, particularly in the case of unbalanced canopies which will produce preferential loading on the side of the tree with the most canopy, causing snap.
b) wet snow sticking to one side of the canopy caused by weather coming in from one direction and causing snap.
c) frost 'socketing' in which branches frozen by drifting snow are wrenched off under their own weight when the snow melts below them.
e) ice accretion on branches, again causing them to drop off prematurely.

Silvicultural Practices
These mechanisms have distinct links with silvicultural practices. For example the lop-sided growth of trees can result from a tree's position in a stand and will affect its vulnerability to damage since it will cause preferential loading on one side, even by vertically falling snow. Damage to branches only, may preserve the rest of the trunk and allow some quality wood from the tree to be salvaged. However, snapped branches expose the tree to attack by fungal growth and disease. There is experience of snow damage for nearly all ages of trees, although the type and severity of damage differs. Some species (e.g. lodgepole pine) are extensively damaged when young (< ten years old) but this is partly a feature of the very heavy crown/basal sweep and poor roots of a provenance of this species known as the 'South Coastal'. As regards silvicultural issues, stocking undoubtedly contributes to the situation and damage to older trees is of most sig nificance to managers. What really matters is the strength of a tree in relation to its height and the size of the crown. If a tree is growing with minimal competition it will produce a strong tapered stem with a large crown, and so trees are managed to reduce the crown by increasing stocking. Small crowns mean fewer branches and therefore an increase in wood quality with fewer knots. However trees with small crowns are less stable and stocking pre-disposes them to damage, therefore a balance has to be struck between stability and wood quality. Thus trees are thinned regularly and often to improve their stability. Most damage (mainly due to wind) occurs after thinning when trees are more vulnerable and less stable. Late thinning (close to winter) in particular increases the risk, but means that trees removed at thinning are larger and therefore of more monetary value.

Spatio-temporal extent of snow damage

Details about the amount of damage which has occurred due to snow and its spatio-temporal incidence is also unknown. This is partly due to the difficulty of distinguishing between damage caused by wind and damage caused solely by snow and may reflect the feeling that wind is of overriding importance and snow damage much less common. Evidence of snow damage is sparsely documented and often anecdotal. Therefore there is a difficulty in quantifying snow damage over time. However in the areas where snow damage has been known to occur the impact has been important. In Scandinavia most snow damage is a result of vertical stresses caused by direct weight of the snow, whereas in the UK, snow damage is invariably the result of wet snow plus strong winds. There are examples of very heavy vertically falling snow causing damage in the UK literature (e.g. The New Forest in the 1930's, Kielder Forest during the 1980's and in December 1990 12% of the forests on the North York. moors were damaged by wet snow and not particularly strong winds of around 25m/s). However this kind of snow damage tends to affect shoots and branches rather than trunks.
Summary of snow damage literature
More detailed information about snow damage has been obtained from document sources. Information about snow damage studies in Scandinavia and North America have also been included. Whilst the tree types and climatology of these areas is different to that of the UK, it is interesting to note their findings, and to consider how relevant this information might be to the UK situation. This summary is by no means exhaustive and probably not even representative of the total of snow damage literature consisting, as it does, of notes made from a few papers.
Damage in North Yorkshire forests in December 1990 is discussed in a paper by Wright and Quine 1993. The storm was linked with the development of a low pressure system on a cold front which was moving south over Britain. The position of the depression, over the North Sea Coast, was different from systems that form in the Atlantic and then move across Britain from the west. An occluded front brought heavy snowfalls to North Yorkshire and a steep pressure gradient to the north of the low produced strong north/north easterly winds. The maximum gusts recorded were not remarkably high, but an estimated 75-80,000m3 of timber was lost. The pattern of damage was analysed. Most damage was thought to be consistent with wind factors, but an unexpected preponderance of damage in pines suggested that snow accumulation strongly influenced the pattern of damage. It is noted that although this combination of strong winds and snow is unusual in Britain it is not unique (e.g. Watson, 1936; Frank 1948; Anon. 1978; Wheeler 1991). Young 1938 and Bollard 1969 also discuss the occurrence of snow damage in the absence of strong winds in the form of branch and top breakage, but little overturning of trees. Cremer (1983) notes that snow damage is often observed to be worse on sheltered sites and on lee slopes than on exposed sites, however in a glazed frost storm the damage was also recorded as most severe on windward slopes (Sanzen-Baker and Nimmo, 1941).
In Finland snow damage to forests has been examined in relation to the meteorological conditions (Solantie 1994). It was found that the 40mm of snow load caused weak or moderate damage and greater than 60mm produced severe damage. Temperatures at the time of precipitation should be above 0oC and then below 0oC so that the precipitation attaches itself to the twigs and then freezes on. Temperatures exceeding 0.6oC prohibit damage by permitting the snow load to fall. Wind speeds above 9m/s (15m above ground) ensured damage reduction because snow was dislodged snow which was not attached. Solantie notes that there are few statistics either of snow damage or of the relation between the snow and heavy snow falls, but that there is a causal connection between snow damage and heavy snowfalls.
Magnitude Frequency Issues of Meteorological Phenomena
There are a number of significant issues involved in mapping variables in space and time. It is important to look specifically at what processes are being modelled with what data. Much of the meteorological data is presented as annual means measured at meteorological stations which are 70 to 100 km apart. The data is averaged across space and through time and extreme values and variability, which are the most important events to identify for snow incidence modelling, are lost. It may be that for any given weather event the spatial dependence is less than the distance between weather stations. Work in California using data disaggregated into shorter time periods has shown that there are major spatial dependence changes over a 24 hour cycle. Understanding the relationship between a variable of a particular magnitude and its occurrence will not enable prediction of the return period of the same variable of a different magnitude. It is important to understand the process and know something about its timescale in order to identify appropriate data from which to derive the relationship. For example a very heavy damaging snow fall may go unrecorded if the fall occurs over the space of a few hours and then melts and observations are made just before and just after the snowfall and melting.
There are a number of methods of analysing extreme values. Rodda (1967) has employed a method developed by Gumble (1954) to analyse the annual maximum rainfalls at each station and produce maps showing magnitude of rainfalls for various return periods in the United Kingdom. For data he has used the annual maximum rainfall and annual average rainfall in one day for each station (thus precluding the processing of copious amounts of individual data recordings), and the method shows there is a good relationship between magnitude and frequency even for stations with very large falls. However the method deteriorates where individual maximum falls are far in excess of the other measurements and a meaningful relationship was only obtained when the greatest fall was omitted from the analysis. These outlying extreme values may have an enormous return period not calculable using this data and represent an event so extreme as to be unpredictable. The remaining values were then used for constructing the maps of return periods for events of a particular magnitude. The relationships between average annual rainfall and one-day falls was found to be a good one, improving with a decreasing return period. This means that a minimum amount of information can be used to formulate a relationship between average annual rainfall and maximum one-day falls so that only average annual rainfall data (which is available for many more stations) can be used to construct maps of maximum one-day rainfall for any return period. This also means that recurrence intervals for particular events can be calculated using only data from the area of interest, thus reducing the cost of data and the time required to process large volumes. If trees are not likely to be planted in certain areas, or above certain heights, there is no need to acquire meteorological records for those areas. If it is possible to calculate the recurrence interval for any particular event in this way, there is an equation which can be used to work out the probability of an event of that magnitude occurring for a given time period. In addition to this is the issue that extreme events often happen together so that synoptic events may appear much more frequent if individual parameters are looked at separately.
Snow Damage Occurrence Compared to Synoptic Conditions
No comprehensive study is known to exist which gives an overview of damage events in the UK, and therefore the weather events, the frequency with which they cause damage and the spatio-temporal extent of damage is unknown. It is important to find figures and dates for snow damage in the UK to establish the extent of the problem and the synoptic conditions which gave rise to weather which caused damage.
It is not known exactly what combinations of wind and snow cause damage but it is thought that wet, extremely heavy snow falls cause the most damage. Therefore it may be better to identify whole synoptic damage events, and find a means of characterising a whole event rather than linking large numbers of measured meteorological parameters. It was suggested that this could be achieved using Lamb's classification of weather (Lamb 1950). By characterising the event in this way it may be possible to learn something about exactly what information will be required for a magnitude-frequency, probability analysis. It may be that the question is only that of how often this synoptic condition occurred, rather than looking at the details of the process and requiring temperature and precipitation data. For example heavy prolonged snowfall will probably cause the most damage and such an event can be produced by the progression of a front parallel to itself. It may be that this particular condition is produced by a limited number of synoptic scenarios.
Dan Cornford from Birmingham University contributed further thoughts concerning the snyoptic conditions. Snow and wind can result from two main synoptic situations: polar lows embedded in a northerly air mass, or depressions approaching from the Atlantic against colder air. In the latter situation, snow is likely to turn to sleet or rain as the warm air of the depression reaches further north and east.
Meteorological Circumstances of damage - Snow v Wind
Of particular importance in the UK for this project, is the relationship between snow and wind. Wind incidence is the most important factor causing damage in the UK and is being modelled by the Forestry Commission. Should these parameters be considered separately? Considering work done in other countries (e.g. Solantie 1994 below), and after some discussion, there was a general feeling that it may be possible to treat these two parameters separately for the case of snow damage to trees, if only for simplicity, and because of possible difficulties in determining the relationship between the joint occurrences of snow fall and wind. In the case of wind, the presence of snow would, in most cases, not increase the likelihood of damage. In other words, it would not change the critical wind speed at which damage occurs, so that wind speeds just below the threshold would not be considered more likely to damage trees if snow was also falling because an y snow would be dislodged from the branches by the very strong winds and thereby would not contribute significantly to the load on the tree. However a relationship exists because, in the case of heavy damaging snow falls, high winds might be considered damage reducing, dislodging snow from trees and thus reducing the applied load. There is, however, a counter-argument, that less heavy snow falls could cause damage when combined with wind because snow will stick to one side of the canopy producing a turning moment causing tree failure (mechanism (b) above). The threshold changes depending on the wetness of snow. For dry snow, an increase in wind will greatly reduce damage, but for wet snow accumulation is determined by the amount of wind passing through the tree. Therefore temperature is important.
During this project it will be difficult to undertake any data processing with a view to improving the understanding of the complex interplay between snow, temperature and wind over the timescale being considered given the obscurity, cost and quantity of UK Meteorological Office data. Specific issues include the irregular location of weather stations and the mode of data presentation by the Meteorological Office which is too generalised (through aggregation and averaging) to allow easy determination of the relationship between the incidences of wind and temperature and precipitation. Given that it would be much easier to consider wind and snow as separate climatological issues, and the lack of information concerning how wind and snow operate together to cause damage, it is important to ask meteorologists about the joint occurrences of severe wind and snow conditions. A brief consultation with meteorologists at Birmingham University revealed that alt hough not much information was to hand, the feeling was that severe snow and wind are not strongly correlated. They also suggested contacting Richard Harding at the Institute of Hydrology. In addition, more literature research should be undertaken to establish what is known about the joint occurrences of heavy snow and strong winds and the parameter thresholds determining the operation of these different mechanisms of damage. If their joint occurrence is unlikely, then they can be treated separately.
Approaches to developing a snow incidence model
There is a real issue of balance between the amount of time required to develop a comprehensive and sophisticated UK snow prediction model considering that long-term weather prediction in the UK is treated as a complex area of study by meteorological experts, and the relatively limited importance of snow damage for the UK forest industry compared to wind.
A literature review will be undertaken to consolidate the documentary evidence of snow damage to ascertain its extent, location, frequency and any information about causes and associated meteorological conditions. This will establish the importance and extent of snow damage in quantitative terms, provide an indication of the annual loss to the Forestry Industry in the UK, and give a more comprehensive picture of the circumstances of snow damage over time in the UK. If it transpires, as is expected from this meeting, that loss of trees through snow damage is very small, and that records of damage are too infrequent to allow any derivation of the occurrence of damaging meteorological events, then development of a model to predict snow incidence would be considered unnecessary and damage events too infrequent to be predictable.
Should snow damage prove to be a significant factor, modelling will be required, and if this was the case, it was thought best to adopt a method which was crude but complete, rather than a more refined method restricted to smaller areas and particular circumstances. The approach which is currently being pursued is that discussed above. That is, the identification of records of damage events in the literature, followed by an examination of the associated synoptic conditions from weather maps and reports (e.g. newspaper reports) to try to establish a relationship between particular synoptic scenarios and damage-causing weather. If further work is needed it may be useful then, to identify further examples of such synopses to test how likely the occurrences are, and how likely they are to be associated with damaging weather. If this proves successful, the spatial component could be introduced via parameters such as topographic (height versus temperatur e relationships) and geographic variables to produce multipliers and ways of mapping areas affected by snow, and of the snow causing damage. Approaches to this should incorporate the magnitude-frequency, scale and variability issues discussed above. Another approach might involve mapping snow lie (using, for example AVHRR data) for an extremely bad winter as a worst case scenario and using this information to map spatial variability of snow fall. This technique would provide a crude means of mapping between weather stations. The drawback with this technique would be the amount of time and data required to undertake this mapping for the whole UK. Lack of adequate coverage and cost are likely to be considerable issues for this approach. However, it may be possible to derive information from Met. Office Snow Reports which would give some idea of the range of locational and topographic variability. These reports give an indication of the number of days of snow lie for ten different stations. However, how much this may just reflect the process of ablation is uncertain and therefore they may not be useful.
Given the difficulties of modelling caused by a deficiency of relevant data, the infrequency of damage events, the difficulty of identifying events in meteorological terms and the lack of detailed records for events which are known to have occurred, a statistical or quantitative modelling approach may be inappropriate and unworkable. Therefore another approach could involve risk assessment in terms of expert opinions and rules which could be gleaned from the literature. These could include meteorological knowledge together with locational and silvicultural information, which would allow the linkage to silvicultural practices.
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