Task: 8.1

Title: World Wide Web site.


A. Law, MLURI, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen. AB9 2QJ.

Email: a.law@macaulay.ac.uk


A central point of contact by means of electronic communications using the protocols of the World Wide Web (WWW). This will have open access to all computer users, internationally, who have access to the electronic communications networks and suitable software to reading the data at the central location (such software is available free of charge).

A Listserver will be established at MLURI. This provides a central email address to which participants can send messages and which will subsequently be distributed to all individual participants in the project.


Compilation of text, diagrams and pictures into `html' format for

use by appropriate software (currently Mosaic and Netscape). Access will be made from a PC, Unix or Macintosh computing facility to either the central MLURI WWW page or any of the WWW pages at the participating sites.

The central WWW pages will have links to pages at those participating sites that have suitable facilities.

The Listserver uses communications software to provide a central address to which participants may send messages to be read by all other participants. The Listserver forwards all such messages to each electronic mail address that is registered.


WWW: Text, illustrative material and email addresses from each participant.

Listserver: test sent by electronic mail.


WWW: Dissemination of information to interested parties via electronic communications (such as the internet).

Listserver: Exchange of materials and discussion, for ease of communications between participants.
