AAIR Project: Task 5.3 Organisation and Contact Information

Name: David Miller

Organisation: Macaulay Land Use Research Institute

Address:Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen. AB9 2QJ.

E-mail address:d.miller@macaulay.ac.uk


Model Name: Digital data review

Source of Model: various

Computer Language that the model is developed in:-

Hardware needed to run model: PC or X-Terminal + colour monitor

Data Inputs needed by model:

Descriptions of digital data - Eurostat, national agencies, Listservers.

Report's and documents from Participants.

Model outputs


Data available by country in EC.

Data available by data type.

Maps / GIS datalayers

Maps of countries according to vailability of data for land cover, soils,

elevation, wind.

Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling

To be compiled from associated documents.

Existing linkages between data (eg in databases) and software (eg databases/GIS/Statistical packages)

Unknown for all datasets

CORINE - (Infos) linked by look-up table of features.

Wind atlas (WASP) - ascii file.

GIS Software used

CORINE - Arc/Info

Modelling Software used


Database Software used

CORINE - Infos.

Any other comments

The output of Task 4.2 is a report on the availability of appropriate datasets for Europe. Form, formats, content and accuracy information will be compiled where available.