AAIR Project: Sub Task 5.2 Construction of the geographical database

Participant : The Forestry Authority,

Northern Research Station,

Roslin, Midlothian,

Scotland, EH25 9SY

Contact: C P Quine, B A Gardiner, P D Bell.


The compilation of a geographic database for windthrow monitoring areas in Britain to be subsequently used in other tasks within this project for model derivation and validation.


Data layers representing site characterisitics (Digital terrain model and derived topographic variables, soil maps); forest characteristics (compartment map and associated aspatial database of stand features, surveyed heights at known locations); actual windthrow maps derived from aerial photographs; and windthrow predictions using algorithms of the windthrow hazard classification. Further data layers will be produced after progress in other tasks - Wind and snow climate predictions following derivation of best method in Task 5.1 by Forestry Authority, MLURI and Umea. Tree height maps from orthophotography in Task 4.2 by MLURI and Forestry Authority.


GIS data layers representing site, stand and windthrow. Digital terrain models to Task 5.1 for wind climate predictions by Forestry Authority. Aerial photographs to task 4.2 for orthophotography by MLURI.


Eight monitoring areas have been studied to date by the Forestry Authority. Of these 2 have been identified for task 5.1. 3 sites will be chosen from the remainder for further data collection and use in task 4.2 and 7.3. Data layers will be acquired and added to existing layers held in the IDRISI GIS system. The area of coverage will be extended from the detailed montitoring area to the wider forest district.


The datasets will provide base information for a number of subtasks - in particular 4.2 (MLURI), 5.1 and 7.3 (Forestry Authority).


Bell, P.D., Quine, C.P., and Wright, J.A. (in press) The use of digital terrain models to calculate revised windiness scores for the windthrow hazard classification. Submitted to Scottish Forestry.

Miller, K.F. 1985 Windthrow Hazard Classification. Forestry Commission Leaflet 85, HMSO, London.

Quine, C.P. and Bell,P.D. (in prep) Initial results from windthrow monitoring areas in upland Britain.

Quine, C.P. and Reynard, B.R. (1990) A new series of windthrow monitoring areas for upland Britain. Forestry Commission, Occasional Paper 25, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Quine, C.P. and White, I.M.S 1993. Revised windiness scores for the windthrow hazard classification: the revised scoring method. Forestry Commission Research Information Note 230, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Sub Task: 5.2

Participant: The Forestry Authority


I. Model Name:Windthrow hazard classification

II. Source of Model:NRS

III. Computer language:Turbo pascal

IV. Hardware needed:386 with maths coprocessor

V. Data Inputs needed:

VI. Model Outputs

VII. Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling:

VIII. Existing linkages between data and software:

IX. GIS Software used:

X. Modelling Software used:

XI. Database Software used:

XII. Any other comments:

Prepared by C P Quine/B A Gardiner/P D Bell

May 1995