AAIR Project: Sub Task 4.2 Tree variability within a stand

Participant : The Forestry Authority,

Northern Research Station,

Roslin, Midlothian,

Scotland, EH25 9SY

Contact: C P Quine, B A Gardiner, P D Bell.


Identification of methods to represent assemblages of trees within stands and associated variability in characteristics of importance to tree stability. This will involve spatial and non-spatial methods.


Non-spatial methods

Descriptors such as species, growth rate, age, spacing, thinning regime as inputs.

Spatial methods

Inputs of pre-planting and recent aerial photography, ground measurements of tree height and diameter at rectified positions, soil maps, and aerial photo control points.



Tables or functions of important tree characteristics for Sitka spruce and Scots pine for a range of silvicultural treatments.


A method of simulating/inferring stand spatial variability given aerial photography and simple site descriptions. Examples of the magnitude of such variation at the stand scale.



A review will be undertaken by the Forestry Authority (with help from Umea and Joensuu) of available information on stand variability in height, diameter, volume and the representation of this variability (and that due to different silvicultural regimes) by inventory data, yield class functions and growth models. The best method of dealing with variation in growth characteristics will be identified from existing sources.


Variation in tree height and micro topography will be obtained from aerial photographs of monitoring areas (see also Task 5.2) will be investigated by the Forestry Authority and MLURI using orthophoto module of ERDAS . The results for 3 monitoring sites will be compared with ground survey data and patterns in the variation in tree height will be contrasted with the microtopography and soil maps.


To scale up the single tree models of Forestry Authority, Umea and Joensuu (Task 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) for application to the stand and forest level (Task 5.2 by Joensuu and Forestry Authority and Task 6 by MLURI).


Edwards, P.N. and Christie, J.M. (1981) Yield models for forest management. Forestry Commission Booklet 48, HMSO, London.

Sub Task: 4.2

Participant: The Forestry Authority

MODELS USED FOR DATA ANALYSIS (non-spatial part of task)

I. Model Name: to be determined

II. Source of Model: Alice Holt?

III. Computer language: ??

IV. Hardware needed: ??

V. Data Inputs needed:

VI. Model Outputs

VII. Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling:

VIII. Existing linkages between data and software:

IX. GIS Software used:

X. Modelling Software used:

XI. Database Software used:

XII. Any other comments:

Prepared by C P Quine/B A Gardiner/ P D Bell

May 1995