AAIR Project: Task 2.1 Organisation and Contact Information

Name: Roger Dunham

Organisation: Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen

Address:St Machar Drive, Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen. AB9 2UU

E-mail address: Alistair Law@aberdeen.ac.uk


Model Name: To be developed, III

Source of Model: New model (empirical)

Computer Language that the model is developed in: Excel 4

Hardware needed to run model: PC 386, colour graphics monitor

Data Inputs needed by model:

Root strength (Newtons/mm2)

Wood density (breast height) (grammes/cm3)

Turning moment (Nm) (Data from Joensuu)

Model outputs


Correlation between stem and root strength and turning moment

Maps / GIS datalayers

Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling

Breast height - estimated (not always using tape measure) +-5cm

Density of wood - measured by water displacement, accuracy +-5%. Human factor in assessments. Instrumentation - balance and kiln (both calibrated).

Root strength - measured in tension by Instron facility. Machine repeatability, under 1%.

Root diameter - measured by caliper, repeatability of +-0.02mm. Accuracy of +-0.05mm (due to root compression when measureing and root tapering).

Turning moment - TO BE PROVIDED BY JOENSUU Task 2.1/3.3.

Existing linkages between data (eg in databases) and software (eg databases/GIS/Statistical packages)

Data from Joensuu (unknown format).

Minitab <--> Excel 4 <--> Paradox

(ascii file) (direct transfer)

Proposed: Joensuu data -> Excel 4

GIS Software used

Modelling Software used

Excel 4

Database Software used

Paradox for Windows



Any other comments

1. Input of turning moment figures from Joensuu (Task ?).