AAIR Project: Task 2.1 Organisation and Contact Information

Name: Roger Dunham

Organisation: Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen

Address:St Machar Drive, Old Aberdeen, Aberdeen. AB9 2UU

E-mail address: Alistair Law@aberdeen.ac.uk


Model Name:To be developed, II

Source of Model: New model (empirical)

Computer Language that the model is developed in: Excel 4

Hardware needed to run model: PC 386, colour graphics monitor

Data Inputs needed by model:

Tree height (metres)

Tree diameter (breast height, 1.3m)

Wood density at breast height, grammes/cm3.

Compresion of wood (%)

Slope of wood grain (degrees from vertical or cm/m)

Model outputs


Probable stability outcome - Stand, Snap or Uproot.

(single answer output, possible estimates of probability at a later stage)

Maps / GIS datalayers

Possibly: locations of sampled trees; locations of trees for which

assessments are carried out.

Accuracy/Sources of Uncertainty/Method of Handling

Tree height - field measures - standing +- 25cm (or better) using clinometer or laser

- fallen +-10cm using tape measure.

Tree diameter - cm rounded down using tape measure +-1cm Possible error if tree is

non-circular (see comments).

Breast height - estimated (not always using tape measure) +-5cm

Percentage wood compression - visual assessment of wood colour +- 1 unit (10% units).

Slope of grain - +- 2.5o

Existing linkages between data (eg in databases) and software (eg databases/GIS/Statistical packages)

minitab <--> Excel 4 <--> Paradox

(ascii file) (direct transfer)

GIS Software used

Possibly: PC Arc/Info (for overlays of cross-sections of discs)

Modelling Software used

Excel 4 - spreadsheet functions and statistical options.

Database Software used

Paradox for Windows

Any other comments

1. Inputs are all field or laboratory measurements.

2. Models are product of the Task (Task 2).

3. FTP sites - not one in Department of Forestry, accessed MLURI and Joensuu ftp sites and transferred files.

4. Text editor/word processor - Word for Windows 6.0.