user_name Maria Vasconcelos
user_organisation Centro Nacional de Informação Geográfica Nucleo Florestal Rua Braancammp nº82, 5ºEsq 1250 Lisboa Portugal
date 2nd April 1997
model_name FIREMAP
description This model calculates and maps potencial fire behaviour given a fuel map, a topographic map, and specific weather scenarios. This model is a spatialisation of Rothermel's fire behaviour model (Rothermel, 1972, 1983).
software The calculations modules are programmed in Borland C++, and the the graphical interface is developed in DELPHI
operating_system PC. Windows95 or WindowsNT3.51 or any other platform 100% compatible
isumm The inputs to the model are maps and weather scenarios tables.
Fuels (vegetation classified as fuel models)
Elevation (m)
Slope (%)
Aspect (deg)

Weather scenarios:
Air temperature (ºC)
Relative humidity (%)
Wind velocity (Km/h)
Wind direction (compass)

ispecfile Digital raster maps
Table with weather conditions
iexpspecfile Maps (raster format): binary, ASCII
Weather scenarios: ASCII
csumm The constant parameters are associated with fuel models and describe
the structure and combustibility of each fuel type. There is
a set of pre-defined fuel models that can be used (NFFL USDA Forest Service).
Alternatively, new sets of parameters can be introduced for
describing non pre-defined fuel situations.
cspecfile List of fuel parameters in ASCII
cexpspecfile The constant files are in ASCII
osumm Maps:
Fire propagation risk index
Rate of spread
Fireline intensity
Flame length
Heat per unit area
Reaction Intensity
ospecfile Maps listed above
oexpspecfile File formats are rasters in ASCII or binary
copyright Maria Vasconcelos
contact Maria José Vasconcelos,
ivar1 Altitude
ifile1 elevation.img
idescr1 Raster file with altitude in meters in each cell. Idrisi or BMP files are read directly
isensitiv1 Not Very Sensitive
ivar2 Slope
ifile2 slope.img
idescr2 raster file
units: %
isensitiv2 Sensitive
ivar3 Aspect
ifile3 aspect.img
idescr3 raster file units: degrees
isensitiv3 Sensitive
ivar4 Fuels
ifile4 fuel.img
idescr4 raster file categorical
isensitiv4 Very Sensitive
ivar5 Wind direction
ifile5 ascii values
idescr5 possible values: N; NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW
isensitiv5 Very Sensitive
ivar6 Wind speed
ifile6 ascii value
idescr6 wind speed in km/h measured at 6m height.
isensitiv6 Very Sensitive
ivar7 Relative Humidity
ifile7 ascii value
idescr7 %
isensitiv7 Sensitive
ivar8 Air Temperature
ifile8 ascii value
idescr8 ºC
isensitiv8 Sensitive
ovar1 Fire danger index
ofile1 danger.img
odescr1 Map with zones of categorical fire risk (ordinal)
ovar2 Rate of spread
ofile2 spread.img
odescr2 Fire line propagation rate in m/min
ovar3 Fire line intensity
ofile3 flint.img
odescr3 Heat released per linear meter of the fire front.
ovar4 flame length
ofile4 fleng.img
odescr4 measured along the flame from base to tip
ovar5 Heat per unit area
ofile5 heat.img
odescr5 heat released per square meter of burned area
stat_meth The model behind FIREMAP is Rothermel's fire behaviour model (Rothermel 1972, 1983). This semi-empirical model quantifies the relation between heat source and heat sink, and translates this relation into a set of potencial fire behaviour characteristics. Basically, the model is mechanistic with an empirical relation in the calculation of heat source. In FIREMAP all these charcteristics are maintained in a spatially heterogeneous environment.
log_meth The final calculations of the fire risk map are totally rule-based. The rules applied consist of thresholds published in technical reports that are related to the difficulty of fire suppression.
scope The scope of FIREMAP is fire risk estimation at regional level, enabling the evaluation of alternative weather and fuel management scenarios. FIREMAP assumes homogeneity of conditions within each cell and it is limited to the prediction of surface fires.
other FIREMAP calculates fire characteristics for any spatial resolution desired. The appropriate scale of application depends on the type of problem at hand, and is determined by the spatial and temporal resolution of the available dataset.
contact Maria Vasconcelos