Example of HWIND output files


Example for Scots pine
Simulation year 1
Tree height 20.00 m
Diameter at breast height 20.00 cm
Crown height 8.00 m
Crown mass 74.49 kg
Crown width 4.96 m
Projected crown area 19.84 m**2
Projected stem area 2.47 m**2
Stem mass 248.32 kg
Green mass of roots 63.78 kg
Length of longest root 2.48 m
Maximum root depth 0.64 m
Root soil plate volume 4.09 m**3
Soil mass 6045.47 kg
Anchorage moment 26694.58 Nm
Modulus of rupture . 39.10 MPa
Wind (uproot) 13.00 m/s
Wind (stem breakage) 16.30 m/s
Turning moment by wind (uproot) 6253.25 Nm
Turning moment by wind (stem bre) 7682.66 Nm
Turning moment by weight (uproot) 1305.58 Nm
Turning moment by weight (stem b) 1614.28 Nm
Total turning moment (uproot) 7558.83 Nm
Total turning moment (stem break) 9296.94 Nm
Maximum x(z) (uproot) 1.31 m
Maximum x(z) (stem breakage) 1.62 m
Snow load 0.00 kg/tree
Gust factor 3.55
Gap factor 0.00
Notice: For simulation of many years/rotation, same information is included in file 6.dat but in horizontal format.


1 120201.00.424.960.642.48248743236460450.00
from left to right: simulation year (or case number), stand density, breast height diameter, tree height, taper, crown ratio, crown width, root-soil plate depth, longest root, stem mass, crown mass, stem plus crown mass, root mass, root-soil plate mass, snow weight (normally above values are usually given in two decimals)


119.50 0.01 0.740.740.750.093.6451.26
118.500.032.21 2.212.25 0.7510.91153.79
from left to right: simulation year (or case number), height above ground, stem projected area against wind, crown proj. area, streamlined crown area, stem+crown area, stem mass, crown mass, snow mass (given along whole tree height).


year zu(z)x(z)F1(z)F2(z) TF1(z)TF2(z) TF1+TF2
119.5012.881.3112.6023.40245.77 30.75276.52
118.5012.64 1.2237.1773.29687.6289.49777.11
from left to right: year, height above ground, windspeed, stem deflection, force due to wind, force due to gravity, turning moment due to wind, turning moment due to gravity and total turning moment due to wind and gravity.


Turning moment %
year zstem crownsnow loadwind load
119.50 0.000.14 1.98 1.98
118.50 0.030.39 5.52 5.41
from left to right: year, height above ground, turning moment % of stem weight at height z, and same information for crown weight, snow load and wind load, respectively.


year hgt dbh tdeesup10mbr10mupr br
1 1212 113.5713.3914.8014.60

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