organisation NRS
user_name Chris Quine
user_organisation Forestry Commission, Northern Research Station
date 4th August, 1997
description Explanation of data for entry into windthrow monitoring area spreadsheet
raster_vector sample plot data
operating_system WINDOWS 3.1 OR HIGHER ?
data_quality NO
  1. Recorder: (initials) 2 or 3 character string
  2. Date: 6 digits in reverse order
  3. Forest District: 2 character code
  4. Monitoring area: 2 character code
  5. Compartment number: 8 character string
  6. Sample plot number : 3 characters
  7. Grid Bearings (degrees): 6 characters
  8. Elevation (m?): 3 digits. (-99=missing value)
  9. Soil: 3 characters
  10. Peat Depth (cm): 3 digit integer (>1m=10)
  11. Slope angle (degrees): 2 digit integer
  12. Slope direction (degrees): 3 digit integer
  13. Cultivation type: 2 digit integer
    • 1=single mouldboard ploughing (smb)
    • 2=double mouldboard ploughing (dmb)
    • 3=spread turves
    • 4=direct notch plantin
    • 5=mounding
    • 6=smb/dmb
    • 7=smb/spread turves
    • 8=smb/direct notch
    • 9=dmb/direct notch
    • 10=spread turves/direct notch
    • 11=smb/spread turves/direct notch
    • 12=dmb/spread turves/direct notch
    • 13=other
  14. Current furrow depth (cm): 2 digit integer
  15. Original furrow depth (cm): 2 digit integer
  16. Furrow direction (degrees): 3 digit integer
  17. Furrow spacing (m): 4,2 digit decimal
  18. Species 1: 3 characters
  19. Species 2: 3 characters
  20. Thinning type: 1 digit integer
    • 0=no thin
    • 1=selective
    • 2=line
    • 3=chevron
    • 4=selective/line
    • 5=selective/chevron
    • 6=other
  21. Windthrow: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
    • 0=none
    • 1=within sight
    • 2=within 50m of plot
    • 4=within plot
  22. Plot location: 4 digit integer (sum of following)
    (Figures relate to within 5m of plot)
    • 1=drainside
    • 10=checked
    • 100=unplanted pocket
    • 1000=other (inc above>5m from plot)
  23. Drainage status: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
    • 1=dry ground
    • 2=wet ground 4=standing water
  24. Cause of damage: 4 digit integer. SAYS 2 DIGIT ON FAX
    • 1=drainage
    • 10=thinning
    • 100=related to plot location
    • 1000=other
  25. Age of windthrow: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
    • 1=>5 years
    • 2=1-5 years
    • 4=<1 year
  26. Additional info.(sum of)
    • 0=none recorded
    • 1=info recorded
    • 2=adjusted planting year
  27. Plot size (ha): 4,2 decimal
  28. Diameter of top height tree species 1 (cm): 4,1 decimal
  29. Diameter of top height tree species 2 (cm): 4,1 decimal
  30. Height of top height tree species 1(m): 4,1 decimal
  31. Height of top height tree species 2 (m): 4,1 decimal
  32. Original plant spacing in row (m): 4,2 decimal
  33. Original plant spacing between rows (m): 4,2 decimal
  34. P year: 2 digit integer
  35. Yield Class species 1: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
  36. Yield Class species 2: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
  37. Top Height Increment species 1: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
  38. Top height increment species 2: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
  39. Critical height 2 digit integer
  40. Soil Score. 4,1 decimal
  41. Elev Score. 4,1 decimal
  42. Wind Score. 4,1 decimal
  43. Topex Score. 4,1 decimal
  44. Total Score. 4,1 decimal
  45. Wind Hazard Class 1 digit integer
  46. Predicted Damage species 1: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
  47. Predicted Damage species 2: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
  48. Actual Damage species 1: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
  49. Actual Damage species 2: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
  50. Grid reference 1: 4 digit integer
  51. Gridrefrence 2: 4 digit integer
  52. Topex at 45 degree angles from North: 8 x 4,1 decimal
  53. Topex T 4,1 decimal
  54. Wind Zone 1 character
  55. 1/2 S/W dbh 2 digit integer
  56. Original stocking
  57. Ht/diameter species 1:
  58. Ht/diameter species 2:
  59. Windthrown trees of species 1/ha
  60. Current stocking of species 1/ha
  61. Windthrown trees of species 2/ha
  62. Current stocking of species 2/ha
  63. Total number of windthorwn trees/ha
  64. Windthrown basal area of species 1/ha
  65. Total basal area of species 1/ha
  66. Windthrown basal area of species 2/ha
  67. Total basal area of species 2/ha
  68. Windthrown basal area of both species/ha
  69. Total basal area of both psecies/ha
  70. WThCS1
  71. WThBA1
  72. WThCS2
  73. WThBA2
  74. WThrowCS
  75. WThrow BA
  76. PredWth1
  77. PredWth2
methods Measurement of trees within sample plots
copyright Forest Research
contact Chris Quine