attributes |
- Recorder: (initials) 2 or 3 character string
- Date: 6 digits in reverse order
- Forest District: 2 character code
- Monitoring area: 2 character code
- Compartment number: 8 character string
- Sample plot number : 3 characters
- Grid Bearings (degrees): 6 characters
- Elevation (m?): 3 digits. (-99=missing value)
- Soil: 3 characters
- Peat Depth (cm): 3 digit integer (>1m=10)
- Slope angle (degrees): 2 digit integer
- Slope direction (degrees): 3 digit integer
- Cultivation type: 2 digit integer
- 1=single mouldboard ploughing (smb)
- 2=double mouldboard ploughing (dmb)
- 3=spread turves
- 4=direct notch plantin
- 5=mounding
- 6=smb/dmb
- 7=smb/spread turves
- 8=smb/direct notch
- 9=dmb/direct notch
- 10=spread turves/direct notch
- 11=smb/spread turves/direct notch
- 12=dmb/spread turves/direct notch
- 13=other
- Current furrow depth (cm): 2 digit integer
- Original furrow depth (cm): 2 digit integer
- Furrow direction (degrees): 3 digit integer
- Furrow spacing (m): 4,2 digit decimal
- Species 1: 3 characters
- Species 2: 3 characters
- Thinning type: 1 digit integer
- 0=no thin
- 1=selective
- 2=line
- 3=chevron
- 4=selective/line
- 5=selective/chevron
- 6=other
- Windthrow: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
- 0=none
- 1=within sight
- 2=within 50m of plot
- 4=within plot
- Plot location: 4 digit integer (sum of following)
(Figures relate to within 5m of plot)
- 1=drainside
- 10=checked
- 100=unplanted pocket
- 1000=other (inc above>5m from plot)
- Drainage status: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
- 1=dry ground
- 2=wet ground
4=standing water
- Cause of damage: 4 digit integer. SAYS 2 DIGIT ON FAX
- 1=drainage
- 10=thinning
- 100=related to plot location
- 1000=other
- Age of windthrow: 1 digit integer (sum of following)
- 1=>5 years
- 2=1-5 years
- 4=<1 year
- Additional info.(sum of)
- 0=none recorded
- 1=info recorded
- 2=adjusted planting year
- Plot size (ha): 4,2 decimal
- Diameter of top height tree species 1 (cm): 4,1 decimal
- Diameter of top height tree species 2 (cm): 4,1 decimal
- Height of top height tree species 1(m): 4,1 decimal
- Height of top height tree species 2 (m): 4,1 decimal
- Original plant spacing in row (m): 4,2 decimal
- Original plant spacing between rows (m): 4,2 decimal
- P year: 2 digit integer
- Yield Class species 1: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
- Yield Class species 2: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
- Top Height Increment species 1: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
- Top height increment species 2: 2 digit integer (checked=0, B=99)
- Critical height 2 digit integer
- Soil Score. 4,1 decimal
- Elev Score. 4,1 decimal
- Wind Score. 4,1 decimal
- Topex Score. 4,1 decimal
- Total Score. 4,1 decimal
- Wind Hazard Class 1 digit integer
- Predicted Damage species 1: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
- Predicted Damage species 2: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
- Actual Damage species 1: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
- Actual Damage species 2: (0=0, 1=C 2=T)
- Grid reference 1: 4 digit integer
- Gridrefrence 2: 4 digit integer
- Topex at 45 degree angles from North: 8 x 4,1 decimal
- Topex T 4,1 decimal
- Wind Zone 1 character
- 1/2 S/W dbh 2 digit integer
- Original stocking
- Ht/diameter species 1:
- Ht/diameter species 2:
- Windthrown trees of species 1/ha
- Current stocking of species 1/ha
- Windthrown trees of species 2/ha
- Current stocking of species 2/ha
- Total number of windthorwn trees/ha
- Windthrown basal area of species 1/ha
- Total basal area of species 1/ha
- Windthrown basal area of species 2/ha
- Total basal area of species 2/ha
- Windthrown basal area of both species/ha
- Total basal area of both psecies/ha
- WThCS1
- WThBA1
- WThCS2
- WThBA2
- WThrowCS
- WThrow BA
- PredWth1
- PredWth2