AAIR Project No PL 94-2392


Organisation Name
Your name
Model Name
New/additional information or modifications?
The name and address of your organisation
Description of Model A short summary describing the essential elements of the model
Software used to program and run model software package and/or programming language used
Platform and Operating System Platform and system on which model runs.
Summary Comments on Input parameters
Input Sample File(s) First few lines of specimen input file(s) and headers showing format
Explanation of Input Sample File format(s)
Summary Comments on Constant parameters
Constant Sample File(s) (if any) First few lines of specimen input file(s) and headers showing format
Explanation of Constant Sample File format(s)
Summary Comments on output parameters
Output Sample File First few lines of specimen output file(s) and headers showing format
Explanation of Output Sample File format
Copyright information
Contact person

When completed submit the form for processing by pressing the button below.

Marianne Broadgate - m.broadgate@macaulay.ac.uk

Last modified: Wed Mar 12 16:01:34 GMT 1997

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