AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

2. Results of current study:

The results of nine such tests are summarised in table 5.

2) Dynamic testing:

The main results are given below:

  1. Laboratory Testing:

To date laboratory testing has been limited mainly to classification testing. The following section outlines the main findings to date:

  1. Natural moisture content

This was determined to be as folows on the 20th April 1996.

Topsoil, Wn = 49.11%

Gleysol, Wn = 33.3%

  1. Atterberg Limits

Tosoil; Plastic Limit = 46%

Liquid Limit = 77.2%

This gives a value for the plasticity index of
Ip = 31.2%

  1. Gleysol: Plastic Limit = 27.9%

Liquid Limit = 52.8
Therefore Ip = 24.9%

  1. Estimates of in-situ density

The in-situ density of the Ballyfarnon soil was estimated by taking good quality samples using Pf suction sample tubes. Results in Table 6.