AAIR Project No PL 94-2392
Silvicultural strategies for predicting damage to forests from wind, fire and snow.
AAIR Meeting Minutes from Finland
Present at Meeting
- Joensuu
- Seppo Kellomaki
- Ari Talkkari
- Heli Peltola
- Aberdeen
- Andrew Cameron
- Roger Dunham
- Chris Quine
- Barry Gardiner
- Richard Aspinall
- David Miller
- Florestal
- Umea
- Erik Valinger
- Jonas Fridman
- Galway
- Angela Casey
- Diarmid Riley
- Visiting Scientists
- Brian Lees, Canberra
- Frank Telewski, Michigan
Activities of the Meeting
The meeting comprised the following activities (not in chron. order)
- Welcome to Finland and statement of the objectives of the meeting by
the coordinator, Seppo Kellomaki. These were to discuss recent
progress, sort out administrative and technical matters arising, plan
the coming 6 months work programme, and view the work of the Joensuu
team. he also passed on the views of Dr Arabatzis who was disappointed
not to be able to attend in person but was gernerally pleased wiht the
progress of the project to date.
- Two administrative sessions in Tampere to review organisational task
- A technical session in Tampere to review results from specific task
- A visit to the faculty of Forestry, University of Joensuu to view
computer models demonstrated by Heli Peltola, Ari Talkkari and Seppo
- A visit to the Mekrijarvi field station for demonstrations of tree
swaying measurements, tree-pulling, climate change studie and a forest
equivalent to the Task 7 test area.
The action points emerging from these discussions are summarised as
general and by Task below, with a note of the participants required to
take action. Where the qaction is to be taken by a group I have just
listed the participant number; where the action is for an individual I
have named them. I have numbered action points sequentially from those
of the Lisbon meeting so that they can be referred to easily in
correspondence or at subsequent meetings (e.g. as Action Point 18 of
Tampere meeting).
Sub task 1.1
The report for Task 1 had been ciculated but it was now agreed that
there was merit in keeping this document as a dynamic plan throughout
the life of the project. Revision of it would then become a standard
item at future progress meetings. After the next set of revisions a
ring-bound opy would be produced to facilitate ammendments.
Participants should check through the existing copy and let David Miller
know of corrections required e.g. software changes, data availability
ACTION 17 All participants to provide D MILLER with
comments (including nil return) by 15.9.95.
ACTION 18 D MILLER to produce ring bound copy by March
Participant 2 will collate methodologies, protocols etc by 12 months
ACTION 19 PARTICIPANTS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 to forward field methodologies by 1.1.96.
ACTION 20 PARTICIPANT 2 to circulate collated protocol by 1.3.95.
Sub task 2.1
Further field work was to be undertaken and sites would be required in
1996. Potential additional collaboration was identified with Oxford
University (Dr Colin Wood) to allow field measurements to be compared
against a mechanical model of breakage/overturning.
ACTION 21 B GARDINER to provide R DUNHAM with copy of Oxford Model
Sub task 2.3
Participant 4 has created a database of existing data on static tree
pulling and dynamic tree sway. Data will now be provided by
Participants 01 and 08.
ACTION 22 PARTICIPANTS 01 and 08 to provide data
to B GARDINER by 1.1.96
Progress was occurring but no specific action points were noted.
Progress was occurring but no specific action points were noted.
Sub task 5.1
Participant 07 will continue to seek additional funding to permit
involvement of Mikaell Ottoson. In the meantime he will define the
range of temperature/windspeed believed to be of significance in snow
damage events.
ACTION 23 E VALINGER/M OTTOSON to define climatic
features by 1.12.95.
Sub task 5.2
There was a need to summarise data being compiled and MLURI would
consider the need to ciculate a questionnaire on metadata.
ACTION 24 PARTICIPANT 05 to circulate appropriate
form by 15.3.96.
No specific action. Marianne Broadgate had been appointed to MLURI to
work on this task with effect from 1.9.95.
No specific action.
WWW pages had been established as had the e-mail server. Any problems
shoud be referred to Alistair Law at MLURI.
Other Action Points (not task specific)
It was agreed that for future progress reports the Task Leaders would be
responsible for producing a brief task report for incorporation into the
consolidated report by the coordinator; this would summarise expected
and completed progress and provide an explanation by sub-task. For this
to be possible each Participant must forward the relevant subtask report
to the task leader as well as send their participants report direct to
the coordinator. The coordinator would consider a template for task
reports and issue a timetable for all contributions for the next report;
note that the 12 month report will require a cost statement.
ACTION 25 S KELLOMAKI to identify timetable and
contents for 12 month report by 30.9.95.
ACTION 26 ALL PARTICIPANTS to provide task leaders
with necessary information at time of next report.
There were opportunities for exchange of students and scientists between
institutes particularly as a number e.g. Joensuu were in areas
categorised as Less-Developed and therefore favoured mobility allowances
from the EU.
ACTION 27 ALL PARTICIPANTS to consider opportunities
for such exchanges.
- This was established and would be extended over the next few months.
- After much debate, largely in the context of the leaflet (see below)
it was agreed to call the group the WSFS group - standing for the Wind,
Snow, Fire and Silviculture group.
- We discussed the need for a leaflet and the format, contents
and the means of production. It was agreed to produce a folded A4
flyer in two colours that summarises the tasks and those involved.
The initial text would be in English - if individual participants
subsequently wished to translate it into another language this would
be possible and a further print run organised.
ACTION 28 ALL PARTICIPANTS to look for appropriate
linework and task descriptions to send to D MILLER by 30.9.95.
ACTION 29 D MILLER to get mock-ups of two logos (map
or triangle) proposed and circulate for comment by 30.10.95.
ACTION 30 D MILLER and C QUINE to produce revised
text by 30.10.95 and organise print run by 31.12.95.
After the initial leaflet there would be scope for a summary of results
in the form of A4 or similar booklet (e.g. Joensuu Faculty of Forestry
Research Notes). The would be discussed at the March 1996 Meeting.
A meeting of the IUFRO working group S1.03.04 in Tampere had agreed that
a follow up to the Edinburgh conference (proceedings just published) be
held in summer 1998 in Joensuu, Finland. This would provide an ideal
forum to report progress of this project to an international audience -
and indeed we hoped it might attract further EU support. Further
details would now be defined and the meeting advertised in literature.
It would be helpful if the presence of the IUFRO subject group could be
advertised in our world wide web page.
ACTION 31 C QUINE to produce text for WWW page by
30.9.95 and H PELTOLA to start planning conference in conjection with
It was agreed that the next meeting would be held in Britain with
arrival on 13.3.96 and departure on 17.3.96 - the programme would
include administrative meeting, ample time for technical discussion,
field visits. C Quine would identify arrangements but an early reply
from participants on numbers likely to attend would be appreciated. It
was agreed that the coordinator would invite Dr Arabazis from Brussels.
ACTION 32 ALL PARTICIPANTS to inform C QUINE of likelihood of attendance
by 30.9.95.
ACTION 33 S KELLOMAKI to invite Dr Arabatzis.
Minutes prepared by C P Quine Wed Aug 16 1995