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Further information


AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Example Meta Data Form for EU Project data exchange

Source: Marianne Broadgate, MLURI
DATE: 24/10/95

organisation MLURI
user_name S. McLeay
user_organisation Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Aberdeen AB9 2QJ
date 30th April 1996
data_set_name Scottish 1:25 000 Soil Survey Maps
data_date Continuous mapping 1930's-1970's
description Scottish soils 1:25 000 polygon vector data set. Produced by MLURI, UK. 1994-96. Extent limited to lowland and agricultural areas with some exceptions.
raster_vector vector
filename Filenaming convention is based on Ordnance Survey tile identification codes. For example: nj74soil.e00 for 10X10km tiles; NTSE.e00 for 50X50km tiles.
software Digitising using PC based package TYDIG (module of SPANS GIS package from Tydac technologies), followed by transfer to ARC/INFO Version 7. Output as ARC/INFO Export files.
formats ARC export and ARC generate
operating_system PC MS-DOS 5
format ARC/INFO Export file standard
projection UK National Grid
data_quality N
attributes 3 attribute codes: 'code' - 7 digit number (combination of series and phase codes) 'series' - 4 or 5 digit number (first 2 or 3 digits indicate association codes, remaining 2 are series codes) 'phase' - additional information relating to soil characteristics
methods Forms a hierarchical classification: Association: groups soils formed similar parent materials Series: different major soil subgroups within associations Association and Series both named after localities and converted to numeric codes (see above) Phase: specific features of interest for a limited number of soil series
other MLURI holds a soils attribute data base within ORACLE RDBMS listing information on the soils, soil profiles etc. with codes linked to the polygon vector soils map data. The 1: 25 000 scale soils data was digitised from clean copy, published and unpublished, uncoloured soils maps which were used in the compilation of the 1:63 360 colour map series.
copyright Soils: MLURI, Aberdeen, UK. Coastlines and Lochs: Crown Copyright, HMSO, UK.
contact A.D.Moir Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB9 2QJ email: