Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai Visit This page has been mothballed.

It is no longer being updated but we've left it here for reference.

Further information


AAIR Project No PL 94-2392


Meta Data Form for Project Data Exchange

Please indicate the name of your organisation
and enter the following information
Name Your name
Organisation The name and address of the data-holding organisation
Date Todays date
Data set name Name or title of the dataset
Date of data Dates that data were recorded
Description of data set A short summary describing the essential elements of the data set (e.g. European Land Use Database - digital 10 minute Pan-European data set distinguishing 7 land use categories. Data consists of land use polygons and statistical sources).
Raster or vector? Is the dataset in raster or vector form
Filename(s) Names of the file or set of files which comprise the data set including extensions.
Software used to output digital data Software packages used in data capture, processing and output, including the order in which they were used and the version numbers (the software which produced the final version is the minimum requirement for this field).
Formats which can be handled The source organisation may have several software packages which can be employed to convert a dataset to a format more appropriate to the user than the standard format in which the data is generally provided.
Operating System(s)
The operating system or systems and their version numbers from which the data was output, including the operating system running the software used for data capture or generation.<>
Format of data The format of the data (e.g. dxf, ARC/INFO export, ...).
Projection system and parameters
The coordinate system of the data, the units and the projection parameters (e.g. Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic. Parameters: Central Meridian, Standard Parallels, Origin of projection, false eastings and northings, projection spheroid).
Data quality source information available? (Y/N) To indicate whether or not data quality information is available or not
Resolution Minimum measurable distance or pixel size. This refers not to the number of decimal points with which coordinates are recorded in the file, but to the size of objects and distances which can be reasonably represented on the map. A mapscale of 1:10 000 for example would imply perhaps a minimum measurable distance of 1mm on the map which would equate to 100 metres on the ground. Quoting the original mapscale may be sufficient. In addition to this, however, there may be an understanding that because of the way the map was made, a working resolution may not be as good as 100 metres. This should also be noted.
Attribute code meanings
Explicit explanations of attribute codes. If these are extensive it may be necessary to cite a file name which contains this information (e.g. SS = Sitka Spruce).
Methods of data and attribute derivation If measurements were made what instruments were used (with what accuracy) and if attributes were classified what classification system was used.
Other information which is important to the full understanding of the dataset This would include, for example, the fact that the original paper map which was digitised was an amalgamation of several other maps derived from different sources in the 1950's, and there may be differences between areas of the map reflecting individual interpretational preferences.
Copyright information Any copyright information about the data that would restrict its use or the liability of individuals who use it without a license.
Contact person The name, address and contact numbers of the person to whom queries about the data should be directed, who has good knowledge of both the data and the method by which the digital version was derived.

When completed submit the form for processing by pressing the button below.

Alistair Law -

Last modified: Wed Jan 24 17:33:07 1996

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