IUFRO RESEARCH GROUP S8.03 Environmental influences
IUFRO WORKING PARTY S8.03.04 Impact of winds on forests
Second Circular - Call for Papers
IUFRO 1998 Conference on
Time: 10-14 AUGUST 1998
Location: Hotel Kimmel, Itäranta 1, Joensuu, Finland
Organizer: University of Joensuu
Welcome to the IUFRO 1998 Conference on Wind and other Abiotic Risks to Forests in
Joensuu, Finland. The themes of the coming IUFRO conference are Wind and other Abiotic
Risks to Forests. The Conference aims to:
- review progress in the scientific understanding of the effects of wind in forests since the
IUFRO Wind and Trees conference in Edinburgh in 1993.
- explore integration of the assessment of the effects of wind with that of other abiotic agents
such as snow, fire, frost, drought.
- consider the degree to which such understanding can be incorporated into the management of
forests through risk assessment and decision support systems.
Participants from all relevant disciplines are welcome; i.e. wind, snow, fire, frost, drought,
abiotic agents, forest damage, forest management strategies, and risk assessment. The meeting
is likely to be of particular interest to research scientists (e.g. climatologists, meteorologists,
silviculturists, forest ecologists, soil scientists, economists) and research managers in these
Organising Committees
Local Organising Committee
Dr Heli Peltola, Chairman of the Conference, University of Joensuu, Finland
Prof Seppo Kellomaki, University of Joensuu, Finland
Prof Taneli Kolstrom, University of Joensuu, Finland
Technical Programme Committee
Mr Chris Quine, Chairman of the Committee, Forestry Commission Research Agency, Scotland
Dr Heli Peltola, Chairman of the Conference, University of Joensuu, Finland
Dr Barry Gardiner , Forestry Commission Research Agency, Scotland
Mr John Moore, FRI(NZ)Ltd, New Zealand
Dr Jean-Claude Ruel, Université Laval, Canada
Dr Reinhard Lassig, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research,
The Conference Programme Monday 10 -Friday 14 August 1998
Sunday, 9 August
Registration and Get-together party
Monday, 10 August
Registration continues
Welcome and Introductory Addressess
Session I: Forest Meteorology - Understanding the abiotic agent
Climatology - climate extremes, modelling, airflow models, forest meteorology
Keynote lecture: Dr Xuhui Lee, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale
Session II: Tree Biomechanics - Understanding the tree response (part A)
Fundamentals/Mechanics - tree models, tree characteristics
Keynote lecture: Prof Hanns-Christof Spatz, Institute for Biology, University of Freiburg
Tuesday, 11 August
Session II: Tree Biomechanics - Understanding the tree response (part B)
Poster session with presentations (Sessions I-IV)
Wednesday, 12 August
Conference Field trip and Conference Dinner at Koli National Park
Thursday, 13 August
Session III: Forest Ecology - Understanding the effects on the forest
Forest ecology and silviculture - forest characteristics, disturbance and damage studies
Keynote lecture: Dr Nina Ulanova, Dept of Geobotany, Moscow State University
Friday, 14 August
Session IV: Quantifying the risk to managed forests and managing the forest to
mitigate the effects
Risk assessment - development of risk assessment models, decision support systems
Keynote lecture: Dr Barry Gardiner, Forestry Commission Research Agency
Development of risk - minimising strategies, use of assessments to change forest
management, case studies
Keynote lecture: Mr Chris Quine, Forestry Commission Research Agency
The oral presentations will be organized into thematic sessions. The length of the oral
presentation including discussion will be 30 minutes, and for keynote speakers 45 minutes.
Poster presentations will be presented in a special poster session, but posters will also be
displayed during the entire conference. Due to practical reasons, the number of papers to be
presented orally is limited. All those whose paper has not been selected as a voluntary paper will
have the opportunity to present their contribution in the poster session. However, papers and
posters will be treated on an equal basis when submitted as full scientific paper to be published
in the refereed proceedings of the Conference þWind and other Abiotic Risks to Forestsþ in the
special edition of an International Scientific Journal (to be confirmed in 3rd Circular, March
Call for Papers
Participants are asked to prepare abstracts of their papers (1-2 pages long) and submit them by
30 October 1997 at the latest. Abstracts should be sent in digital form if possible (e-mail or
floppy disc) using format of ASCII text or Wordperfect 5.1 (dos) or Word 6.0 with font size of
12. Abstracts may however also be submitted in paper form. Please use following layout for the
abstract: title, name, affiliation, address including email, text.
Participants will be notified by end of February 1998 whether their submission has been
accepted for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts of accepted papers will be compiled and
distributed at the registration. Full text of papers to be considered for publication in the journal
must be available within one month of the end of the conference.
General Information and Plans for the Third Circular
Detailed information about the key-note speakers (as well as other voluntary speakers selected),
conference fee (approximately 2000-2500 FIM), hotel accomodation, field trip, travelling and the
publication of papers (submission dates and other instructions) will be given in a Third Circular
to be distributed in March 1998 to all preregistered participants. However, here is some
preliminary information:
- Conference fee will cover the scientific programme, Conference abstracts and one copy of the
proceedings of the Conference, lunches and refreshments during the Conference and the
Conference Field trip with the Conference dinner at Koli National Park.
- The Conference venue will be Hotel Kimmel in Joensuu, where the accomodation in a single
room will be approximately 390 FIM/day/person and in a double room 260 FIM/day/person. In
the Third Circular you will be asked to make final reservation and give special dietary
requirements for Hotel Kimmel.
- The provisional themes for the Field trip on the third day of the conference are as follows:
Forestry in Finland, Silvicultural strategies of the local enterprise and environmentally sound
forest industry, wind and other abiotic risks to forests in Finland, and visit to Koli National
- Joensuu is the capital of the province of North-Karelia, situated in Eastern Finland and the
distance from Helsinki to Joensuu is 440 km. There are direct flights daily from Helsinki to
Joensuu and several trains from Helsinki to Joensuu via Kouvola and Lappeenranta. You will
also find more information on plane, train and bus schedules on the separate sheet enclosed in
Third Circular.
Important dates
October 30, 1997 Submission of abstracts
February 28, 1998 Acceptance of submitted papers
March 31, 1998 Distribution of third circular
May 31, 1998 Final registration and payments; hotel reservations made after this date
cannot be guaranteed
August 31, 1998 Submission of full scientific papers at the refereed proceedings
Submission of paper and expression of further interest (provisional registration).
Please post, E-mail, or fax this form with your abstract or (if you do not intend to present a
paper) to register continuing interest in attending the conference. We would appreciate a reply
by 30th October 1997. Further information will be sent to respondents in March 1998.
Submission of abstract and provisional registration form
Last name:
First name:
Tel. no (including country code):
Fax no (including country code):
I am interested in attending (yes/no):
I am interested in presenting (oral presentation/poster presentation/either):
Title for the presentation:
Session of conference most appropriate for this presentation:
I am interested in submitting a manuscript of my presentation for publication in a refereed
Abstract attached:
Preliminary Accomodation Info for Hotel Kimmel
I am interested in having a single room/ double/ twin* room:
* I plan to share with.............................
Please return this form as soon as possible to:
Dr Heli Peltola, Conference Chairman
University of Joensuu,
Faculty of Forestry,
P.O. Box 101, FIN-80101 Joensuu,
Email: hpeltola@forest.joensuu.fi
Fax: +358 13 251 4444
Phone: +358 40 588 0005.
For more information please contact the Conference Chairman. Information on this conference
will also be advertised on
- the IUFRO WWW site: http://iufro.boku.ac.at/
- Joensuu University/ Heli Peltola's home pages: http://gis.joensuu.fi/staff/person/peltola.html