PREDICTING RECOVERY IN ACIDIFIED FRESHWATERS BY THE YEAR 2010, AND BEYONDContract EVK1-1999-00087 - RECOVER:2010 Part of the 'Sustainable Management and Quality of Water' Ecosystem Functioning Directorate General Research |
A Review of Abatement Strategies
and National Emission Ceilings
Contribution of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) to the RECOVER2010 project
Wolfgang Schöpp, Janusz Cofala, Zbigniew Klimont
Table of Contents
Energy Projections |
Projections of Agricultural Livestock |
Emission Control Policies |
Emissions Resulting from Current Legislation and the Gothenburg Protocol |
The Commission's Proposal |
Comparison with the ShAIR Scenario |
The Common Position of the EU Council on the NEC Directive |
RECOVER2010 aims at an assessment of the dynamics of acidification processes in the environment. Acidification of ecosystems is a long process extending over time periods of several decades, significantly exceeding the time window for which actual monitoring data are available. Consequently, an attempt is made to construct sufficiently long time series of sulfur and nitrogen deposition over Europe based on model calculations. An obvious input for calculating acid deposition is the temporal development of emissions throughout Europe.
As a first contribution to the RECOVER2010 project, IIASA' estimated emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3) for the time period 1990 to 2020. This analysis is based on the latest projection of economic activities and energy consumption developed within the Shared Analysis Project of DG Energy of the European Commission and includes emission control measures that are implied by the proposal for a Directive on National Emission Ceilings (COM(99) 125). Finally, the analysis evaluates the Common Position reached by the Council on the proposed Emission Ceilings Directive and the impacts of emissions if Central and Eastern European countries, when joining the European Union, would harmonize their emission related legislation with that of the EU.
2. Methodology
The study uses IIASA's integrated assessment model RAINS (Amann et al., 1999b) and its databases for estimating future emissions. The RAINS model provides a consistent framework for the analysis of emission reduction strategies in the European context. RAINS focuses on acidification, eutrophication and tropospheric ozone. The pressures that affect environmental indicators relevant for the above impacts are caused by the emissions of gaseous pollutants to the atmosphere, i.e., sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ammonia (NH3). The major sources of SO2 and NOx emissions are fuel combustion in power plants, other industry, transport and in the tertiary (residential and commercial) sectors. Ammonia emissions originate mainly from agricultural activities (livestock, fertilizer use). RAINS comprises modules for emission generation (with databases on current and future economic activities, energy consumption levels, fuel characteristics, etc.), for emission control options and costs, for atmospheric dispersion of pollutants and for environmental sensitivities (i.e., databases on critical loads). A description of the individual modules of RAINS and its database, together with a simplified version of the impact module that enables on-line calculations of the environmental impacts of user-defined emission scenarios is available on the Internet (
The RAINS model incorporates databases on economic activities relevant for the calculations of emission levels. These include forecasts of energy consumption, data on agricultural activities (development of livestock), and other types of aggregated data on future economic development (GDP, industrial production). Data is stored for 38 regions in Europe and the information is rather detailed. For instance, the energy database of RAINS distinguishes 22 categories of fuel use in six economic sectors (Bertok et al., 1993). The time horizon extends from the year 1990 up to 2020. For the year 1990 emissions of SO2, NOx, NH3 and VOC are estimated based on information collected by the CORINAIR inventory of the European Environment Agency (EEA, 2000) and on national information. Options and costs for controlling emissions of the various substances are represented in the model by considering the characteristic technical and economic features of the most important emission reduction options and technologies. For sulfur and nitrogen compounds atmospheric dispersion processes over Europe are modeled based on results of the European EMEP model developed at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Barret and Sandnes, 1996).
The RAINS model can be operated in the 'scenario analysis' mode, i.e., following the pathways of emissions from their sources to their environmental impacts. In this case the model provides estimates of regional costs and environmental benefits of pre-defined emission control strategies. Alternatively, an 'optimization mode' is available. The optimization capability of RAINS enables the development of multi-pollutant, multi-effect pollution control strategies. Several strategies have been analyzed when preparing the proposal of the Emission Ceilings Directive for the EU-15 and Gothenburg Protocol to the Convention on the Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Amann et al., 1998, 1999a, UN/ECE, 1999a).
RAINS estimates current and future levels of SO2, NOx, VOC and NH3 emissions based on information provided by the energy and economic scenario as exogenous input, and on emission factors derived from the CORINAIR emission inventory and national sources. Emission estimates are performed on a disaggregated level that is determined by the details available on economic, energy and agricultural projections. Although there is a large variety of options to control emissions, an integrated assessment model focusing on the pan-European scale has to restrict itself to a manageable number of typical abatement options in order to estimate future emission control potentials and costs. Consequently, RAINS identifies for each emission source category a limited list of characteristic control options and extrapolates the current operating experience to future years, taking into account the most important country- and situation-specific circumstances modifying the applicability and costs of the techniques. A list of emission control technologies included in RAINS, together with a description of the methodology adopted to estimate emission control costs and the parameters of the individual control technologies (efficiencies, unit costs) can be found in Cofala and Syri (1998a,b), Klimont et al. (1998), Klaassen (1991), and Klimont (1998).
3. The Shared Baseline (ShAIR) Emission Scenario up to the Year 2020
The baseline scenario compiles information available on energy projection, agricultural livestock and emission control policies as of October 2000. A more detailed description of all the underlying input data can be found in Cofala et. al. (2000).
This study relies on energy projections until the year 2020 supplied from a variety of sources. For the EU-15, projections are based on detailed work of the National Technical University of Athens for DG Energy within the Shared Analysis Project (EC, 1999b). Using a more generic method, the Shared Analysis project has also delivered scenarios for selected accession countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). For other non-EU countries, energy projections are based on data submitted by the governments to the UN/ECE and published in the UN/ECE Energy Database (UN/ECE, 1996). For the year 2010, these projections were updated by national experts in the process of reviewing the input data to the scenario calculations conducted for the negotiations on the Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication, and Ground-level Ozone under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (UN/ECE, 1999a). IIASA extrapolated the sectoral trends to the year 2020, preserving physical consistency of the energy flows within each country.
For the EU-15, the baseline energy scenario projects an increase in total energy consumption of 20 percent between 1990 and 2020. The demand for coal and oil decreases by 23 and 3 percent respectively. This decline is compensated by a rapid increase in the demand for natural gas (84 percent until 2020) and other fuels (nuclear, hydropower, renewable energy - plus 19 percent). Despite a continued improvement in the fuel economy of new cars and trucks, a 30 percent increase in total fuel demand is expected. For the accession countries, the scenario expects an increase in total energy demand by 17 percent. The demand for coal decreases by 34 percent and the demand for gas increases by 100 percent compared to the 1990 level. Fuel demand for mobile sources is projected to increase by 58 percent, mainly due to the rapid growth in private car use. For the other non-accession and non-EU countries, the energy projections imply an eight- percent drop in total primary energy consumption, mainly due to the a sharp decrease in energy use that occurred in the last 10 years in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Continued economic restructuring should allow further economic development while keeping the energy demand until 2020 below the 1990 level. The consumption of coal and oil by stationary sources is predicted to decrease by about 40 and 42 percent, respectively. Consumption of natural gas increases by 8 percent. Similar to the two previous groups of countries, the demand for transport fuels increases 26 percent over the period 1990-2020. This increase is particularly fast after the year 2010. In spite of a rapid increase in car ownership, the increase in the demand for motor fuels until 2010 is very limited because of a decrease in material and transport intensities in the former 'planned economy' countries. Thus, until 2010 the demand for goods transport remains below the 1990 level.
It must be stressed that the energy scenarios for individual countries are exogenous inputs to the RAINS model and does not specifically change due to constraints on emissions imposed by RAINS calculations.
Projections of Agricultural Livestock
Agricultural activities are a major source of ammonia (NH3) emissions, which in turn make a contribution to the acidification and eutrophication problem. Next to specific measures directed at limiting the emissions from livestock farming, the development of animal stock is an important determinant of future emissions. IIASA has compiled a set of forecasts on European agricultural activities (Table 4.5), based on national information as well as on the modeling work for the EU member states done with the ECAM (European Community Agricultural Model) model (Folmer et al., 1995). Forecasts used in this study until 2010 are identical with the forecasts used in the work on the EU National Emission Ceilings Directive (compare Amann et al., 1999a). The above study also includes forecasts of fertilizer consumption for the EU-15 based on a study by the European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association (EFMA, 1996a,b) (Table 4.6). Since projections for 2020 were not available, activity levels for that year were assumed to be identical with those for 2010.
The scenario captures emission control measures according to the present legislation in each country, thereby simulating the likely impacts of today's emission abatement regulations for the period after 2010. In order to reflect the 'dual-track' nature of European policy (emission standards for specific source categories and ceilings on national total emissions), the scenario first analyzes both approaches and selects then in a second step the more stringent result. The impacts of current (i.e., already in place or decided by the end of 1999) legislation were explored for each country for 2010 and 2020 and then compared with internationally announced target ceilings on national emissions for the year 2010. Such emission ceilings were taken from the Gothenburg Protocol to the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone (UN/ECE, 1999a).
For SO2 and NOx, the scenario is based on a detailed inventory of regulations on emission controls, taking into account the legislation in the individual European countries, the relevant Directives of the European Union (in particular the Large Combustion Plant Directive - LCPD (88/609/EEC), the Directives on Sulfur in Liquid Fuels (Directives 98/70/EC and 1999/32/EC) as well as the obligatory clauses regarding emission standards from the protocols under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. For instance, the Second Sulfur Protocol (UN/ECE, 1994a) requires emission control according to 'Best Available Technology' (BAT) for new plants. It also requires the reduction of the sulfur content in gas oil for stationary sources to 0.2 percent and to 0.05 percent if used as diesel fuel for road vehicles. An inventory of national and international emission standards in Europe can be found in Bouscaren & Bouchereau (1996). In addition, information on power plant emission standards has been taken from the survey of the IEA Coal Research (McConville, 1997). For countries of Central and Eastern Europe the environmental standards database developed by the Central European University (CEU, 1996) has also been used. All this information was updated based on recently published sources (e.g., UN/ECE. 1999b).
For the control of NOx and VOC emissions from mobile sources, the scenario considers the implementation of the current UN/ECE legislation as well as country-specific standards if stricter. For the Member States of the European Union the current EU standards for new cars, light commercial vehicles and heavy duty vehicles (HDV) have been taken into account: the Directives 70/220/EEC as amended by 96/69/EC, and 88/77/EEC as amended by 96/1/EC; see McArragher (1994). Additionally, the scenario takes into account Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 relating to the quality of petrol and diesel and amending Council Directive 93/12/EEC and Directive 98/69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 1998 relating to measures to be taken against air pollution from motor vehicles and amending Council Directive 70/220/EEC. The pace of the implementation of these measures depends on the turnover of vehicle stock and has been based on modeling work performed for the Auto/Oil 1 study.
For heavy duty vehicles, the post-2005 standards reflecting the Common Position reached in December 1998 between the European Parliament and the Council on amending the Directive 88/77/EEC (on the approximation of laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emissions of gaseous and particulate pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles) were introduced. The implementation of these standards is assumed in two stages (2005/2006 and 2008/2009).
Emissions Resulting from Current Legislation and the Gothenburg Protocol
Table.1, Table 2 and Table 3 present the "Current Legislation" (CLE) emissions achieved by the implementation of current standards in each country as estimated by the RAINS model and compare them with the obligations of the Gothenburg Protocol. In many cases the CLE emissions (i.e., those derived from the projected economic development and the present set of emission and fuel standards) are lower than the obligations of the Gothenburg Protocol. There are, however, other cases where present legislation would not achieve the Gothenburg target given the projected economic development and where additional measures will be necessary. For calculating the cost of additional measures it has been assumed that the emission ceilings will be achieved by the most cost-efficient control options that are still available in a country (according to the RAINS emission reduction cost curves).
Countries with stringent legislation expect a general decline of emissions between 2010 and 2020, mainly due to progressing replacement of existing plants with new equipment with stricter emission standards. For instance, in the EU-15 the CLE emissions of NOx decrease from 6.7 million tons in 2010 to 5.3 million tons in 2020. Similarly, the emissions of SO2 decrease from 4.9 to 3.4 million tons.
For the non-EU countries, the development of emissions is strongly depending on the stringency of emission standards on the one side and the volume of economic activity on the other. Continuing shift from high-sulfur coal to cleaner fuels and further penetration of flue gas desulfurization will lead to further cuts in SO2 emissions after 2010, while NOx emissions may increase due to fast growth in private transport and the absence of emission regulations for mobile sources in central and eastern European countries.
Table.1: Comparison of "Current Legislation" NOx emissions in Europe with emission ceilings from the Gothenburg Protocol (in kilotons).
Country |
1990 |
Protocol Ceiling NOx |
2010 |
2020 |
2010 |
2020 |
Austria |
192 |
98 |
107 |
107 |
98 |
81 |
Belgium |
351 |
169 |
181 |
181 |
169 |
141 |
Denmark |
274 |
141 |
127 |
127 |
127 |
105 |
Finland |
276 |
149 |
170 |
170 |
149 |
117 |
France |
1867 |
860 |
860 |
860 |
860 |
700 |
Germany |
2662 |
1092 |
1081 |
1081 |
1081 |
845 |
Greece |
345 |
342 |
344 |
344 |
342 |
293 |
Ireland |
113 |
79 |
65 |
65 |
65 |
58 |
Italy |
2037 |
1013 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
812 |
Luxembourg |
22 |
10 |
11 |
11 |
10 |
10 |
Netherlands |
542 |
247 |
266 |
266 |
247 |
218 |
Portugal |
303 |
259 |
260 |
260 |
259 |
191 |
Spain |
1162 |
847 |
847 |
847 |
847 |
623 |
Sweden |
338 |
189 |
148 |
148 |
148 |
148 |
UK |
2839 |
1198 |
1181 |
1181 |
1181 |
964 |
Total EU-15 |
13322 |
6693 |
6648 |
6648 |
6582 |
5305 |
Bulgaria |
355 |
297 |
266 |
266 |
266 |
266 |
Czech Rep. |
546 |
312 |
286 |
286 |
286 |
286 |
Estonia |
84 |
52 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
52 |
64 |
Hungary |
219 |
159 |
198 |
198 |
159 |
184 |
Latvia |
117 |
85 |
84 |
84 |
84 |
84 |
Lithuania |
153 |
98 |
110 |
110 |
98 |
110 |
Poland |
1217 |
728 |
879 |
879 |
728 |
719 |
Romania |
518 |
458 |
437 |
437 |
437 |
437 |
Slovakia |
219 |
132 |
130 |
130 |
130 |
130 |
Slovenia |
60 |
57 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
Total accession (**) |
3489 |
2377 |
2499 |
2499 |
2285 |
2324 |
Albania |
24 |
36 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
36 |
42 |
Belarus |
402 |
316 |
255 |
255 |
255 |
255 |
Bosnia-H. |
80 |
60 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
60 |
67 |
Croatia |
82 |
91 |
87 |
87 |
87 |
87 |
Norway |
220 |
178 |
156 |
156 |
156 |
156 |
Moldova |
87 |
66 |
90 |
90 |
66 |
64 |
Russia (*) |
3486 |
2798 |
2653 |
2653 |
2653 |
2653 |
Switzerland |
163 |
79 |
79 |
79 |
79 |
70 |
FYR Macedonia |
39 |
29 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
29 |
30 |
Ukraine |
1888 |
1433 |
1222 |
1222 |
1222 |
1222 |
Yugoslavia |
211 |
152 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
152 |
163 |
Total other (**) |
6681 |
5238 |
4843 |
4843 |
4794 |
4808 |
TOTAL (***) |
25134 |
15950 |
15633 |
15633 |
15304 |
14080 |
(*) For Russia the Protocol specifies only the emission ceilings for the so-called Pollutant Emissions Management Area (PEMA). Values given in the table are for the European part of Russia within the EMEP area as used in the calculations for the preparation of the Protocol.
(**) For calculating totals in columns "Protocol ceiling" the missing values (n.a.) were replaced with higher value of CLE emissions for 2010 or 2020.
(***) TOTAL includes also emissions of SO2 and NOx from sea traffic within the EMEP area.
Table 2: Comparison of "Current Legislation" SO2 emissions in Europe with emission ceilings from the Gothenburg Protocol (in kilotons).
Country |
1990 |
Protocol Ceiling SO2 |
2010 |
2020 |
2010 |
2020 |
Austria |
93 |
39 |
40 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
Belgium |
336 |
171 |
152 |
106 |
106 |
106 |
Denmark |
182 |
146 |
64 |
55 |
55 |
55 |
Finland |
226 |
137 |
128 |
116 |
116 |
116 |
France |
1250 |
574 |
454 |
400 |
400 |
400 |
Germany |
5280 |
518 |
486 |
550 |
518 |
486 |
Greece |
504 |
508 |
439 |
546 |
508 |
439 |
Ireland |
178 |
119 |
76 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
Italy |
1679 |
381 |
255 |
500 |
381 |
255 |
Luxembourg |
14 |
8 |
7 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Netherlands |
201 |
76 |
81 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
Portugal |
343 |
195 |
181 |
170 |
170 |
170 |
Spain |
2189 |
999 |
405 |
774 |
774 |
405 |
Sweden |
117 |
65 |
61 |
67 |
65 |
61 |
UK |
3812 |
962 |
587 |
625 |
625 |
587 |
Total EU-15 |
16403 |
4897 |
3417 |
4044 |
3853 |
3216 |
Bulgaria |
1842 |
846 |
465 |
856 |
846 |
465 |
Czech Rep. |
1873 |
336 |
295 |
283 |
283 |
283 |
Estonia |
275 |
111 |
58 |
n.a. |
111 |
58 |
Hungary |
913 |
227 |
84 |
550 |
227 |
84 |
Latvia |
121 |
73 |
129 |
107 |
73 |
107 |
Lithuania |
213 |
73 |
72 |
145 |
73 |
72 |
Poland |
3001 |
1453 |
739 |
1397 |
1397 |
739 |
Romania |
1331 |
594 |
358 |
918 |
594 |
358 |
Slovakia |
548 |
137 |
96 |
110 |
110 |
96 |
Slovenia |
200 |
114 |
18 |
27 |
27 |
18 |
Total accession (**) |
10315 |
3964 |
2312 |
4504 |
3742 |
2279 |
Albania |
72 |
55 |
48 |
n.a. |
55 |
48 |
Belarus |
843 |
494 |
440 |
480 |
480 |
440 |
Bosnia-H. |
487 |
415 |
387 |
n.a. |
415 |
387 |
Croatia |
180 |
70 |
64 |
70 |
70 |
64 |
Norway |
52 |
32 |
32 |
22 |
22 |
22 |
Moldova |
197 |
117 |
102 |
135 |
117 |
102 |
Russia (*) |
5012 |
2344 |
1864 |
3902 |
2344 |
1864 |
Switzerland |
43 |
26 |
25 |
26 |
26 |
25 |
FYR Macedonia |
107 |
81 |
70 |
n.a. |
81 |
70 |
Ukraine |
3706 |
1506 |
1041 |
1457 |
1457 |
1041 |
Yugoslavia |
585 |
269 |
158 |
n.a. |
269 |
158 |
Total other (**) |
11284 |
5408 |
4231 |
6912 |
5335 |
4221 |
TOTAL (***) |
39167 |
15434 |
11125 |
16624 |
14094 |
10880 |
(*) For Russia the Protocol specifies only the emission ceilings for the so-called Pollutant Emissions Management Area (PEMA). Values given in the table are for the European part of Russia within the EMEP area as used in the calculations for the preparation of the Protocol.
(**) For calculating totals in columns "Protocol ceiling" the missing values (n.a.) were replaced with higher value of CLE emissions for 2010 or 2020.
(***) TOTAL includes also emissions of SO2 and NOx from sea traffic within the EMEP area.
Table 3: Comparison of "Current Legislation" NH3 emissions in Europe with emission ceilings from the Gothenburg Protocol (in kilotons).
Country |
1990 |
Protocol Ceiling NH3 |
2010 |
2020 |
2010 |
2020 |
Austria |
77 |
67 |
67 |
66 |
66 |
66 |
Belgium |
97 |
96 |
96 |
74 |
74 |
74 |
Denmark |
122 |
72 |
72 |
69 |
69 |
69 |
Finland |
40 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
31 |
France |
810 |
780 |
780 |
780 |
780 |
780 |
Germany |
757 |
571 |
571 |
550 |
550 |
550 |
Greece |
80 |
74 |
74 |
73 |
73 |
73 |
Ireland |
127 |
130 |
130 |
116 |
116 |
116 |
Italy |
462 |
432 |
432 |
419 |
419 |
419 |
Luxembourg |
7 |
9 |
9 |
7 |
7 |
7 |
Netherlands |
233 |
141 |
141 |
128 |
128 |
128 |
Portugal |
77 |
73 |
73 |
108 |
73 |
73 |
Spain |
352 |
383 |
383 |
353 |
353 |
353 |
Sweden |
61 |
61 |
61 |
57 |
57 |
57 |
UK |
329 |
297 |
297 |
297 |
297 |
297 |
Total EU-15 |
3631 |
3216 |
3216 |
3129 |
3093 |
3093 |
Bulgaria |
141 |
126 |
126 |
108 |
108 |
108 |
Czech Rep. |
107 |
108 |
108 |
101 |
101 |
101 |
Estonia |
29 |
29 |
29 |
n.a. |
29 |
29 |
Hungary |
120 |
137 |
137 |
90 |
90 |
90 |
Latvia |
43 |
35 |
35 |
44 |
35 |
35 |
Lithuania |
80 |
81 |
81 |
84 |
81 |
81 |
Poland |
505 |
541 |
541 |
468 |
468 |
468 |
Romania |
292 |
304 |
304 |
210 |
210 |
210 |
Slovakia |
60 |
47 |
47 |
39 |
39 |
39 |
Slovenia |
23 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
21 |
Total accession (**) |
1398 |
1427 |
1427 |
1193 |
1181 |
1181 |
Albania |
32 |
35 |
35 |
n.a. |
35 |
35 |
Belarus |
219 |
163 |
163 |
158 |
158 |
158 |
Bosnia-H. |
31 |
23 |
23 |
n.a. |
23 |
23 |
Croatia |
40 |
37 |
37 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
Norway |
23 |
21 |
21 |
23 |
21 |
21 |
Moldova |
47 |
48 |
48 |
42 |
42 |
42 |
Russia (*) |
1282 |
894 |
894 |
1179 |
894 |
894 |
Switzerland |
72 |
66 |
66 |
63 |
63 |
63 |
FYR Macedonia |
17 |
16 |
16 |
n.a. |
16 |
16 |
Ukraine |
729 |
649 |
649 |
592 |
592 |
592 |
Yugoslavia |
90 |
82 |
82 |
n.a. |
82 |
82 |
Total other (**) |
2582 |
2034 |
2034 |
2243 |
1956 |
1956 |
TOTAL (***) |
7611 |
6678 |
6678 |
6380 |
6231 |
6231 |
(*) For Russia the Protocol specifies only the emission ceilings for the so-called Pollutant Emissions Management Area (PEMA). Values given in the table are for the European part of Russia within the EMEP area as used in the calculations for the preparation of the Protocol.
(**) For calculating totals in columns "Protocol ceiling" the missing values (n.a.) were replaced with higher value of CLE emissions for 2010 or 2020.
(***) TOTAL includes also emissions of SO2 and NOx from sea traffic within the EMEP area.
4 The Proposed EU NEC Directive
In 1999 the European Commission proposed a Directive on National Emission Ceilings (NEC) for Certain Air Pollutants (COM(99)125) to limit the negative environmental impacts of acidification and ground-level ozone. The numerical values for the emission ceilings for the individual Member States were based on the findings of extensive analysis using the 'Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation' (RAINS) model developed by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. In iterative discussions between the Commission, the Member States and interested stakeholders, the RAINS model was used to find the internationally least-cost allocation of emission control measures for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and ammonia (NH3). At the same time, negotiations leading to a new Protocol to "Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone" under the UN/ECE CLRTAP were based on the same approach using the RAINS model as the main tool. The emission ceilings of the Commission's NEC proposal aim at achieving the following environmental targets:
For acidification:
The general target of the EU acidification strategy is to reduce in the year 2010 the area of ecosystems not protected against acidification everywhere by at least 50 percent compared to 1990. This results in about 4.3 million hectares of unprotected ecosystems in the EU15
In the optimization routine, a scenario based on a 95 percent gap closure of the accumulated excess acidity which achieves the 50 percent area gap closure target was implemented. In order to increase the cost-effectiveness of the scenario, so that single ecosystems might not demand excessively expensive measures, some spatial flexibility in achieving the overall target was introduced. A balancing mechanism now allows limited violation of the targets at single grid cells, as long as they are compensated by additional improvements (in terms of accumulated excess acidity) in other grid cells in the same country.
For health-relevant ozone exposure:
The principal interim target for moving towards the environmental long-term objective is a relative reduction of the AOT60 (the surrogate indicator for health-related excess ozone exposure) by two-thirds between 1990 and 2010.
In addition, highest excess ozone in the EU15 is addressed by introducing an absolute ceiling on the AOT60 of 2.9 ppm.hours.
For vegetation-relevant ozone exposure:
The general objective is to reduce the excess AOT40 (the indicator for vegetation-related excess ozone) by one third between 1990 and 2010.
In addition, the highest excess AOT40 in the EU15 is limited to an absolute ceiling of 10.0 ppm.hours.
Comparison with the ShAIR Scenario
The ShAIR scenario discussed in Section 3 is compared with the emission ceilings proposed by the European Commission. The two scenarios differ in the assumed levels of future economic activities (represented by different energy demand) as well as in the degree to which emission control measures are implemented. Whereas the EU98 scenario includes the "Business as Usual" energy pathways for the EU-15 (Capros et al., 1997) and the "Official Energy Pathways" for the accession countries (UN/ECE, 1996), the ShAIR energy projection is based on the results of the "Shared Analysis" project (Section 4). The "Shared Analysis" scenarios include projections for the EU and for seven accession countries.
The NEC scenario reflected environmental legislation (i.e., emission and fuel standards and emission ceilings from international treaties) decided or close to decision as of the end of 1997. A range of additional legal acts were introduced in 1998 and 1999, inter alia
In contrast to the NEC scenario, all these amendments are included in the ShAIR scenario.
Modified assumptions about energy development in the accession countries cause a four percent drop in the demand for primary energy. There are also important structural changes in the composition of fuels. Compared with the Official Energy Pathways included in the NEC case, the Shared Analysis scenario assumes 19 percent lower demand for coal, which is compensated by a 23 percent increase of natural gas. There is also an important difference in the demand for liquid fuels in transport sector. In the new ShAIR scenario it is 18 percent lower than in the NEC case. Therefore in general this leads to lower emissions for the ShAIR scenario.
Table 4 compares the differences in the emissions of atmospheric pollutants. For the EU-15, the (controlled) emissions of NOx in 2010 are in the NEC scenario 10 percent lower than in the ShAIR. The difference for SO2 and NH3 is 6, and 8 percent respectively. Lower emissions of ammonia are due to stricter environmental targets adopted in the Commission Proposal. Since the 2010 emissions in the NEC case were already quite reduced compared with the base year (1990) emissions, relative reductions are much lower if compared with 1990 emission levels. For instance, the difference in SO2 emissions between the NEC and the ShAIR is only six percent of 1990 emission level. It is worth noting the change in emissions for Portugal, which was caused by recent revisions of CORINAIR numbers for 1990. Higher base year emissions have also caused the increase of the Protocol ceilings for Portugal.
Also accession countries have lower emissions in the ShAIR scenario. The difference is 13 percent for NOx, 14 percent for percent for SO2, and 17 percent for NH3, respectively. These lower emissions are due to the lower energy demand and to the emission ceilings of the Gothenburg Protocol, which are stricter than the "Current Reduction Plans" at the time when the NEC scenario was developed.
Assumptions about the energy/agricultural development and about current legislation for the other, non-EU countries remained in principle unchanged compared with NEC. Thus the differences in the emission levels are mainly caused by the Gothenburg Protocol. Some Eastern European countries, and in particular in the countries of the former Soviet Union, accepted only higher emission ceilings in the Gothenburg Protocol than what was assumed for the "Current Reduction Plans" in 1997.
Table 4: Comparison of the emission estimates for 2010 between the NEC and the latest ShAIR scenarios, kilotons
Country |
NOx |
SO2 |
NH3 |
Austria |
91 |
98 |
40 |
39 |
67 |
66 |
Belgium |
127 |
169 |
76 |
106 |
57 |
74 |
Denmark |
127 |
127 |
77 |
55 |
71 |
69 |
Finland |
152 |
149 |
116 |
116 |
31 |
31 |
France |
679 |
860 |
218 |
400 |
718 |
780 |
Germany |
1051 |
1081 |
463 |
518 |
413 |
550 |
Greece |
264 |
342 |
546 |
508 |
74 |
73 |
Ireland |
59 |
65 |
28 |
42 |
123 |
116 |
Italy |
869 |
1000 |
566 |
381 |
430 |
419 |
Luxembourg |
8 |
10 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
7 |
Netherlands |
238 |
247 |
50 |
50 |
104 |
128 |
Portugal |
144 |
259 |
141 |
170 |
67 |
73 |
Spain |
781 |
847 |
746 |
774 |
353 |
353 |
Sweden |
152 |
148 |
67 |
65 |
48 |
57 |
UK |
1181 |
1181 |
497 |
625 |
264 |
297 |
Total EU-15 |
5923 |
6583 |
3634 |
3853 |
2827 |
3093 |
Bulgaria |
297 |
266 |
846 |
846 |
126 |
108 |
Czech Rep. |
296 |
286 |
366 |
283 |
108 |
101 |
Estonia |
73 |
52 |
175 |
111 |
29 |
29 |
Hungary |
198 |
159 |
546 |
227 |
137 |
90 |
Latvia |
118 |
84 |
104 |
73 |
35 |
35 |
Lithuania |
138 |
98 |
107 |
73 |
81 |
81 |
Poland |
879 |
728 |
1397 |
1397 |
541 |
468 |
Romania |
458 |
437 |
594 |
594 |
304 |
210 |
Slovakia |
132 |
130 |
137 |
110 |
47 |
39 |
Slovenia |
36 |
45 |
71 |
27 |
21 |
21 |
Total accession |
2625 |
2285 |
4343 |
3741 |
1429 |
1182 |
Albania |
36 |
36 |
55 |
55 |
35 |
35 |
Belarus |
316 |
255 |
494 |
480 |
163 |
158 |
Bosnia-H. |
60 |
60 |
415 |
415 |
23 |
23 |
Croatia |
91 |
87 |
70 |
70 |
37 |
30 |
Norway |
178 |
156 |
32 |
22 |
21 |
21 |
Moldova |
66 |
66 |
117 |
117 |
48 |
42 |
Russia |
2653 |
2653 |
2344 |
2344 |
894 |
894 |
Switzerland |
79 |
79 |
26 |
26 |
66 |
63 |
FYR Macedonia |
29 |
29 |
81 |
81 |
16 |
16 |
Ukraine |
1433 |
1222 |
1488 |
1457 |
649 |
592 |
Yugoslavia |
152 |
152 |
269 |
269 |
82 |
82 |
Total other |
5093 |
4795 |
5391 |
5336 |
2034 |
1956 |
13641 |
13663 |
13368 |
12930 |
6290 |
6231 |
The Common Position of the EU Council on the NEC Directive
In June 2000, the Council of the Environment Ministers reached a Common Position on the Commission's proposal for the NEC Directive (Council of The European Union (2000) 9806/00). While the Directive was generally supported, the Common Position specifies for a number of countries less ambitious emission ceilings than those proposed by the Commission. Emissions of the Common Position are given Table 5 and Table 6. In order to facilitate the assessment of the emission ceilings of the Common Position, these tables contain the differences to REF8 emissions, which are the levels achieved by implementing only current legislation and/or the Gothenburg protocol. The appropriate column (CP-REF8) indicates the additional emission required by the Common Position starting from the level of REF8. These tables also show the differences in emissions between the Common Position and the NEC scenario.
Table 5: Emissions of NOx and VOC for the Common Position (CP scenario) (emissions in kilotons, percentage changes relate to 1990)
NOx |
CP |
Change |
CP |
Change |
Austria |
103 |
-46% |
0 |
12 |
159 |
-55% |
0 |
30 |
Belgium |
176 |
-50% |
-5 |
49 |
139 |
-63% |
-5 |
37 |
Denmark |
127 |
-54% |
0 |
0 |
85 |
-53% |
0 |
0 |
Finland |
170 |
-38% |
18 |
18 |
130 |
-39% |
20 |
20 |
France |
810 |
-57% |
-48 |
131 |
1050 |
-56% |
-50 |
118 |
Germany |
1051 |
-61% |
-30 |
0 |
995 |
-68% |
0 |
71 |
Greece |
344 |
0% |
0 |
80 |
261 |
-22% |
0 |
88 |
Ireland |
65 |
-42% |
0 |
6 |
55 |
-50% |
0 |
0 |
Italy |
990 |
-51% |
-10 |
121 |
1159 |
-44% |
0 |
197 |
Luxembourg |
11 |
-50% |
1 |
3 |
9 |
-53% |
2 |
3 |
Netherlands |
260 |
-52% |
-6 |
22 |
185 |
-62% |
-6 |
29 |
Portugal |
250 |
-17% |
-5 |
106 |
180 |
-39% |
-22 |
78 |
Spain |
847 |
-27% |
0 |
66 |
662 |
-34% |
-7 |
0 |
Sweden |
148 |
-56% |
0 |
-4 |
241 |
-53% |
0 |
22 |
UK |
1167 |
-59% |
-14 |
-14 |
1200 |
-55% |
0 |
236 |
EU-15 |
6519 |
-51% |
-99 |
597 |
6510 |
-54% |
-67 |
929 |
Table 6: Emissions of SO2 and NH3 of the Common Position (CP scenario) (emissions in kilotons, percentage changes relate to 1990)
SO2 |
NH3 |
CP |
Change |
CP |
Change |
Austria |
39 |
-58% |
0 |
-1 |
66 |
-14% |
0 |
-1 |
Belgium |
99 |
-71% |
-7 |
23 |
74 |
-24% |
0 |
17 |
Denmark |
55 |
-70% |
0 |
-22 |
69 |
-43% |
0 |
-2 |
Finland |
110 |
-51% |
-6 |
-6 |
31 |
-23% |
0 |
0 |
France |
375 |
-70% |
-25 |
157 |
780 |
-4% |
0 |
62 |
Germany |
520 |
-90% |
-30 |
57 |
550 |
-27% |
0 |
137 |
Greece |
523 |
4% |
-23 |
-23 |
73 |
-9% |
0 |
-1 |
Ireland |
42 |
-76% |
0 |
14 |
116 |
-9% |
0 |
-7 |
Italy |
475 |
-72% |
-25 |
-91 |
419 |
-9% |
0 |
-11 |
Luxembourg |
4 |
-71% |
0 |
1 |
7 |
0% |
0 |
0 |
Netherlands |
50 |
-75% |
0 |
0 |
128 |
-45% |
0 |
24 |
Portugal |
160 |
-53% |
-10 |
19 |
90 |
17% |
17 |
23 |
Spain |
746 |
-66% |
-28 |
0 |
353 |
0% |
0 |
0 |
Sweden |
67 |
-44% |
0 |
0 |
57 |
-7% |
0 |
9 |
UK |
585 |
-85% |
-40 |
88 |
297 |
-10% |
0 |
33 |
EU-15 |
3850 |
-77% |
-194 |
213 |
3110 |
-14% |
17 |
284 |
5. The Approximation of Emission Standards in the Accession Countries to the EU Standards
This section explores the potential consequences of a harmonization of national environmental legislation in the accession countries with the EU regulations. Potential accession countries are grouped into 'first wave' (Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia) and 'second wave' countries (Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovak Republic), for which different compliance deadlines were assumed (2003 for the first wave and 2006 for the second wave countries).
The most important pieces of legislation that need to be adopted by the accession countries and that have an effect on the emissions of SO2, NOx and VOC are
In addition, as in the ShAIR scenario, it has been assumed that the emission ceilings from the Gothenburg Protocol to the Convention on LRTAP need to be achieved by all countries.
Table 7 to Table 8 compare the emissions of SO2, and NOx for the accession (ACC) scenario with those for the ShAIR. Approximation with the EU environmental legislation brings substantial benefits in terms of reduction of emission levels, especially in the longer-run. In 2020, NOx emissions will be 28 percent below the ShAIR level and SO2 12 percent. Since some standards need to be implemented only on new sources, the effects until 2010 are smaller. Nevertheless, even in 2010 NOx emissions are 8 percent and SO2 7 percent below the ShAIR levels. For NH3 emissions it is assumed that they will not be influenced by joining the EU.
Table 7: Change in NOx emissions caused by the accession (ACC) scenario, kilotons
Country |
1990 |
2010 |
2020 |
Change |
Change |
Bulgaria |
355 |
266 |
255 |
-4% |
266 |
179 |
-33% |
Czech Rep. |
546 |
286 |
286 |
0% |
286 |
261 |
-9% |
Estonia |
84 |
52 |
38 |
-26% |
64 |
26 |
-59% |
Hungary |
219 |
159 |
134 |
-16% |
184 |
111 |
-40% |
Latvia |
117 |
84 |
73 |
-13% |
84 |
56 |
-33% |
Lithuania |
153 |
98 |
84 |
-14% |
110 |
68 |
-38% |
Poland |
1217 |
728 |
672 |
-8% |
719 |
562 |
-22% |
Romania |
518 |
437 |
406 |
-7% |
437 |
301 |
-31% |
Slovakia |
219 |
130 |
118 |
-9% |
130 |
89 |
-31% |
Slovenia |
60 |
45 |
45 |
0% |
45 |
27 |
-41% |
Total |
3489 |
2285 |
2113 |
-8% |
2324 |
1679 |
-28% |
Table 8: Change in SO2 emissions caused by the Accession (ACC) scenario, kilotons
Country |
1990 |
2010 |
2020 |
Change |
Change |
Bulgaria |
1842 |
846 |
766 |
-9% |
465 |
390 |
-16% |
Czech Rep. |
1873 |
283 |
283 |
0% |
283 |
283 |
0% |
Estonia |
275 |
111 |
92 |
-17% |
58 |
38 |
-35% |
Hungary |
913 |
227 |
223 |
-2% |
84 |
79 |
-6% |
Latvia |
121 |
73 |
43 |
-42% |
107 |
63 |
-41% |
Lithuania |
213 |
73 |
47 |
-36% |
72 |
40 |
-44% |
Poland |
3001 |
1397 |
1397 |
0% |
739 |
714 |
-3% |
Romania |
1331 |
594 |
502 |
-15% |
358 |
281 |
-22% |
Slovakia |
548 |
110 |
110 |
0% |
96 |
92 |
-3% |
Slovenia |
200 |
27 |
27 |
0% |
18 |
16 |
-12% |
Total |
10315 |
3742 |
3490 |
-7% |
2279 |
1996 |
-12% |
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