PREDICTING RECOVERY IN ACIDIFIED FRESHWATERS BY THE YEAR 2010, AND BEYONDContract EVK1-1999-00087 - RECOVER:2010 Part of the 'Sustainable Management and Quality of Water' Ecosystem Functioning Directorate General Research |
C.D Evans1 and D.T. Monteith2
1Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8BB,UK
2Environmental Change Research Centre, University
College London, 26 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AP, UK
Full Reference
Evans, C.D. and Monteith, D.T. (2001). Chemical trends at lakes and streams in the UK Acid Waters Monitoring Network, 1988-2000: Evidence for recent recovery at a national scale. . Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Vol. 5, No. 3, 351-366.
Summary of Reseach
A detailed trend analysis of 12 years of data (1988-2000) for 22 surface waters in acid-sensitive regions of the United Kingdom, in which individual site data have been combined to identify national-scale trends, has shown strong common patterns of temporal variation. Results suggest a widespread reduction in sulphate concentrations, hydrogen ion and inorganic aluminium species, and increases in acid neutralising capacity. Many chemical changes have not been linear. However, the first five years were characterised by high concentrations of marine ions, and relatively stable pollutant sulphate concentrations and the remaining period by lower concentrations of marine ions and declining sulphate. Genuine 'recovery',in terms of declining acidity in response to reduced anthropogenic sulphur deposition is only apparent, therefore, for the latter part of the monitoring period. Reductions in calcium concentrations appear to have partially offset the influence of sulphate reductions on acidity , as have increases in organic acidity associated with strong and widespread rising trends in dissolved organic carbon. Fluctuations in a number of climatic factors over the monitoring period have led to significant inter-annual variability in nitrate, which exhibits little long-term trend, marine ions and acidity, emphasising the need for long monitoring periods if underlying trends are to be correctly identified.
The AWMN consists of 11 lakes and 11 streams in Scotland, England, Wales and
Northern Ireland. The majority are located in western and northern areas,
reflecting the distribution of acid-sensitive geology within the UK (Figure 1).
Streams have been sampled monthly, and lakes quarterly, for a range of chemical
determinands over a 12 year period. Site characteristics vary widely, with
minimum altitudes ranging from 10 m to 785 m, catchment areas from 50 to 1300
ha, and soils from thin alpine podzols to deep blanket peats (Table 1).
Land-use at most sites is restricted to low-intensity moorland grazing with
five catchments containing significant areas of commercial coniferous forestry.