Project Contact
Project Summary
How do people perceive and understand the natural environment, the species and habitats around them? How would they like to see it managed and why?
Psychologists, sociologists and other researchers all over Europe are trying to address such questions. This project sets out to bring them together, and facilitate exchange and the development of shared approaches. Our activities include, for example:
group discussions with members of the general public to develop a better understanding of people’s views on nature in the area they live in, the values they associate with species and habitats, their views on the human-nature relationship, and how these inform their attitude towards biodiversity management
a survey of people’s perceptions of changes in their natural environment, their concern about these changes and their views on the effectiveness of management approaches.

Our work is part of a bigger network, ALTER-Net, which is a "Network of Excellence" funded by the EU's 6th Framework Programme, and a partnership of 24 organisations from 17 European countries. The network aims to facilitate long-term interdisciplinary research on the interactions between ecosystems, biodiversity and society.
We have recently published a report on public perceptions of biodiversity change.
More information can be found in the projects pages of the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute website and at the main ALTER-NET website.
Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: KW