6th International Symposium on the Milking of Small Ruminants |
1. Physiological aspects of milk secretion and milk ejection in milking
small ruminants
2. Mammary pathology and milking
3. Milking machine and milking management
4. Milking and dairy production systems
5. Milk recording and genetics in milking dairy small ruminants
6. Milking and milk quality
F. Barillet Chairman (France)
J. Labussière Honorary Chairman (France)
X. Berthelot (France)
F. Bocquier (France)
G. Caja Lopez (Spain)
S. Casu (Italy)
B. Cumlivski (Czech Republic)
M.Eitam (Israel)
N. Fernandez (Spain)
D. Fonseca (Portugal)
D. Gabina (Spain)
I. Hntziminaoglou (Greece)
O. Havrevoll (Norway)
G. Kalantzopoulos (Greece)
S. Kukovics (Hungary)
P.G. Marnet (France)
P. Morand-Fehr (France)
E. Rapoport (Israel)
R. Rubino (Italy)
F. Sangiorgi (Italy)
E. Sinapis (Greece)
N.P. Zervas, Chairman
G. Zervas, Secretary
J. Boyazoglu
S.G. Deligeorgis
J.C. Flamant
I. Hatziminaoglou
G. Kalantzopoulos
S. Lambadaris
F. Vallerand
Prof. G. Zervas
Department of Animal Nutrition
Faculty of Animal Sciences
Agricultural University of Athens
75 Iera Odos, GR-118 55 Athens, Greece
Tel.:+301 5294412/5294415/5294411
Fax:+301 5294413/5294442
E-mail: gzerbas@auadec.aua.ariadne-t.gr
Financial assistance
IAMZ-CIHEAM can offer grants to nationals from Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Spain, France, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, Turkey and Yugoslavia. Applications should include a short curriculum vitae and arrive before October 1st 1997 to: Director IAMZ-CIHEAM, Apartado 1202, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain
Tel.: +34 76 576013, Fax: +34 76 576377
E-mail: iamaz@ciheam.mizar.csic.es