European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
The 6th Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Luhacovice, Czech Republic 6-10 June 1998
To be put on a mailing list for further
details please contact:
Dr Davy McCracken,
Environmental Sciences Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive,
Ayr KA6 5HW, United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)1292 525 333 E-mail:
The European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism brings together
ecologists, nature conservationists, farmers and policy makers. This non-profit
network exists to increase understanding of the high nature conservation
and cultural value of certain farming systems and to inform work on their
After considering several options and possible venues for our biennial
meeting, the Executive Committee can confirm that the 6th Forum will be
held in Luhacovice, in the south-east of the Czech Republic, between Saturday
6 June and Wednesday 10 June 1998. The land surrounding Luhacovice forms
part of the White Carpathian Landscape Protection Area and one of the outstanding
features of this Area is the survival of between 3,000 and 4,000 ha of
unimproved hay-meadows.
The proposed theme for the conference is "Managing high nature
conservation value farmland: policies, processes and practices"
and it is our intention that the meeting should focus on practical lessons
to be learned from experiences in both the EU and central Europe. We are
not only interested in comparing and contrasting policies across these
countries but also in considering how successful these policies have been
when implemented on the ground in all areas of Europe. In particular we
are keen to emphasise why a detailed understanding of the ecological links
between farming practices and wildlife value is necessary in order to formulate
clear and effective polices.
The detailed programme is still in development but is
likely to include:
Full details of the conference programme, fees and administrative arrangements
will be finalised within the next few months. Anyone interested in receiving
these details should send a note of their NAME, ADDRESS,
TELEPHONE, FAX and E-MAIL details to Dr Davy McCracken
at the address given below. This will ensure that potential delegates receive
further information and booking forms immediately these become available.
Please also indicate whether you would be interested in making an ORAL
or POSTER presentation and include an indication of a potential
TITLE. Note, however, that while it is expected that there will
be no restriction on the number of poster presentation, it may prove necessary
to limit the number of oral presentations.
Dr Davy McCracken, Environmental Sciences Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive, Ayr KA6 5HW, United Kingdom
Fax: +44 (0)1292 525 333 E-mail: