* Sezione Miglioramento delle Produzioni Animali, ENEA, S.P. Anguillarese
301, 00060 Roma, Italy
** Facoltá di Medicina Veterinaria, Universitá di
Camerino, Via Circonvallazione 93/95, 62024 Matelica, Italy
This paper describes two projects aimed at the development of
new entrprises in less favoured areas of Central Italy. The projects
will create integrated demonstration systems along the whole textile
line, implement a quality and typical-product mark, organise a
network of information and training, and contribute to the recovery
of abandoned areas and to rural development. In the first project
Angora goats and Alpacas will be introduced in the Umbria region.
The fibre thus produced will be processed by local small industrial/craft
firms so as to produce first small quantities of high quality
spun, and then typical knitwear and textile. A demonstration centre
will also be established. The second project , carried out in
the Marche region, will consist in the selection of a line of
naturally coloured Sopravvissana sheep (a local breed) by means
of crossing with coloured Merinos males imported from New Zealand.
The production of naturally coloured spun and knitwear will involve
local small industrial/craft firms. It is hoped that the success
of these projects will demonstrate the role of similar integrated
systems in adding value to agricultural enterprises and in the
recovery and rural development of European less favoured areas.
The projects described here aim at the development of new enterprises
able to promote the creation of added value in less favoured areas
of Central Italy (Umbria and Marche regions). The hypothesised
production system takes into account the three main phases of
the textile line:- production of fine fibre from Angora goats,
Alpacas, and Merinos sheep;- transformation into finished products;-
qualification and commercialisation of finished products. Such
system must be integrated with local agricultural, craft/industrial
and tourist activities while guaranteeing a low environmental
impact, and is expected to promote a sustainable socio-economic
development and a recovery of local textile culture and tradition.
Aims- Creation of an integrated demonstration system along
the whole textile line in a less favoured area by means of the
introduction of Angora goats and Alpacas, and the recovery of
endangered local Merinos breeds.- Implementation of a quality
and typical-product mark so as to create added value and marketing
chains alternative to the traditional systems.- Recovery of abandoned
areas and environmental protection by means of ecologically sustainable
production systems.- Rural development, through the integration
of the hypothesised system with extant production enterprises.-
Organisation of a network of information and training aimed at
the replication of similar experiences in different areas.
Implementation- The project described here is divided into
two geographically separatedinterventions.1) Introduction of fine
fibre animals (Angora goat and Alpaca) into marginal areas in
Umbria region.2) Production of naturally coloured sheep fibre
from Sopravvissana and derived breeds in Marche region.
Working area - The working area is represented by the Upper
Tiber Valley, situated in the northern most part of the Umbria
region, at the border with Tuscany and Marche, forming part of
the rural lands under objective 5b. The demonstration activity
will be conducted in the Azienda Agrituristica Maridiana, Valle
del Niccone, Umbertide Municipality (Perugia), located at400 m
a.s.l. and extending over 31 hectares divided into woodlands (9.25ha),
pasture lands (16.45 ha) and olive groves (5.36 ha).
Socio-economics - The area has negative demographic rates.
The low-density populated Municipalities are experiencing substantial
depopulation, with the risk of arriving at demographic marginality.
The recent economic recession has brought about a high average
unemployment rate which in certain areas exceeds 12.50%. Under
the socio-demographic aspect the Upper Tiber Valley can be divided
into areas with a rural system reference centre (Citt=FD diCastello),
areas with a rural connective tissue (Umbertide, S. Giustino and
Citerna) and areas with a retarded rural development (Lisciano
Niccone,Monte S.M. Tiberina, Montone and Pietralunga). In these
areas many farmers had to renounce husbandry especially in the
cattle raising sector. The number of sheep and goats instead has
slightly increased in that they have in part replaced cattle,
given their adaptability to grazing. Sheep and goats are raised
for milk and meat, but they also offer a limited income due to
the high competition existing with the Eastern countries. The
introduction of high-quality fibre animals could be vertically
integrated with the large presence and tradition of the local
textile industry. In fact the Umbrian textile sector accounts
for about 50% of the total industrial production. The Perugia
province alone has about 145 wool factories and 14 spinning mills.
The recent economic recession has affected especially the small
and medium firms which, however, have been able to survive utilising
high quality fibres (mohair, alpaca and cashmere).
Project Scheme- Management of the herd in the Maridiana
agritouristic farm.- Involvement of small industrial/craft firms
in the transformation of small amounts of fibre into high quality
spun.- Craft production of knitwear and textile according to original
styling so as to obtain typical quality products.- Organisation
of alternative marketing chains (social, cultural and economic
shows).- Creation of a demonstration centre in the Maridiana agritouristic
farm to allow training and the diffusion of similar enterprises.
Participants and Roles - Maridiana farm (IT): herd management
and hosting of the demonstration centre.- Glass Consulting (UK):
grazing management and fibre processing.- Antiche Terre co-operative
society (IT): general co-ordination, training, and information.-
ENEA CR Casaccia, INN BIOAG PAN: management of the livestock,
monitoring of the quality parameters of the fibre, handling of
the local industrial processing and co-ordination of the activities
of dissemination of the initiative.
Working area - Six herds will be distributed in mountainous
and hilly areas under objective 5b in the Marche region. The herds
will be housed in the following farms:- Ascoli Piceno province:
Az. Agrituristica "La Campana";- Macerata province:
Az. Agricole F. Amici, M. Aureli, F. Angeli;- Pesaro province:
Az. Agricola Pellini & Santini;- Ancona province: Az. Agricola
Comunitá Incontro (Drug addict recovery community).
Socio-economics - The area was traditionally devoted to
sheep and goat farming, but the progressive abandonment has led
to a shift from an agro-pastoral economy to an assisted and tourist
economy. The area has thus undergone a degradation of the traditional
landscape and an ageing of the resident population. Sheep are
bred for meat and milk (transformed into cheese) in small family
farms with the help, when possible, of non European labour. Between1982
and 1990 there has been a 7.5% reduction in the number of farms
and a29% increase in the number of heads (due to extensivization).
Production of high quality naturally coloured wool, obtained by
creating specific genetic lines, could easily integrate with the
local textile industry. In the Marche region, in fact, about 200
textile firms are present, testifying an old tradition which in
the past led to the selection of the Sopravissana sheep breed,
the only Italian Merinos breed together with the Gentile di Puglia.
Project Scheme - The project will last three years and
will be developed along the following phases:1) Herd management:
the herd will be formed by 200 Sopravissana ewes divided between
the six farms mentioned above. Such ewes will be mated to12 black
and brown Merinos males from New Zealand following a cross and
paternal back-cross mating scheme.2) Involvement of small industrial/craft
firms in the transformation of small amounts of wool into high
quality spun.3) Production of naturally coloured knitwear and
textile in collaboration with local clothing firms.4) Diffusion
of the acquired knowledge to the scientific community, the personnel
involved in technical assistance, and the breeders by means of
conferences, talks, meetings, and written material to make circulate.
Participants and Roles - ESAM (Ente di Sviluppo Agricolo
delle Marche): General co-ordination.- Universitá di Camerino,
Facoltá di Veterinaria: Planning and control of reproduction;
testing of natural colours; fibre transformation technology.-
CNR, Istituto Rivetti of Biella: Analysis of textile qualities
of spun and finished products; fibre transformation technology.-
ENEA, CR Casaccia, INN BIOAG PAN: evaluation of wool production.-
C.T.A. (Centro Tessile Abbigliamento) of Pesaro: Production of
finished products.- OVI.CA (Associazione Allevatori Ovini e Caprini)
of the Marche region: Training and information; herd management.
Conclusions - These projects involve different actors in
vertically integrated systems, from production of the raw material
(ecological production of fine fibre and naturally coloured wool)
up to marketing of the finished product in agri-tourist and rural
environments, with a strong value added return during the phases
preceding the final marketing. These projects are potentially
reproducible at various national and European levels, especially
in marginal areas, with the aim of recovering rural zones. However,
they require the possibility of integrating into the same area
livestock, agri-tourism and small/medium industrial or handicraft
activities. The conditions for the success of these projects are
therefore particularly favourable in textile-oriented Italian
and European areas.
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