The First 10 Years Progress & Results
23-25 September 1997
University of Lancaster
A BGS Conference of interest to the farmer involved in the E8As, as
well as those concerned in relevant research programmes and in managing
and monitoring the schemes.
The conference will discuss policy issues, the scientific basis of the
scheme and its results, farmer and landowner participation and perceptions,
and the economics of the scheme for the taxpayer and the farmer.
23 September 1997
11.00 Registration
13.50 Meeting opened by Mr Angus Golightly, BGS President
SESSION I Policy Issues
Chairman: Angus Golightly,
Jealotts Hill Research Station
14.00 Environmental Policy in the European Context
David Baldock - Institute for European Enviromental Policy
14.45 UK Policy for ESAs
Dudley Coates - MAFF
15.30 Tea
Landscape and Conservation Issues
Chairman: Peter Costigan, CSG MAFF
16.00 Grassiands: The historical Context
John Sheail - ITE
16.45 Grassland management and biodiversity
John Milne - MLURI
17.30 Close
18.00 - Poster viewing
19.00 (with authors in attendance)
20.00 Dinner
24 September 1997
SESSION IIIa: Science into Practice
Chairman: Steve Peel, ADAS
09.00 An overview of ESAs
Andrew Swash - FRCA
09.45 Monitoring methods
Nigel Critchley - ADAS
10.30 Coffee
Offered Papers:-
11.00 Biological monitoring of grassiands in West Fermanagh
and Erne Lakeland ESA
R P Cameron - Queens University, Belfast
11.20 Monitoring vegetation in the Scottish ESAs
A Cummins et a]. - ITE
11.40 Experimental and monitoring studies of the use of raised water
levels for grassland rehabilitation in lowland ESAs
0 Mountford et al. - ITE
12.00 Hay meadow grassland types in the West Fermanagh and Erne Lakeland
G M Hoppé et al. - DANI
12.30 Lunch
Science into Practice - Application
Chairman: Richard Jefferson, English Nature
13.30 Upland Meadow grasslands in the E8As
Roger Smith - University of Newcastle
13.50 My experiences of hill farming in the Pennine Dales ESA
Nicholas Howard - Allendale
14.10 Lowland wet grassland in the ESAs
Jerry Tallowin & Owen Mountford - IGER & ITE
14.30 How the ESA affects my farming
Patrick Casement - North Antrim
14.50 Calcareous grassiands in the ESAs
Charles Gibson*, Richard Jefferson+ & Heather Robinson+ - Bioscan*
& English Nature+
15.10 Farming on the South Downs
Chris Passmore - West Sussex
15.30 Tea
Offered Papers:-
16.00 Effects of management practices on soil microbial communities
in upland grassland
R D Bardgett etal. - School of Biological Sciences, University
of Manchester
16.20 The impact of grassland management on threatened butterflies
within ESAs
M S Warren - Butterfly Conservation
16.40 The selection of grazing marshes by breeding birds
S Peel and T Milsom - ADAS and CSL
17.00 Conservation and management of Molinia & Juncus pastures
in Wales, with particular reference to agri-environmental schemes
T H Blackstock - Countyside Council for Wales
17.20 Multi-site experiments on the restoration of botancially
diverse grassland in ESAs
R Pywell, S Peel and A Hopkins - ITE/ADAS/IGER
17.40 Close
18.00- Poster viewing
19.00 (with authors in attendance)
20.00 Conference Dinner
After-dinner speaker John Rodwell, Unit of Vegetation $cience,
Lancaster University
25 September 1997
SESSION IV: The Future
Chairman: Jim McAdam, DANI
09.00 Public perceptions of the ESAs
Craig Bullock & Helen McHenry - MLURI
09.45 Cost benefit for the taxpayer?
Bob Crabtree - MLURI
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Impact of the ESA schemes on farm businesses
Andrew Clark - NFU
11.45 The way forward with ESAs
Roger Wilkins - IGER
12.30 Close of conference followed by lunch
13.30 Transport leaves Lancaster University for Optional afternoon
visit to a farm within the Lakes ESA
Tony Graham, ESA Project Officer, FRCA
17.00 Return to University of Lancaster
Residential delegates | ||
BGS Members | Non-members | |
Conference fee | £80 | £95 |
Accommodation | £113 | £113 |
Day delegates | ||
BGS members | Non-members | |
Conference fee | £80 | £95 |
Plus charge per day | £11 | £11 |