CEO Project 1997-1999
The work is grouped along 6 major action lines, the corresponding top level work packages are:
WP100 | Project Management |
WP200 | Assessment of Customer Needs and Data Base Compilation |
WP300 | Remote Sensing Methods and Analysis |
WP400 | Hydrological Modelling |
WP500 | Model Validation and Application |
WP600 | Contribution to CEO Enabling Services |
This refers to the management of the project at technical and scientific level (WP110), and at administrative level (WP120), and towards organizing the customer community (WP130).
The needs for improvements in hydrological modelling and forecasting will be specified in close interaction with customers such as hdropower agencies, hydrological services and environmental agencies (WP210). This will be done by means of electronic communication and at a workshop bringing together the customers and the members of the consortium. Based on this assessment, and on the availability of hydro-meteorological and remote sensing data, the consortium will propose test basins for the project work and make the final selection in accordance with the customers. The database for these test basins (preferably one in each of the regions: Central Austrian Alps, Eastern Swiss Alps, Scotland, Northern Sweden) will be collected and assembled in a data base management system, including hydro-meteorological data (WP220) and remote sensing data (WP230). Among other sources, quests within CEO Services will be used to obtain information on data availability. For inter-comparisons of remote sensing techniques and for the assessment of the accuracy and of the applicability the data analysis methods, comparative field experiments are planned in two test basins (in the Alps and in Scotland) involving various partners of the consortium (WP240).
This work package is concerned with methods for remote sensing data analysis and with the actual analysis of these data to be used as input for hydrological modelling. Topographic and land cover information will be compiled for every basin, using digital elevation data, high resolution earth observation satellite data and other relevant information (WP310). Methods for snow cover monitoring based on high resolution optical sensors and on SAR, will be tested in all project basins and - if necessary - modified to meet the requirements for hydrological applications (WP320). The same activities will be performed for medium resolution sensors with emphasis on larger basins, including also techniques for estimating evapotranspiration (WP330). These two WPs will also deal with inter-comparisons of the information content, accuracy, and availability of the data from the different sensor types. Time series of earth observation data will be analysed to provide input information for hydrological modelling (WP340). The processing steps include geocoding and application of inversion procedures.
Methodological work on hydrological modelling will be carried out to enable optimum use of the remote sensing data. In the beginning, the two available run-off models (SRM and HBV) will be inter compared, the possibilities for remote sensing input and the needs for model modifications will be assessed (WP410). Run-off parameters will be compiled for the test basins from historic run-off records as required by model input (WP420). Methods for fusion of remote sensing data and hydro-meteorological data from point measurements will be reviewed and optimised for model input (WP430). Based on the mode intercomparison and on customer needs, the hydrological models will be optimised for input from the synergistic data sets in view of the requirements of the customer (WP440).
The models will be applied and validated in the test basins. The calculations will be done in simulation mode with input data derived from earth observation satellites and from recorded hydro-meteorological measurements (WP510). The applicability of the model calculations for water balance studies will also be investigated. In addition, run-off calculations will be carried out in forecasting mode, using meteorological forecasts and near-real time remote sensing data (WP520). The errors will be derived for all model calculations and the impact of the remote sensing data will be assessed. The gain in information and the cost- effectiveness of using remote sensing data will be assessed in interaction with the customers (WP530).
The results of model development and information on the application will be made available for a wider user community in electronic form, accessible through the Internet. For this reason the hydrological model, including the remote sensing component and documentation, will be assembled in a coherent system using a WWW interface and made available to CEO Enabling Services (WP610). In addition, demonstration packages will be compiled which include test data sets and enable potential customers to apply and test the model with these datasets (WP620).
| Description | Participants | WWW Resources | PROJECT home page |
Last modified: Sat May 17 16:56:47 BST 1997