organisation |
user_name |
David Miller
user_organisation |
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
AB15 8QH
date |
data_set_name |
Land cover classification (I) for BASUK
data_date |
June 1988
description |
The Land Cover of Scotland (1988) is a digital dataset
representing an interpretation of the land cover from aerial photographs
for the entire land area of Scotland.
The source photography was 1:24 000 (60% - black and white and 40% - colour).
The land cover was interpreted and the lines transferred onto
1:25 000 Ordnance Survey pathfinder base maps.
The base maps were digitized and the digital files edgematched
to produce a single dataset for Scotland. The basic building blocks of
the dataset are 10km x 10km tiles.
The interpretation key contains 126 classes, which are combined into a
further 1201 classes representing "mosaics" of the original classes.
raster_vector |
filename |
software |
Digitizing - Tydac SPANS/Tydig(Ver 4.3 and 5.1);
Conversion from Tydac to Arc/Info Format - MLURI
software (contact Mr. A.D.Moir, MLURI);
Edge-matching of vector data - ESRI Arc/Info (Ver 8);
Data storage - Arc/Info (vector and GRID);
Plotting and checking of datasets - ESRI Arc/Info (ver 8);
Export of vector data, ESRI Arc/Info (Ver 8).
formats |
ESRI Arc/info - vector and GRID raster format
Erdas imagine - *.img, *.lan and *.gis formats
Tydac Spans - quadtree (*.map) and raster (*.rnl) formats
operating_system |
Tydac SPANS/Tydig - 286 and 386 PCs host - Dos 3.3
Convefsion of Tydig to Arc/Info - 486 PC - DOS 3.3
ESRI Arc/Info - Sun Unix - Windows 8 and Solaris 4.3
format |
ESRI Arc/Info export format (*.e00)
projection |
Projection: Ordnance Survey National Grid (Modified Transverse Mercator, scale factor
0.9996, false eastings -400000, false northings 100000, central meridian 2oW 49oN).
data_quality |
resolution |
Source scale of aerial photography - 1:24 000
Base map scale for compilation - 1:25 000
Minimum mapping units employed for interpretation -
Urban areas, water and forestry - 2ha
Agricultural land - 5ha
Moorland - 10ha
Raster product - spatial resolution - 50m x 50m
attributes |
In general, the attribute codes for the land cover data for
BASUK is limited to the following values:
hydalp_lc1 | Description | Land Cover codes (LCS88) |
1 | Forest | 70 - 81, 83 - 85, 87 |
2 | Grassland | 5, 82, 86, 90 - 178, 191, 210 - 223 |
3 | Wetland | 24, 190, 180 - 186 200 - 203 |
4 | Bare soil | |
5 | Rocks and moraine | 10, 11, 12, 14 |
6 | Glacier | 27, 28 |
7 | Lake/stream | 18, 19 |
8 | Urban area | 3, 4, 6, 7, 20, 29 |
9 | No data | 25 |
Attribute codes for the vector data for the full
LCS88 dataset are recorded in file
lcs88_codes.txt and are explained in the publication -
Land Cover of Scotland (1988): Final Report, A report for The Scottish
Office, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen
AB15 8QH.
Tel: +44 1224 318611
methods |
Attributes were ascribed to interpreted land cover polygons,
lines and points. The interpretation was entirely manual.
The classification scheme was derived to provide a consistent
description of the landscape, as interpretable from
aerial photographs. Cross-referencing between the LCS88 scheme and other
widely used land cover classifications keys (for
UK land cover and CORINE) are provided in the following publications:
Comparison of Land Cover Definitions: Final Report, Institute of
Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood, Cambs. United Kingdom, March 1994. pp. 17.1
Brooker, N.A (1995), The integration of land cover and ecological information
from the Countryside Survey 1990 and the Land Cover of Scotland 1988:
Final Report, Macaulay Land Use Research
Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH.
other |
A comprehensive assessment of the lineage and error associated
with the LCS88 data is presented in the publication -
Land Cover of Scotland (1988): Final Report, A report for The Scottish
Office, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen
AB15 8QH.
The error assessments include those for absolute error of polygon
boundaries, line and point data: +- 12.5m (for vector data);
and confusion martrices for each of the land cover classes.
A top level confusion matrix for the BASUK land cover data
(coding I) is to be found in the file basuk_lc1_conf.txt
copyright |
Copyright lies with the Scottish Office, St Andrews House, Edinburgh
(under Crown Copyright)
Copyright of the coastline lies with Ordnance Survey.
Leasing of the data is from thre Macaulay Land Use Research Institute,
Leasing is for a maximum period of 10 years and the costs
include a payment to Ordnance Survey for the coastline data.
contact |
Mr A.D. Moir,
Macaulay Land Use Research Instiute
Tel: +44 1224 318611
Fax: +44 1224 311556