
Minutes of the Kick-Off Meeting held at the
Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik,
Innrain 52, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria,
Monday, 3. March 1997

Chairman: Helmut Rott

AGENDA 1.Welcome

2. Approval of Agenda

3. Introduction of partners - Rott/partners/EC

4. Role of the Commission related to SCA project HydAlp - EC

5. Brief update on CEO objectives, EWSE, aims of SCA projects and expected outputs for CEO - EC

6. HydAlp organizational overview - Rott

7. HydAlp technical overview - Rott

8. Summary of project tasks of individual partners - Rott & partners

9. Contract deliverables - Rott

10. Property rights (remote sensing data, software, hydromet data, etc.) - Rott/partners/EC

11. Communication links- Rott/partners/EC

12. Action items

13. Next meeting

14. AOB

List of Participants (in alphabetical order)

Josef Aschbacher EC-CEO

Michael Baumgartner UBE

Chris Clark SCEOS

Justin Morgan-Davies MLURI

Rob Ferguson SCEOS

Graham Glendinning IMGI

Barbro Johansson SMHI

Hannes Kleindienst UBE

David Miller MLURI

Mats Moberg SMHI

Thomas Nagler IMGI

Otto Pirker VERB

Shaun Quegan SCEOS

Erich Riegler DIBAG

Helmut Rott IMGI

Gary G. Wright MLURI

Acronyms AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

BASAT Test basin in the Central Alps of Austria

BASCH Test basin in the Swiss Alps

BASSW Test basin in Northern Sweden

BASUK Test basin in Scotland

ERS European Remote Sensing Satellite

DBMS Data Base Management System

DEM Digital Elevation Model

HBV Hydrological Model of SMHI

HROI High Resolution Optical Imaging Sensor

MROI Medium Resolution Optical Imaging Sensor

NOAA US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellite

RESP Responsible

SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar

SIR-C/X-SAR Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-SAR

SRM Snowmelt Runoff Model

1. Welcome

The chairman Dr. Rott opened the Kickoff Meeting at 10:00 am and welcomed the HydAlp partners and the representative of CEO-EC.

2 Approval of Agenda The agenda for the Kick-Off Meeting of the HydAlp Project was approved.

3 Introduction of Partners Presentation: Rott/partners/EC

Each of the participating partners gave a short overview of their background, of the people working on the project, and a short profile of the organiziation. The participants are listed on the front page.

4. Role of the Commission related to SCA project HydAlp Presentation: J. Aschbacher, CEO-EC

Dr. Josef Aschbacher was present at the meeting as the representative of the EC-CEO, Ispra. At the beginning he congratulated the consortium that the project HydAlp was rated as one of the best proposals. He also informed us that CEO sees this project as a Model Project.

Dr. Aschbacher also represented Dr. Martin Sharman, Brussels EC-DG XII, who is in charge of the overall project. Dr. Sharman has the final authority for the project. As the contact person for the administrative parts of the project, he is also responsible for releasing money based on deliverables. Regarding the technical parts of the project Dr. Aschbacher will be responsible. As Dr. Aschbacher outlined, CEO will act more as an active partner within the project than as a controlling office. He expects a close interaction with the HydAlp-Consortium. Therefore he wants to be informed about the meetings, and to participate. Dr. Aschbacher outlined that he is responsible for reviewing and accepting the technical deliverables. At this point the topic of delivering reports was discussed. The results of this discussion are included in item 9 of the agenda (Contract Deliverables) where this topic was covered in more detail.

5. Brief update on CEO objectives, EWSE, aims of SCA projects and expected outputs for CEO - EC Presentation: J. Aschbacher, CEO-EC

Dr. Aschbacher gave a short presentation about the CEO Objectives. Copies of the viewgraphs of this presentation were given to each partner as handouts on the 4th March 97.

After a short review about the development of CEO, Dr. Aschbacher explained the concept of CEO, consisting of 4 elements: (i) Application Support, (ii) User Support, (iii) the Enabling Services and EWSE, and (iv) monitoring and coordination. In his talk Dr. Aschbacher discussed the 4 elements in more detail, including the applied budget. He emphasized the importance of application support to HydAlp.

Dr. Aschbacher suggested that all partners of HydAlp, as individual users and on behalf of their organization, should register at the European Wide Service Exchange EWSE (Internet Address: http://ewse.ceo.org). Furthermore, the project HydAlp should be registered at EWSE, and a preliminary announcement of the partners, plans, aims and objectives of the project should be provided in EWSE. It was also mentioned that the possibility exists to announce training and education information, seminars and workshops, and any other kind of news.

6. HydAlp organizational overview - Rott Dr. Rott described the organizational structure of the project. The project is separated into 4 levels in a tree-like structure. A graph of the general structure is shown below:

Project Coordinator: Responsible to the EC for the whole project. Collects the information provided by the WP-Coordinators; he sends the 3-monthly progress report to Dr. Aschbacher, CEO. If money is involved the accepted progress report is sent to Dr. Aschbacher, CEO, and Dr. Sharman, Brussels.

WP-Coordinator: WP 100 to WP 600 are managed by a WP-Coordinator, who is responsible to the Project Coordinator. The WP-Coordinator has to inform the Project Coordinator about the overall status of the WP. In general this consists of a short report about existing problems, progress of work, etc. in the WP, the Monthly Work Package Reports and Monthly Task Reports. Every 3rd month, extended information about the WP progress status should be provided to the Project Coordinator, which is collected for the 3-monthly progress report.

WP-Manager: coordinates WP 110 to WP 620. The WP-Managers are responsible to the appropriate WP-Coordinator. The WP-Manager sends the HydAlp Monthly Work- Package Report to the WP-Coordinator by the 24th of each Month at the latest.

Task-Manager: The Task Manager has to inform the WP-Manager about the progress in the current Task by sending the HydAlp Monthly Task Report to the WP-Manager by the 20th of each Month at the latest.

The structure of the project was considered in detail with WP 200 as an example. Additionally, as suggested by Dr. Aschbacher, all WPs and Tasks concerning CEO were discussed.

Dr. Rott stated a preference that the Monthly Task and WP Reports should be sent by fax (form sheets were distributed). Dr. Aschbacher offered the establishment of an FTP-server at CEO for digital exchange of reports. The reports are to be compiled in MS Winword 6 format. A template of the report format will be specified in WP 111 by SCEOS.

7. HydAlp technical overview - Rott This item was discussed together with item 8.

8. Summary of project tasks of individual partners - Rott & partners The work of all tasks, which are involved until the next Technical Meeting in Month 9 (November 1997), was discussed. Because the start date of HydAlp is in March 1997, Dr. Rott suggested that main field activities should be carried out in the snowmelt season in spring 1998. Regarding WP 430 - Data Fusion, SCEOS will check the meteorological data of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), of Limited Area Models, and remote sensing data for the Swedish basin. SMHI will mainly investigate how to use the remote sensing data in the HBV Model. These Tasks will be discussed in more detail at the Technical Meeting on 4th March 1997.

9. Contract deliverables - Rott Dr. Rott presented the following list of contract deliverables according to the technical annex:








3 Monthly Progress Report 1-9



3 to 27


RM 1

Interim Rep. On Customer Requirements, MS1





RM 2

Interim Report on Project Database, MS 2





RM 3

Interim Report on Remote Sensing Methods for Hydrology, MS 3 & 4





RM 4

Interim Report on Runoff Modelling Using Remote Sensing, MS 5





RM 5

Interim Report on Runoff Simulation, MS 6





RM 6

Interim Report on Runoff Forecasting, MS 7





RM 7

Interim Report on Customer Assessment of Services and Cost-Effectiveness, MS 8






Final Report





Technical Deliverables






W 1

Runoff model and documentation




W 2

Hydrological demonstration package




Where R signifies Report, W signifies WWW application package, I signifies deliverables for internal use of project consortium, and U signifies deliverables for unlimited distribution to general public.

Within the project, there are some Contract Deliverables for internal use only and others for unlimited distribution. Dr. Rott outlined that the 3-Monthly reports have to include (i) outcome of the work, (ii) problems, (iii) how to proceed. Regarding the interim reports, which have to be submitted according to the schedule listed above (starting from month 8), Dr. Aschbacher outlined the following time schedule:

The Coordinator will send a draft of the interim report to the CEO-Dr. Aschbacher by the first week of the month the delivery is due. If no corrections are necessary, the draft is accepted as the final interim report.

If changes are necessary, the CEO iterates the draft with the coordinator, until CEO is satisfied.

The final version of the interim report is then sent to the CEO. If money is involved, the CEO instructs the Coordinator to send the report Brussels (Dr. Sharman, EU-DG- XII).

Dr. Aschbacher stated that the reports should be written in MS-WinWord-6 format.

10. Property rights (remote sensing data, software, hydromet data, etc.) - Rott/partners/EC

The property rights of data and software were discussed. This is especially related to the technical deliverables W1 (Runoff model and documentation) and W2 (Hydrological demonstration package).

The following types of data were discussed:

remote sensing data

GIS data (e.g. Digital elevation models, cartographic maps, etc)

Hydromet Data

Demonstration Package W2.

The software was divided into three types:

basic software (like image processing systems, graphic software, etc.)

software developed within the project

existing hydrological models

Regarding the data/software property rights; the general CEO data policy will be sent by Dr. Aschbacher to all HydAlp partners. This was also defined as Action Item No. 3. Dr. Aschbacher informed the meeting that all actions of CEO should not interfere with the interests of commercial data providers.

Related to remote sensing data, Dr. Aschbacher stated that they could be put in compressed form on WWW, so that they cannot be traced back to original data; e.g. remote-sensing images can be in JPEG format. Regarding the GIS and hydromet data the property rights have to be investigated, which was taken as Action Item No. 4. CEO gives no general guidelines how to handle the data. To the question of Dr. Rott, which data/software CEO expects in the demonstration package W2 on WWW, Dr. Aschbacher outlined, that this can be decided by the HydAlp consortium, and no special requirements are made by CEO. Regarding the contents of W2 (see technical annexe), Dr. Aschbacher and Dr. Rott concluded that due to the data property rights, W2 would consist mainly of pre-analyzed data, and description of them. He stated, that the demonstration package can be made accessible to the general public on WWW sites of the HydAlp partners and that there is no need to install it at the CEO- site. If this is the case, then links should point directly from the CEO-HydAlp WWW page to the demonstration packages.

For the installation of W1 the problem of using commercial software was addressed by Dr. Rott. He outlined that the software developed within the project (at least partly) will rely on commercial software, e.g. in the case of IMGI, the software will be developed within the environment of an image processing system, which is not public domain and cannot be used by the general public. Dr. Aschbacher stated that there is no need to put this software on the WWW. He outlined that all the software code developed within the project is the property of the HydAlp consortium, and it is up to the Consortium to disseminate it free of charge or otherwise. He said that the software might also be commercialized by the Consortium after the project. Therefore, the package W1 will mainly include a technical description, a description of each module, documentation, and links to all providers. As for the package W2, Dr. Aschbacher accepted that W1 could be installed on WWW sites belonging to the Consortium; direct links from CEO EWSE to these sites are then required.

11. Communication links- Rott/partners/EC The addresses of all persons (name, organization, mailing address, phone and fax number, and email address) involved in HydAlp were checked by each participant and distributed to each partner. The actual address list is given in Appendix A. To prevent the loss of emails, it was suggested by Dr. Nagler to reconfirm the receipt of each email. In the case of urgent notes or information Dr. Rott demanded that they should also be sent by fax.

Dr Aschbacher suggested the establishment of a WWW-Page for HydAlp at CEO, Ispra. This WWW-Page should contain a general overview of the project and its objectives. For detailed information, links will lead to appropriate WWW pages established at the WWW sites of the partners.

For data and file exchange between the HydAlp partners an FTP-Site will be made available at the CEO by Dr. Aschbacher. This was also defined as Action Item No. 2.

12. Action items

Item No.





WP and Task Mangers Responsibility Sheets, distributed to all partners at the meeting, are to be completed by each partner and sent to IMGI:


10 Mar 1997


FTP site established at CEO: Password to H. Rott, who will distribute it to the partners.

Aschbacher / Rott

10 Mar 1997


A copy of the Data Policy of CEO (internal document) to the HydAlp coordinator


10 Mar 1997


Send status note of data rights for each basin to the Coordinator IMGI


20 May 1997

13. Next meeting

A Customer Workshop will be held at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen organized by MLURI 22/23rd July 97 (Month 5).

The 2nd Technical Meeting will be held at the Department of Geography, University of Bern, organized by UBE, on 17 - 18 Nov. 97.

To stay in close contact to the project Dr. Aschbacher will participate as a representative of EC-CEO.

14. AOB


The Kick-Off Meeting for HydAlp was closed by the Chairman at 16:00.