Shared Cost Action Projects in Area 3.3 (CEO) of the Specific Programme for Climate and Environment
Hydrology of Alpine and High Latitude Basins
Project Reference: ENV4-CT96-03634
Internal report RPR2
3-Monthly Progress Report 2: August 1997
Author: H. Rott, S.Quegan, M.Baumgartner, R.Ferguson, D.Miller
Date: 28 August 1997
Institute: Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Innsbruck
This document was produced under the terms and conditions of ContractENV4-CT96-03634for the European Union, DG XXII.
Distribution list
Amendment record
Amendment number |
Date |
Issued by |
Signature. |
1 |
28 August 1997 |
H.Rott, M.Baumgartner, S.Quegan, R.Ferguson, D. Miller |
1. Project summary and management issues *
1.1 Summary of Work Performed *
1.2 Problems and Risks *
1.2.1 Problems *
1.2.2 Risks *
1.3 Project Priorities for Month 7 to 9. *
1.4 Project Deliverables during Project Months 7 to 9 *
1.5 Draft reports *
2. WP100: Project Management *
2.1 WP 110: Technical Co-ordination *
2.1.1 WP 111: Definition of report formats and standards *
2.1.2 WP 112: Definition of software standards *
2.2 WP 120: Management and Administration *
2.2.1 WP 121: Scientific and technical management *
2.2.2 WP 122: Milestones, meetings, risk analysis *
2.3 WP 130: Communication and Interaction with End Customers *
2.3.1 WP 131: Organisation of customer community and meetings *
2.3.2 WP 132: Dissemination of framework standards for customer requirements *
3. WP200: Assessment of customer needs and data base compilation *
3.1.1 WP 201: WP supervision and quality control *
3.2 WP 210: Specification of customer needs *
3.2.1 WP 211: Assessment of customer needs *
3.2.2 WP 212: Customer Workshop *
3.2.3 WP 213: Requirements for Hydropower Management *
3.2.4 WP 214: Interim Report 1 on Customer Requirements *
3.3 WP 220: Hydrological and meteorological data base compilation *
3.3.1 WP 221: HydroMet Data Base for BASAT *
3.3.2 WP 222: HydroMet Data Base for BASCH *
3.3.3 WP 223: HydroMet Data Base for BASSW *
3.3.4 WP 224: HydroMet Data Base for BASUK *
3.3.5 WP 225: Data Access Module *
3.4 WP 230: Remote sensing data base *
3.4.1 WP 231: Search and acquisition of NOAA data *
3.4.2 WP 232: Definition data requirements / acquisition requests *
3.4.3 WP 233: Remote sensing data search *
3.5 WP 240: Field experiments *
3.5.1 WP 241: Preparation and conductance of field work *
4. WP 300: Remote sensing methods and analysis *
4.1 WP 310: Extraction of Basin Characteristics *
4.1.1 WP 311: Review of methods and improvements *
4.1.2 WP 312: Data analysis BASAT *
4.1.3 WP 313: Data analysis BASCH *
4.1.4 WP 314: Data analysis BASUK *
4.1.5 WP 315: Data analysis BASSW *
4.2 WP 320: Remote Sensing Methods for High Resolution Sensors *
4.2.1 WP 321: Improvement of methods for SAR & HROI *
4.2.2 WP 322: Methods for geocoding and information extraction *
4.3 WP 330: Remote Sensing Methods for Medium Resolution Sensors *
4.3.1 WP 331: Review and improvement of methods for MROI *
5. WP 400 Hydrological Modelling *
5.1.1 WP 401: WP Supervision and Quality Control *
5.2 WP 410: Intercomparison SRM/HBV Model *
5.2.1 WP 411: Intercomparison *
6. WP 500 Model Validation and Application *
7. WP 600 Contributions to CEO Enabling Services *
8. Appendix *
8.1 Example of Metadata report (WP310) *
The main activities in the HydAlp project during project months 4 to 6 included the preparation of data bases, standards, tools for the research activities in hydrology and remote sensing, the assessment of customer needs, and the review and further development of remote sensing and hydrological methods to be used in the project. Three tasks were completed with Final Reports: RI132 The Framework Standards for Customer Requirements; RI232 Definition of Data Requirements/Acquisition Requests; RI233 Remote Sensing Data Search (with one contribution still to be added). The report of Task RI112 (Definition of Software Standards) is under review.
Considerable efforts, involving contributions from all partners, have been devoted to the definition of the concept for data management, including the interfaces with hydrological and remote sensing modules. After written communications, individual partner visits between institutes, and meetings at MLRUI, a draft version of the HYDALP data base and software module system was elaborated during a meeting at IMGI on 13th August.
A Customer Workshop was held on 24th and 25th July 1997 at MLURI to assess the needs for improvements in hydrological modelling and forecasting. A comprehensive report on customer requirements is presently being compiled. This report takes into account the outcome from the workshop, as well as information from other contacts with customers.
Important preparatory activities for the hydrological modelling tasks are the compilation of the hydrometeorological database and the extraction of basin characteristics based on conventional data and remote sensing. These activities are ongoing for all four test basins, though they are in different stages of completeness. Algorithms for snow cover analysis using high resolution sensors have been prepared and are available for testing. As scheduled, the hydrological modelling activities are in an early stage; the intercomparison of the models HBV and RSM, so far based on literature review, has been the only activity. Ahead of the original time schedule, WP600 on HydAlp Contributions to CEO Enabling Services has already been initiated. The presented material includes the HYDALP project overview, interactive administration forms, and information on available data sets.
The main parts of the project activities are progressing well and are on time. Two main problem areas have been identified which so far had only minor impact on the progress of the project, but might in the long run result in major deficiencies.
Deficiencies in communication and co-ordination.
Due to the complex interrelationships between the individual tasks of HYDALP a high degree of co-ordination is needed. Though co-ordination improved clearly in comparison to the first three project months, there is still need for improvement. This is obvious from WP reports and from the contributions to the progress report. Different levels of screening and interaction are obvious: Part of the contributions show excellent guidance and co-ordination, whereas others are obviously passed on by the WP manager and WP co-ordinator without any screening.
Action: Guidance and co-ordination for the individual activities should be provided by all responsible scientists at the various levels: WP Manager, WP Co-ordinator, Project Co-ordinator.
The problem of co-ordination is directly related to the communication problem. If technical questions arise or if changes to the planned activities including time scheduling are to be expected, the WP Manager, WP Co-ordinator, and Project Co-ordinator should be informed in time. It should not be necessary to mention that a response is expected if a question on technical or management issues is brought forward. Considering that WP Co-ordinators are supervising around 10 Tasks, and the Project Co-ordinator even more, prompt responses are necessary for proper management of the project.
Action: Inform WP Manager, WP Co-ordinator, and Project Co-ordinator in time on anticipated changes to the activities, including time scheduling. Respond to the technical and management issues brought forward.
Because most of the tasks are dependent on the outcome of other tasks, it is necessary to keep as closely as possible to the time schedule specified in the Technical Annexe to the HYDALP Contract. During months 3 to 6 delays in the review process resulted in time shifts of several weeks for the delivery of the final version of the reports RI 232 and RI233, in spite of the fact that the draft versions had been submitted in time.
Action: The dates for review are known at least several weeks in advance. With proper time management it should be possible to spare the time for review. If a WP Co-ordinator or WP Manager, is not able to take care of the review process, he should inform the Project Co-ordinator and propose another project scientist to take care of the review. (Communication !)
Action: Keep the HydAlp WWW pages up to date with prospective absences and forthcoming meetings
Temporary manpower shortage resulted in delays for compiling one task report (RI213). This problem has been solved. The Project Co-ordinator was informed in time on this problem; therefore it had only minor impacts on other activities.
Short delays for delivery of material for task and progress reports, though not critical for the overall project, make it nevertheless difficult to keep the time schedule at the next higher levels of reporting. Because proper time management requires planning ahead, the person who needs your input should be informed early enough.
Action: Inform the project partner in time on any expected delays. (Communication !)
Arising from the problem areas explained above, and from the reports on technical activities, the main risks for the project are related to:
Delays in work due to manpower shortage. This is a presently a particular problem of the partner UBE. If the manpower problem cannot be solved soon, major negative impacts are expected for the WPs related to methods of medium resolution sensors, as well as for intercomparisons of medium/high resolution sensors. It may also cause delays of other WPs, as already experienced during months 3 to 6.
Inability to meet customer needs for hydrological modelling and forecasting in BASUK. As known from the customer survey, the majority of users in this basin wants hydrological forecast for flood prediction. Due to the high temporal dynamics of the snow cover in this region, short time intervals for snow cover monitoring are needed in near real time, which hardly can be obtained by high resolution sensors in an economical way. The use of medium resolution data may be considered as an option to overcome this problem.
The deliverables due in the next three month period are given in the table below:
Deliverable Number |
Responsible Person |
Organisation |
Month due |
RL211 |
J.Gauld |
7 |
DI221 |
G.Glendinning |
7 |
DI222 |
H.Kleindienst |
7 |
DI223 |
B.Johansson |
7 |
DI224 |
J.Morgan-Davis |
7 |
RL311 |
D.Miller |
8 |
RMU1 |
G.Wright |
9 |
RMU2 |
M.Baumgartner |
9 |
RI225 |
H.Kleindienst |
9 |
RL411 |
O.Turpin |
9 |
DI422 |
H.Kleindienst |
9 |
DI423 |
B.Johansson |
9 |
DI424 |
O.Turpin |
9 |
RPR3 |
H.Rott |
9 |
Where the keys in the deliverable number are given by,
D Database I deliverables for internal use of project consortium
R Report L deliverables for distribution limited to consortium and customers
RM Interim Report U - deliverables for unlimited distribution
Database deliverables should be a short report on a completed database, detailing its management system, contents, and capabilities.
The dates of interest for the deliverable review process are given below
Deadline |
Action |
15th of month |
Sent out for review |
25th of month |
Reviews returned and exchanged between reviewers |
End of month |
Comments integrated. Final review and approval by WP co-ordinator. For significant changes or delays, the project co-ordinator should be notified. |
These deadlines are supplementary to the 20th, 24th and 27th for monthly task reports, work package reports and work manager reports respectively.
As previously, every three monthly report requires input from WP co-ordinators to the project co-ordinator by the 15th of months 3, 6, 9.
All but the final version of reports should include the word DRAFT in the footer and on the first page. The report format (RI111) should also be followed.
Once a final version has been written, a soft copy should be sent by the author to the CEO ftp site. All previous versions should be clearly marked as such, or deleted, to avoid possible confusion.
A hard copy of reports is sent to CEO by IMGI.
Objective: Project management at scientific, technical, and administrative level; organising the customer community and maintaining the interaction with the customers throughout the project.
Responsible: H. Rott, IMGI
Key issues of scientific and technical management are addressed above.
WP 110
Technical Co-ordination |
Caves |
WP 120
Management and Administration |
Nagler |
WP 130 |
Communication and Interaction with End Customers |
Wright |
Responsible: R. Caves, SCEOS
Objectives: To define a common format for the reports, as well as quality standards and formats for graphic work (WP 111); to define standards for the software which will be developed within the project; to define data formats and/or protocols for exchange of data files between project partners (WP 112).
WP 111 is complete, and the report RI111 is available
Tasks within WP 110
WP 111 Definition of report formats and standards SCEOS Caves
WP 112 Definition of software standards IMGI Glendinning
Responsible: R.Caves, SCEOS, months 1-3
This work package is complete, and available as RI111.
Responsible: G.Glendinning, IMGI, month 1-6
The draft report RI112 received OKs from all reviewers, but new ideas and a new general data format were developed at the software meeting at IMGI, on 13th August.
The General HydAlp Data format is being described and integrated into RI112. This takes the form of header keywords and column data. All files passed to and from user level tools in HydAlp will be passed in this form, to be programmed by DIBAG.
The final report will reference the output report of the Software Meeting for examples of all file types. The final report will be ready at the end of August.
Objectives: Planning and supervision of the project activities in general, administration of the project finances, monitoring of project progress, analysis of potential problems and risks, quality control of deliverables (by the project co-ordinator, in parallel to the WP co-ordinator and WP manager), planning and organisation of meetings.
Tasks within WP 120
WP 121 Scientific and technical management IMGI Nagler
WP 122 Milestones, meetings, risk analysis IMGI Rott
Responsible: T. Nagler, IMGI, month 1-30
Issues and concerns related to this WP are addressed by the project co-ordinator (under Problems-Risks-Responsibilities and Quality Control).
Status of the Action Items from the Kick-Off Meeting:
Item No. |
Action |
Responsible |
Deadline |
Status |
1 |
WP and Task Mangers Responsibility Sheets, distributed to all partners at the meeting, are to be completed by each partner and sent to IMGI: |
All |
10 March 1997 |
Completed |
2 |
FTP site established at CEO: Password to H. Rott, who will distribute it to the partners. |
Aschbacher / Rott |
10 March 1997 |
Completed |
3 |
A copy of the Data Policy of CEO (internal document) to the HydAlp co-ordinator |
Aschbacher |
10 March 1997 |
Completed |
4 |
Send status note of data rights for each basin to the Co-ordinator IMGI |
All |
20 May 1997 |
Completed |
Status of the Action Items from the 1st Technical Meeting:
Item No. |
Action |
Responsible |
Deadline |
Status |
1 |
Collect information on computing platform, languages, data formats, image processing, graphics, GIS, and data base management. If applicable, a documentation standard should be suggested. |
All |
20 March 1997 |
A list of available software and platforms at each partner is available |
2 |
Hydrological model distribution: SRM at HBV: Software and Agreement forms |
30 April 1997 |
HBV: distributed to SCEOS, IMGI |
3 |
Define basins and melt seasons |
30 April 1997 |
4 |
Select DBMS |
15 April 1997 |
Work in progress |
5 |
Install Project Summary on the WWW at the CEO |
30 June 1997 |
A HydAlp Page was installed at the CEO |
6 |
Design a project logo. Winning design wins a bottle of Schnaps, courtesy of Helmut Rott. Needs to be available for Action Item 5. |
All |
30 June 1997 |
Logo decided. |
Deliverables completed:
RI 111 |
Definition of report formats and standards , 30 May 1997 |
RI 132 |
The Framework Standards for Customer Requirements, 3 June 1997 |
RI 232 |
Definition of Data Requirements / Acquisition Requests, 12 Aug 1997 |
RI 233 |
Remote Sensing Data Search, Aug. 1997 : One contribution still missing |
RI 112 |
Definition of Software Standards, Draft, August |
RI 212 |
Customer Workshop, Draft, August |
RI 232 and RI 233: The delivery of the final version was delayed due to a delay in the review process.
Responsible: H. Rott, IMGI, month 1-30
Scottish Customer Focus group Meeting, MLURI, 22-23.7. 1997. A summary was compiled by J. Morgan Davis and sent to IMGI.
Technical Meeting, MLURI, 24-25.7.1997:: The main topic was the general flowline (including the data access module), which was discussed in detail The flowline integrates remote sensing data, hydrological and meteorological data base management, and hydrological models. Problems regarding the scottish test site BASUK were discussed by the members of MLURI and SCEOS. Participants T. Nagler (IMGI), H. Kleindienst (UBE), R. Caves (SCEOS), O. Turpin (SCEOS), R. Ferguson (SCEOS), G. Wright (MLURI), J. Morgan Davis (MLURI), M. Broatgate (MLURI).
Software Meeting, IMGI, 13 August 97: The general flowline was discussed in detailed. A general HydAlp data format for tabulated data was developed. Each tool of the flowline was discussed in detail. A short report is in compilation describing the general flowline, all the tools which are required, and specific files. Minutes of the meeting were compiled and sent out to the participants. Participants: H. Rott (IMGI), T. Nagler (IMGI), G. Glendinning (IMGI), H. Kleindienst (UBE), Erich Riegler (DIBAG).
For risk analysis, see Section 1.2.2
Responsible: G. Wright, MLURI
Objectives: To organise the customers (including project partners and new customers) for the purpose of obtaining specifications of their requirements for hydrological modelling and forecasting, for the assessment of project activities throughout the project, and for assessment of project results.
Tasks within WP 130
WP 131 Organisation of customer community and meetings MLURI Gauld
WP 132 Dissemination of framework standards for customer MLURI Wright
Responsible: Gauld, MLURI, month 1-30
This work package is closely linked to WP210, and further information concerning the customer interactions can be found within that work package. Prior to the Scottish Customer Focus Group (SCFG) meeting, some 9 "key" customers were contacted and all responded positively to participation in the SCFG. The main meeting of the SCFG was organised for 22nd 23rd July and successfully completed. Since the meeting, a series of follow-up individual meetings and discussions with "key" participants, as well as new organisations identified at the SCFG meeting, have either taken place or are presently being arranged. A more in-depth summary of the initial findings of the SCFG may be found under WP210.
Responsible: G. Wright, MLURI, month 1-3
A final copy of this report was produced and distributed at the beginning of Month 4 and this Work Package is now completed.
Responsible: Michael Baumgartner / Hannes Kleindienst, UBE, month 1-24
Objective: Definition of customer needs, preparation (including acquisition) of hydrological, meteorological and remote sensing data, data base compilation, design of an access module
Tasks within WP 200
WP 210 Specification of customer needs MLURI Wright
WP 220 Hydrol. and Meteorol. database compilation UBE Kleindienst
WP 230 Remote sensing database IMGI Glendinning
WP 240 Field experiments IMGI Nagler
Responsible: H. Kleindienst, UBE, months 1-24
Task 201 has to take care that all deliverables are on time and that problems within WP 200 are going to be solved.
The main activities within this work package are on time, though some activities were delayed due to problems, which have mostly been solved.
The approval procedure of the internal reports RI232 and RI233 was held up at the Work Package co-ordinator level. The final reports were finally issued in mid-April.
The report on task 213 was delayed due to work overload. The draft report has recently been sent out for review.
Responsible: G. Wright, MLURI, months 1-9
The needs for improvements in hydrological modelling and forecasting will be specified in close interaction with customers such as hydropower agencies, hydrological services and environmental agencies.
Tasks within WP 210
WP 211 Assessment of customer needs MLURI Gauld
WP 212 Customer - workshop MLURI Gauld
WP 213 Requirements for hydropower management VERB Pirker
WP 214 Interim report 1 on customer requirements MLURI Wright
For the Customer Focus Group, potential "customers" must have or be prepared to show an active interest in using the main products set out in the HydAlp Project itself. The Scottish Customer Focus Group is formed for the sole purpose of involving "customers" in the specification of their requirements for a hydrological application's run-off model for monitoring and forecasting in alpine and high latitude basins. Primary inputs to this model will be remotely sensed earth observation data and conventional climatic and river basin characteristic information.
Responsible: Gauld, MLURI, months 3-7
This part of the HydAlp project is closely linked with the outcome of WP130 and WP212. Almost all of the Scottish Customer Focus Group participants not attending the Workshop have been contacted and discussion meetings were arranged for the 20th & 26th August. Further suggested participants have been carefully screened for direct interest in the role and objectives of the HydAlp project and will be followed up by use of the SCFG Questionnaire or by interactive discussion. It was found that initial suggestions of customer requirements, from SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency), were closely reflected by the results of the SCFG Workshop meeting (detailed in WP212).
Responsible: Gauld: MLURI, months 3-6
The Scottish Customer Focus Group Workshop took place at MLURI on 22nd and 23rd July 1997. The response from initial SCFG participants to the SCFG Workshop has been very positive with a good complement of organisations represented. It was unfortunate that a conflicting timetable meant that a "Key" participant, Scottish Hydro-Electric, was not able to attend, but their contribution will still be included in the final report through the application of the second phase of the SCFG - the informal interactive discussion with individual customers.
The draft report for RI212 has been received.
Contributing Participants (by Organisation):
Dr. Ken Pugh & Mr. Nigel Goody (SEPA), Mr. Les Street (RSPB), Dr. Johnothan Stacy (SNH), Mr. David Crichton (General Accident Insurance), Mr. Dan Woodrow (Anite Systems), Mrs. Marian Austin (Scottish Ski Federation), Mr. Otto Pirker (Austrian Hydropower), Ms. Rachel Helliwell (MLURI Hydrologist).
Potential customers were invited to comment on their particular requirements for a snowmelt and runoff model and it was determined, at the outset, that flood risk assessment represented the principle concern of all participants.
The customers' "wish-list" of needs is summarised below. It is important to note that customers were also keen to have relative costs for each data source detailed and highlighted the lack of concerted financial resources currently available to address the entire topic of flooding.
Parameter group |
Parameter |
Frequency of data |
Delay before Output |
Spatial Resolution |
output potential |
Area |
1-7days |
4hr - 3wks |
3m - 2.5km |
Yes |
Water equiv. |
ß |
ß |
ß |
Possibly |
Melting cond. |
ß |
ß |
ß |
Yes |
Location |
ß |
ß |
ß |
Yes |
Volume |
1 day |
0 - 3days |
1km 1000km |
??? |
Discharge (m3/sec) |
ß |
ß |
ß |
??? |
Classes |
1 - 10 yrs |
< 1mnth |
< 5 20m |
Yes |
Surface permeability |
ß |
ß |
ß |
Possibly |
Surface roughness |
ß |
ß |
ß |
Possibly |
areal extent |
1hr - 7day |
-5hr - +1hr |
~ 5m |
Yes |
Forecasts |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
Drainage/runoff |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
Duration |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
Volume |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
Statistical rep. |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
Target risks |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
time of year |
ß |
ß |
- |
Yes |
NB: Output potential is not specifically the modelling potential within HydAlp but within future operational production.
Action: It was agreed at the SCFG Workshop meeting by the modellers present that they should report back to the SCFG whether the needs specified by the customers could be addressed within the HydAlp project. The modellers' response to each "requirement" should be in the format:
i) Can be addressed within HydAlp,
ii) Could possibly be addressed,
iii) impossible to address within the scope of HydAlp.
Conclusions reached by the SCFG Workshop were as follows:
Responsible: Pirker: VERB, months 1-4
Due to temporary shortage of manpower the work was delayed. The draft report, RI213, is now in review.
Responsible: G. Wright, MLURI, months 7-9.
This part of Work Package 210 does not need to be actioned yet.
Responsible: H. Kleindienst, UBE, months 2-9
Tasks within WP 220
WP 221 Hydromet database for BASAT IMGI Glendinning
WP 222 Hydromet database for BASCH UBE Kleindienst
WP 223 Hydromet database for BASSW SMHI Johansson
WP 224 Hydromet database for BASUK MLURI Morgan-Davies
WP 225 Access module design UBE Kleindienst
Within this Work Package the hydrological and meteorological data will be compiled and set up to be used for hydrological modelling.
This report gives an overview of the data, which is already available at the institutes. It also defines the main periods of interest, which will be hydrologically simulated.
Responsible: G. Glendinning: IMGI, months 2-7
Work has continued collating data for BASAT, and it has been attempted to extend the database to include more high-resolution data. A further meteorological station is proposed to complement those already present.
Liaisons with Tauern Kraftwerk (TKW) have almost completed the data search at present.
Hydrological data is available from Persal, Wasserfall, and Tuxbach Überleitung.
Meteorological data is available from Mayrhofen, Schlegeis, Plattkopf and Stillup.
Hydrological and meteorological data
The following table sets out the hydromet data available for BASAT. The data is stored in simple ASCII files: each file represented by a row in the table.
Table 1: Available HydroMet data for BASAT T represents air temperature (07, 14 & 19 being hours in the day), ppt is precipitation, Q is runoff and Z is snow depth (Znew is newly fallen snow depth), avg is daily average.
Start Date |
End Date |
Station |
Parameters |
Regularity |
01-Jan-83 |
31-Dec-96 |
Persal |
Q |
Daily |
01-May-96 |
01-Jul-96 |
Persal |
Q |
15min |
01-Jan-83 |
01-Jan-96 |
Wasserfall |
Q |
Daily |
02-Jan-96 |
31-Dec-96 |
Wasserfall |
Q |
Daily |
01-May-96 |
01-Jul-96 |
Wasserfall |
Q |
15min |
01-Jan-83 |
31-Dec-95 |
Tux Uberl. |
Q |
Daily |
01-Jan-96 |
31-Dec-96 |
Tux Uberl. |
Q |
Daily |
01-May-96 |
01-Jul-96 |
Tux Uberl. |
Q |
15min |
01-Jan-81 |
31-Dec-95 |
Mayrhofen |
Date, T07, T14, T19, Tmax, Tmin, ppt, Z, Znew |
Daily |
02-Jan-96 |
01-Jan-97 |
Mayrhofen |
Tavg, ptt, Z |
Daily |
15-Apr-96 |
01-Jul-96 |
Mayrhofen |
T |
10min |
01-Jan-81 |
31-Dec-95 |
Schlegeis |
T07, T14, T19, Tmax, Tmin, ppt, Z, Znew |
Daily |
01-Jan-96 |
31-Dec-96 |
Schlegeis |
T, ppt |
Daily |
01-Jan-81 |
31-Dec-95 |
Plattkopf |
T07, T14, T19, Tmax, Tmin, ppt, Z, Znew |
Daily |
01-Jan-96 |
31-Dec-96 |
Plattkopf |
T, ppt |
Daily |
01-Jan-81 |
31-Dec-95 |
Stillup |
T07, T14, T19, Tmax, Tmin, ppt, Z, Znew |
Daily |
01-Jan-96 |
31-Dec-96 |
Stillup |
T, ppt |
Daily |
Time period to be simulated
The modelling will use previous year's data to set up model parameters, and run on data from the melt seasons 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 (with real time data). The melt season runs from April to September for BASAT.
Data outstanding
1981 -1996 daily meteorological data may be available for Gschösswand, Lanersbach, Ginzling, Innerschmirn Obern and Wattener Lizum. These will be obtained through the Hydrographische Dienst, Österreich. Unfortunately, they are only available as hand-written records, so will not be analysed in their entirety.
There are plans to place a further meteorological station in Tuxbach in autumn 1997 at around 2000m a.s.l.
1997 data will be processed when available.
Sufficient hydromet data is now available to calibrate and validate runoff models for BASAT up to 1996. The further data will improve the accuracy of the meteorological model input. The data is all yet to be stored in the required format for HydAlp.
Responsible: H. Kleindienst, UBE, months 2-7
During the last three months a complete set of meteorological data from seven stations was compiled and organised in a database. Further on hydrological data for several ablation periods were as well stored in a database.
Some tests were carried to check if the cloud cover data from the meteo stations could be used to derive dates for which cloud-free images would be available. Although no concrete procedure can be proposed yet the cloud cover seems to be useful information.
Hydrological and meteorological data
The following table shows the data sets available at UBE.
Table 2: Available HydroMet data for BASCH T represents air temperature (7, 14 & 19 being hours in the day), P is precipitation, B is Cloud cover, rH is relative humidity, Q is runoff (corr is corrected, nat is natural) and Z is snow depth (Znew is newly fallen snow depth), avg is daily average.
Start Date |
End Date |
Station |
Parameters |
Regularity |
Alvaneu |
Arosa |
Chur |
T7, T13, T19, Tmin, Tmax, |
1-Jan-84 |
31-Dec-96 |
Davos |
B7, B13, B19, rH7, rH13, rH19, |
Daily |
Disentis |
P, Znew |
Hinterrhein |
Weissfluhj. |
1-Jan-82 |
31-Dec-82 |
Qcorr |
1-Apr-84 |
30-Sep-84 |
Qnat, Qcorr |
1-Jan-85 |
31-Dec-85 |
Qcorr |
1-Apr-88 |
30-Sep-88 |
Felsberg |
Qcorr |
Daily |
1-Apr-89 |
30-Sep-89 |
Qcorr |
1-Apr-90 |
30-Sep-90 |
Qnat, Qcorr |
1-Apr-93 |
30-Sep-93 |
Qcorr |
The meteorological data is provided and verified by SMA (Swiss meteo office). It therefore can be assumed that the data is of good quality. The quality of the hydrological data cannot be assessed.
Time period to be simulated
Most of the periods for which hydrological data is available are already simulated with the SRM. The simulations will be repeated (in order to eventually improve model results) and if possible new data sets will be applied.
Data outstanding
It is the aim to get additional hydrological data sets, if possible for more recent years (1994-96). Therefore several hydropower companies must be contacted in order to get the data of water abstractions.
Several sources of forecasted meteorological data have been checked (SMA, private meteo office, newspaper). It is planned to set up a database of forecasted meteorological data as a basis to test operational runoff and snow cover forecast.
It is planned to get additional data of snow cover conditions from the Snow and Avalanche Research Institute in Davos (SLF-WSL). However, there has been no contact yet.
There is sufficient data available to run both models. Some more recent data will be obtained. A test of operational runoff forecast is planned.
Responsible: B. Johannson, SMHI, months 2-7
We have here at the institute, in our databases, the necessary hydromet data to run the model. A few of the meteorological stations are synoptic i.e. we receive data on a real time basis. In a forecasting situation, it will also be possible to get runoff data in real time. We may also arrange with some observers at the non-synoptic meteorological stations to phone them to get precipitation data for the last days before a forecast.
We have conversion programs to extract data from our databases, and create the PTQW file used by the HBV model, but of course we need to do some programming to convert data to the transfer format the HYDALP database will require.
We will use the following meteorological stations:
16798 Kvikkjokk 66 degrees 57' 17 degrees 44' 337m, synoptic station, 1959-
16897 Tjamotis 66 degrees 55' 18 degrees 32' 300m. precipitation, 1920-
16988 Jokkmokk 66 degrees 37' 19 degrees 38' 260m, synoptic station, 1961-
17792 Ritsem 67 degrees 43' 17 degrees 28' 521m, synoptic station, 1981-
17879 Aluokta 67 degrees 18' 18 degrees 54' 385m, precipitation + temperature,
Runoff data and water stage are taken from:
1969 Tjaktjajaure, outflow 1974-1994
1966 Tjaktjajaure, water stage 1974-1994
40071 Tjaktjajaure, inflow 1995-
Long-term monthly mean values of potential evapotranspiration have been computed for the station Kvikkjokk (16798).
Unfortunately none of the stations is within the catchment, so the remote sensing data may really improve the simulations!
Responsible: J. Morgan-Davies, MLURI, months 2-9
All available Hydromet data has now been sourced and is presently being acquired or compiled. Summer vacations or busy schedules of organisations and the presence of SCFG meetings has meant that data retrieval from outside sources (non MLURI) have not been forthcoming. Meetings for finalisation of data and acquisition have been planned for the next month (7 of project).
Most data is expected to be made available from the UK Meteorological Office archives. SEPA (who will also provide riverflow data to complement other data types if required) will also be providing "fill-in" data. All data will be compiled at MLURI in Ascii format from ORACLE where the MORECS met-data archive is held.
All available meteorological stations will be included in the database. Aviemore is the nearest and most logical weather station to contribute data to the Feshie study site. It does not lie directly in the Feshie sub-catchment but in the overall Upper Spey catchment. Daily rainfall, mean temperature, potential and actual evapotranspiration figures should all be available through Met office sources.
Responsible: H. Kleindienst, UBE, months 2-9
During the month 4 and 5 of the project the use and a possible design of a data access module were widely discussed via e-mail. At the technical meeting in Aberdeen (24/25 July 97) a version of the access module, as part of a general Hydalp-Flowline, was discussed.
At an additional software meeting in Innsbruck (13 Aug 97) the design of a general project flowline was specified and a final version of the data access module was set up.
Both will be distributed to all project partners for final comments at the end of August 1997, and documented in interim reports.
Responsible: G. Glendinning, IMGI, months 1-24
Work Package 230, Remote Sensing Data Base, comprises the project requirements for selecting and ordering remote sensing data in HYDALP. For this process, the details of basin locations, data already available and further requirements are needed.
Tasks within WP 230
WP 231 Search and acquisition of NOAA data UBE Ottersberg
WP 232 Definition data requirements / acquisition requests IMGI Nagler
WP 233 Remote sensing data search SCEOS Turpin/Nagler
Responsible: R. Ottersberg: UBE , months 1-24
This work is ongoing. Receiving stations and archives are OK.
Month 4: 95% of data was received and stored between 20.05.97 and 19.6.97
Month 5: 96% of data was received and stored between 20.06.97 and 19.7.97
A complete list of the recorded images is available at:
!!NEW!! (select Satellite receiving station) !!NEW!!
Responsible: T. Nagler: IMGI, months 1-4
The report RI232 was sent for review on 23rd June 1997, and the three reviews incorporated by the 30th June 1997. There was then a 6 week delay before the final OK by WP co-ordinator was given. The report has been distributed.
Responsible: O. Turpin: SCEOS, months 1-4
The report RI233 was sent for review on 18th June 1997. It required contributions from IMGI and UBE. The IMGI contribution was incorporated by 3rd July 1997, and the corrections passed by WP manager and project co-ordinator on 7th July 1997. There was then a 5 week delay before the OK by WP co-ordinator was given. The report has been distributed , with the UBE contribution is still outstanding.
Responsible: T. Nagler, IMGI, months 1-4, 13-16
Comparative field experiments will be carried out in the Austrian and Scottish test basins for the intercomparison of remote sensing techniques and the assessment of the accuracy and applicability of the data analysis methods.
Only Task 241 was active, during month 4 (June 1997).
Tasks within WP 240
Task 241 Preparation and conductance of Field Work IMGI Nagler
Task 242 Preparation and conductance of Field Work MLURI Bell
Task 243 Field work SCEOS Turpin
Task 244 Field work UBE Kleindienst
Responsible: T. Nagler, IMGI, months 1-4, 14-16
The test site Tuxbach was explored to find appropriate sites for collecting snow data (Hobalm, Grieralm and /or Höllenstein Hütte, Kleegrube). Further information on snow pit data was retrieved from the avalanche warning office of Tyrol (Lawinenwarndienst) of the Tauern-Kraft-Werke (TKW) / Verbund in Mayrhofen (Mr. H. Rass). The avalanche office collects snow pit data at 5 locations, two of which are in the test site (Penken, 2095 m, Wanglspitz, 2420 m), in a cycle of 2 weeks during the winter season. For the winter 1996/97 the parameters stratigraphy, snow depth, density, grain size, and hardness are summarised in an internal report of the TKW. Snow pit data of previous years are available at the avalanche office of the TKW.
Visits to the runoff gauges Tuxbach Überleitung, Wasserfall, and Persal and photographic documentation of the ablation patterns of glaciated areas are planned for September 1997. The purpose of these visits is to prepare for the planned hydrological work in spring 1998.
Responsible: Shaun Quegan, SCEOS, months 1-24
Objective: This work package has the following objectives:
· To review available methods for remote sensing data analysis, to identify needs for improvements regarding the application in hydrological models, and to implement the methodological improvements.
· To extract hydrological relevant information from the remote sensing data to be used as input for hydrological modelling and forecasting.
Optical sensors are to be used for mapping areal extent of snow cover, surface albedo, and land surface types, while SAR is to be used for mapping the extent of melting snow cover. Possibilities for estimating evapotranspiration will also be investigated. The work is broken down into four sub-work packages:
WP 310 Extraction of Basin Characteristics. MLURI, Miller
WP 320 Remote Sensing Methods for High Resolution Sensors. IMGI, Nagler
WP 330 Remote Sensing Methods for Medium Resolution Sensors. UBE, Baumgartner
WP 340 Earth Observation Data Analysis. SCEOS, Caves
Work on WPs 310 and 320 is progressing well. Due to the absence of M Baumgartner progress on WP 330 has been slow. Work on WP 340 does not start until month twelve. The previous 3-monthly progress report highlighted the need for increased co-ordination and communication between individual tasks and work packages.
R Caves visit to IMGI (27th June - 4th July), and the technical meeting at MLURI (24-25th July) following the SCFG have helped focus WP 320 work, in particular the definition of flow lines and interface to other WPs. However, the choice of SAR geocoding solution and HROI radiometric correction routines have yet to be finalised, and the overall flow line implemented.
Communication within and external to WP 310 had been slow though is now much improved, partially due to the compilation of metadata at MLURI and the preparation of this report. The need for RL311 "Review of methods and improvements for extracting basin characteristics" to address generic issues has been stressed.
A good overview of the status of the MROI work was gained from R Caves visit to UBE (25-26th June). However, no further progress has been reported from UBE since. As a result of this the integration of WP 330 with other WPs is much further behind that of WPs 310 and 320. The need for this integration is highlighted by the fact that WP 300 is meant to include an intercomparison of medium and high resolution methods. It should also be noted that in terms of information content, availability of data and accuracy, any intercomparison should be conducted in the same basin. In principle, any of the three larger basins (BASCH, BASSW and BASUK) would be suitable for this intercomparison, as MROI methods are only applicable to larger basins. BASCH (3249 km2) or sub-basins would be a good choice, because methodological developments for medium resolution sensors will be done with this basin. For verification of these methods, the intercomp arison of high resolution data would be of good value. IMGI will assist UBE with the analysis of the high resolution data. BASSW is the next largest basin (2250 km2) and the expertise exists at SCEOS for analysing both medium and high resolution datasets. For BASUK (1268 km2), there is more uncertainty regarding the applicability of the hydrological models. The upshot of the SCFG meeting, however, shows a need for close time sequences of data in BASUK which points towards MROI. BASAT is too small (130 km2).
The choice of a basin for this intercomparison will be addressed in the progress meeting (17-18th November 1997).
Responsible: D. Miller, MLURI, months 1-12
Objectives: To extract the physiographic characteristics of each test basin. These data will be compiled into a Geographic Information System (GIS) for integration with other datasets (hydrological, climatological, Earth Observation (EO), and ground based) in hydrological modelling. The minimum characteristics that are required are those that will provide the models with their key inputs, such as altitudinal bands and selected land cover classes. These data will be gathered for entire basins and in greater detail for selected sub-basins to allow for a more comprehensive demonstration of the potential of the models.
Tasks within WP 310
WP 311 Review of methods and improvements MLURI Miller
WP 312 Data analysis for basin BASAT IMGI Glendinning
WP 313 Data analysis for basin BASCH UBE Baumgartner
WP 314 Data analysis for basin BASUK MLURI Miller
WP 315 Data analysis for basin BASSW SCEOS Turpin
General co-ordination (internal and external).
Tasks 312, 313, 314 and 315 became active during months four and five. The objective of these Tasks is to extract the basin characteristics required for the running of the hydrological models in each of the test basins. These characteristics include land cover, topography represented as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), derivatives of topography such as slope or aspect, and mapped surface hydrological features (such as basin and sub-basin boundaries and directions of flow).
No significant problems have been encountered with the data collection or preliminary analysis for any of the basins, although progress is still at an early stage.
Work within WP 310 has been closely linked with that in:
Internal links are being actively pursued now that data are becoming available for each basin and issues of documentation and procedure are current. Prior to this stage such links were not established in great depth.
Meta data:
Each dataset will be comprehensively described within a standard metadata form. An example is available in the Appendix. This provides details on the origins, content, reliability, geometric properties and copyright/access to the datasets. This aspect of the WP has been developed together with WP 600.
The technical content of the meta data includes:
Responsible: D. Miller, MLURI, months 1-8
The structure and content of the report RL311 has been formulated with the WP Co-ordinator. The report will review generic methods for extracting basin characteristics, and will be targeted at potential users of the results of HydAlp who wish to apply the procedures developed to a basin not included within the project. The proposed structure for the report is contained in the Appendix.
Issues relating to the use of RS data for extracting/updating land cover information will be dealt with in so far as they are specific to this WP, e.g. choice of data and land cover classification routines. It is likely that geocoding issues will be sufficiently covered by WP 320 and 330. Radiometric correction will also be largely covered by these WPs.
Section headings for RL311
- what we need, why we need it, how accurate it must be
- definitions and terminology
-- basins/catchments, characteristics
-- land cover, elevation (and associated), hydrology
Characteristics (descriptions, reliability, availability)
- land cover
- elevation
- hydrology
-- land cover
-- elevation
-- hydrology
-- combined units (e.g. units based upon combinations of physiographic data such as soil, land cover and landform)
will be dealt with under the following headings
--- data sources (origin, history)
--- data types
--- data structures (raster, vector, object linked)
--- derivation
---- measurement (field, indirect observation from imagery, photography or maps)
---- modelled (discussion of different types of modelling and analytical solutions with respect to catchment characteristics; e.g. alternative models of elevation, inferred land cover types, network models of hydrology)
---- accuracy (discussion of absolute, relative, scale and attribute errors)
---- coding (interpretation coding and links to accuracy, automated classifications, nature of coding systems for polygon, linear and point data and raster data)
---- currency (issues to be considered with respect to length of time for which data is valid)
- definition
- "value"
- use
- example
Responsible: Graham Glendinning, IMGI, months 4-11
1. DEM
The DEM covering BASAT extends over all of Zillertal, Tirol.
Source, Format and Copyright:
The DEM was derived from geodetic maps. It is supplied as raster data from a vector source. It is stored and manipulated in PCI EASI/PACE 6.1 in *.PIX format. A supplemental digitised map (an amalgamation of OEK 50 digitised maps scanned at 400dpi) is utilised to aid GCP selection for geocoding. Use of the DEM is restricted to IMGI personnel.
Pixel spacing |
25m |
Vertical resolution |
1m |
Minimum elevation |
560m |
Maximum elevation |
3503m |
Mean Elevation |
2070m |
Projection |
Gauss-Kruger (TM) |
Central Meridian |
10° 20'00" |
Central scale factor |
1.0 |
Ellipsoid |
Bessel |
Local datum shift x,y,z (in ref. to WGS84) |
566.43m, 84.37m, 474.30m |
angles [x10-4] |
12.33° , 5.31° , 11.07° |
Scaling |
1.0000025 |
Upper left corner |
11° 30'56.21"E, 47° 15'00.88"N |
Lower right corner |
12° 11'53.56"E, 46° 56'07.04"N |
Slope and aspect information have been derived from the DEM.
2. Land Cover
Land cover is derived solely from satellite imagery. Landsat Thematic Mapper data were utilised, from 16th August 1992 and 17th September 1992. These images were geocoded in EASI / PACE (same projection specifications as for the DEM). Planetary albedo maps were derived, and simple thresholding techniques applied for a preliminary class derivation. Classes derived include:
Surface albedo will be required for more accurate or complex class calculations, and aspect and slope will also be introduced to the calculation. Aspect and slope have been derived from the DEM within PCI.
The basin extent was calculated using the watershed routines of PCI EASI/PACE. The downstream extent was limited by the lower stream gauge, Persal.
Meta data has been produced for BASAT extent and the DEM, but not yet for Land Cover.
Responsible: Michael Baumgartner, UBE, months 4-11
Due to the absence of the Task manager no update was available for BASCH, neither was a monthly report supplied for July.
The below information is compiled by Ron Caves on behalf of the WP manager.
The June monthly report stated that data is available for:
The above data is to be transferred into the ArcView GIS. A 1km DEM with 100m height accuracy is also available. This is sufficient for analysing MROI data.
Responsible: David Miller, MLURI, months 5-12
Some discussion has been undertaken on the selection of the final definition of each basin and in the case of BASUK a revision of the extent of the basin is currently being discussed. The mapped, hydrological data for the area has been ordered from the Ordnance Survey together with the 1:10 000 vector contours for the entire basin.
Geographic data that is available to HydAlp for the BASUK is listed in Appendix 3.
Digital Elevation Models
The 1:50000 raster DEM from Ordnance Survey will be used as the principal source of elevation data. The DEM has been resampled to 25m and 12.5m using bilinear interpolation for compatibility with the output resolution of the rectified satellite imagery. A raster DEM will be derived from the 1:10000 contour data.
Two tests are proposed using different source scales of elevation data:
Two preliminary studies are been carried out:
The 5m DEM for the Glen Feshie sub-basin will be completed by the end of August 1997 and this will provide a large scale input dataset for the study of the sub-basin.
Land Cover
The land cover data has been recoded to a preliminary classification of
Significant further discussion will be required on the detailed reclassification and it is anticipated that there will be several versions of the classification to permit alternative scenarios of model runs to be undertaken.
Two sources are being used. 1. Ordnance Survey 1:10000 Landline data for Glen Feshie and the "larger" rivers within BASUK; 2. "Main" hydrological features derived from the elevation models. The outputs from source 2 will be calibrated by reference to source 1.
Geographic data available to BASUK (WP314)
Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
Scale |
Structure |
Resolution (m) |
Area of coverage |
Source organisation |
1:250000 |
Raster |
100 |
UK |
UK Mapping and Charting |
1:50000 |
Raster |
50 |
Scotland |
Ordnance Survey |
1:10000 |
Vector |
10 |
extracts of Spey |
Ordnance Survey |
in-house |
Raster |
5 |
Glen Feshie |
Land Cover
Scale |
Structure |
Resolution (m) |
Area of coverage |
Source organisation |
1:25000 |
Vector/raster |
25 |
Scotland |
Hydrology (rivers, streams, and lochs)
Scale |
Structure |
Area of coverage |
Source organisation |
1:10000 |
Vector |
extracts of Scotland |
OS |
1:50000 |
Vector |
MLURI (derived from DEM) |
Loch boundaries
Scale |
Structure |
Area of coverage |
Source organisation |
1:25000 |
Vector |
Scotland |
Catchment boundaries
Scale |
Structure |
Area of coverage |
Source organisation |
1:10000 |
Vector |
OS |
1:50000 |
Raster |
Responsible: Owen Turpin, SCEOS, months 4-11
The following data is available for BASSW.
Catchment boundaries for Tjaktjajaure and Litnok, in ARC/INFO export ASCII-code and in ARC/INFO ungenerate ASCII-code formats.
The map projection is RT90 with co-ordinate system:
Projection |
Units |
Spheroid |
Major Axis |
6377397.0 |
Minor axis |
6356079.0 |
and parameters:
scale factor at central meridian |
1.0 |
longitude of central meridian |
15° 48 29.8 |
latitude of origin |
0.0 |
false easting (meters) |
1500000.0 |
false northing (meters) |
0.0 |
The DEM has been supplied to SCEOS but analysis has not yet commenced. The DEM may only be used by SCEOS for the purposes agreed with SMHI.
The following basin characteristics will be used for modelling:
All data except glacier area are already mapped in digital form on a 500 x 500m grid.
Responsible: Thomas Nagler, IMGI, months 2-12
Objectives: To assess the available methods for the extraction of information from high resolution optical and radar imaging sensors for mapping extent and properties of the snow pack and for estimation of evapotranspiration. To identify deficiencies, and to implement modifications regarding the use in hydrological models.
Tasks within WP 320
WP 321 Improvement of methods for SAR & HROI IMGI Nagler
WP 322 Methods for geocoding and information extraction SCEOS Caves
This WP requires close co-ordination between IMGI and SCEOS. The required work has been well defined within the last few months, including the definition of general flow-lines, search for available software, definition of required programs, and formats for providing remote sensing products to other tasks. WP 320 is within the time schedule.
Visit by R Caves to IMGI: 27 June to 4 July 1997
This visit was the main focus of WP 320 over the last three months. The main purpose of the visit was to co-ordinate the work and to discuss software development within WP 320 (R Caves has compiled an internal SCEOS report on this visit and his visit to GIUB). Based on procedures developed by Nagler (1996) the flow lines for processing SAR and HROI data were defined in detail. To take advantage of standard display, visualisation, and image processing tools it was decided to develop the analysis software within the PCI EASI/PACE UNIX environment, which all relevant HydAlp partners have access to. It was agreed that the processing approach should be modular so that modules can be upgraded, changed, added or deleted as desired.
All relevant external EASI/PACE routines developed by IMGI for SAR snow mapping and HROI surface classification were demonstrated and copies were supplied for installing at SCEOS; these programs need to be modified to meet HydAlp software and documentation standards (RI112). Compilation problems were initially encountered when these routines were installed at SCEOS. Also, a license for the PCI Software Toolbox had to be purchased before the routines could be run; a check was made to ensure that SCEOS had a license for all other PCI modules used by IMGI. A number of new programs, which are required for this WP, were also defined. Strict version control procedures will be required for routines jointly developed between IMGI and SCEOS. A Remote Sensing Product File (RSPF) format was proposed for integrating the information extracted from RS data (e.g. snow coverage) into the hydrological models.
For testing the procedures, a set of images is required;
BASAT: images available at IMGI
BASUK and BASSW: no images are available at SCEOS.
Responsible: T. Nagler, IMGI, months 2-12
The processing of SAR and HROI will be developed in modules, called RS.SAR and RS.HROI. These modules are further separated into sub-modules, labelled with the extension 1, 2, etc.
SAR Image Analysis Module - RS.SAR
The generation of snow maps from SAR data relies on the procedure proposed by Nagler (1996). Figure 3.1 shows the flow chart of the main processing steps. It can be divided into two modules RS.SAR.1 and RS.SAR.2, both of which comprise several sub-modules. The SAR flow line is based on ERS PRI images. Modifications will be required for Radarsat.
The module RS.SAR.1 deals with the generation of a stack of co-registered repeat-pass SAR images. For each pass a geometrical master image (GMI) is selected. Due to the use of repeat pass images full geocoding need only be defined for the GMI of each pass. Geocoding routines are described under WP 322. Each image is absolutely calibrated by applying SAR-processor dependent calibration factors. A routine for calibration of ERS-1/2 PRI data is available at IMGI including replica power correction, range spreading loss, and application of the improved antenna pattern (program PRIADJ). A corresponding calibration routine is required for Radarsat data. Repeat pass images are co-registered to the corresponding GMI using coarse and fine matching. The Coarse Matcher determines the linear shift in azimuth and range between the actual SAR image and the GMI (matching will be done in pixel scale). If significant variations in the heading and look angle are observed the actual im age is resampled to the GMI based on the cross-correlation of image chips (Fine Matcher, which includes rotation and stretching capabilities). Both matching routines will be developed in co-operation with Ron Caves, SCEOS. The co-registered images including meta-information will be catalogued.
The module RS.SAR.2 deals with the generation of the extent of wet snow for a single period. Crossing overflights (ascending and descending passes within several days) will be used to reduce the loss of information due to layover/shadow. The procedure is described in detail in Nagler (1996). For generation of a single snow map four SAR scenes are required in total: 2 SAR snow images (SI), which are acquired when the snow extent is to be determined, 2 SAR reference images (RI), acquired during absolutely dry snow or snow free conditions. The same SAR reference images will be used for all dates. Prior to rationing, speckle smoothing must be applied (e.g. using the EASI/PACE filter ffrost). The IMGI routine snwmap is then used for forming the ratio SI/RI and for generating the snow extent bitmap. The presence of wetland areas was identified as a problem when selecting reference images for BASUK and possibly BASSW.
The geocoded ratio images of ascending and descending passes are combined to reduce the loss of information due to layover (snwmer). So long as geocoding is accurate the ascending/descending combination is a relatively straightforward task based on the incidence angle maps calculated from orbit information and the DEM. It should be noted that the time lag between ascending and descending passes varies markedly between test basins. For BASAT the lag is only half a day but for BASUK and BASSW it is one and half days and six and a half days respectively. These longer lags will permit more change to occur between passes and hence reduce the validity of the ascending/descending combination. The snow cover map, the residual layover/shadow map, and meta-information describing all processing steps (software version, etc.) will be listed in a catalogue.
HROI Data Analysis - RS.HROI
HROI data will be used for classification of surface types, snow mapping, and estimation of evaporation. Figure 3.2 shows the flow-line for surface classification and snow mapping, which is based on a procedure by Nagler (1996). The HROI flow-line is based on the use of Landsat TM data and will need to be modified for SPOT and other HROI sensors. The computer code for derivation of the planetary albedo (albedo determined at the sensor, without any atmospheric correction, program tmpa) and the surface albedo (requires atmospheric transfer model, program tmsa) from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data were developed at IMGI and run under the EASI/PACE environment. The geocoding requires the routines smodel and sortho, which are part of the EASI/PACE Ortho-Rectification Module. The classification is based on a hierarchical decision tree applied on maps of the planetary albedo and surface albedo.
Several modifications and improvements of the existing software are required. This includes the calibration routine, where the spectral channel characteristics of other sensors (e.g. SPOT, LISS-III, etc.) have to be specified. Problems in the surface albedo calculation occur mainly in shadowed areas and in steep valleys (with values which are significantly too high). To correct for the impact of the reflected solar irradiation from surrounding slopes the recent publications on this topic will be studied (Dozier and Frew, 1990, Sandmeier and Itten, 1997). Improvements in the atmospheric radiative transfer calculations will be investigated by using the 6S (Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, University of Lille) (Vermonte et al., 1997).
Remote Sensing Product File (RSPF)
The RSPF contains the information extracted from the remote sensing data (e.g. snow cover fraction) for sub-areas specified by various topographic parameters (sub-basin, elevation, aspect, slope) and thematic parameters (surface classes). The high resolution (HR) RSPF will use sub-areas with the finest sub-division of these parameters (elevation steps of 10 m, 16 aspect classes, 8 slope classes, various surface classes) and will be combined to get the remote sensing product per Hydrological Unit. Methods for integrating RSPF files with HydroMet data in the hydrological models are being discussed with the modellers. This was a major item of discussion at the recent MLURI technical meeting following the SCFG.
Dozier J. and J. Frew, Rapid Calculation of terrain parameters for radiation modelling from digital elevation data, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 963-969, 1990.
Nagler T. , Methods and Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from ERS-1 and X-SAR for Snow and Glacier Applications, PhD Thesis, University of Innsbruck, 1996.
Sandmeier S. and K. I. Itten, A physically-based model to correct atmospheric and illumination effects in optical satellite data of rugged terrain, IEEE Geosci Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No.3 May, 1997..
Vermonte E.F., D. Tanré, J.L. Deuzé, M. Herman, and J.J. Morcrette, Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum, 6S: An Overview. IEEE Geosci Remote Sensing, Vol. 35, No.3 May, 1997.
Responsible: R. Caves, SCEOS, months 2-10
The basis for our recommended form of geocoding within HYDALP needs to be clarified. R. Caves will compile a discussion document consisting of a list of the issues that need to be addressed. Comments on these issues would be requested from IMGI, GIUB and SCEOS, and their replies would form the basis for defining clear criteria for choosing a geocoding solution.
This document needs swift attention if it is to have any impact on our recommendations. T.Nagler has suggested that a short comparison of the advantages/disadvantages and of required parameters of the two available geocoding software packages (SCEOS and IMGI: EASI/PACE, only IMGI: RSG) would be useful; one main problem will be the detection of accurate ground control points.
SAR Geocoding
Accurate geocoding of SAR images is required for combination of snow maps of ascending and descending orbits. The accuracy of the geocoding depends on the quality of: the digital elevation model, the sensor and orbit parameters, the ground control points, and the geocoding algorithm used.
Two geocoding solutions are being discussed:
IMGI have much more experience of using the image simulation and matching approach than the range doppler approach. With the latter, problems were encountered in identifying suitable GCPs in mountainous areas. Only the PCI routines are available at both IMGI and SCEOS. Any decision on whether to test the RSG software should wait until the discussion document on SAR geocoding had been compiled, circulated and responses analysed. RSG is marketed in the UK by ERDAS. Erich Riegler may be able to help obtain a copy of the RSG at a reduced rate.
In EASI/PACE image simulation (sarsim1) is based on the following parameters:
All parameters should be available from the image header. Fine tuning of the heading, incidence angle and pixel spacing is used to improve the simulation relative to the real image. Little effect is noted from changing the altitude. S Quegan noted that fine tuning of sarsim1 parameters is mostly based on heuristics. He considered that objectivity and repeatability should be one of the topics considered in the discussion document on geocoding. Matching of the two images is based on layover features. The IMGI/PCI tempmat routine is used to match layover features in the real and simulated images.
HROI Geocoding
IMGI have suggested that the PCI routines smodel, sortho (PCI ortho-rectification package) be used initially. These routines have been tested successfully by IMGI for BASAT. The EASI/PACE-geocoding routines require a digital elevation model, sensor and orbit parameter (extracted from original data files) and ground control points. The sensor and orbit parameter are extracted automatically by using EASI/PACE reading routines, available for Landsat-5 TM (EASI/PACE-program cdlandc) and SPOT images (EASI/PACE-program cdspot). For collecting ground control points the EASI/PACE-program gcpworks is used; as the geo-referenced image a digital copy of the topographic map or a digitizer is required.
Geocoding of HROI images can also be achieved within the RSG software.
Topics for future work include:
Develop a PCI EASI /PACE routine for registration of SAR images.
Figure 3.1: Flowchart of SAR snow mapping procedure.
Figure 3.2: Flow chart for surface classification of Landsat TM images (from Nagler 1996).
Responsible: M. Baumgartner, UBE, months 2-12
Objectives: This WP will review, improve and document semi-automatic and automatic procedures for estimating albedo, and generating snow cover maps from data of medium resolution sensors; this study will include geocoding issues. The output will be in a format suitable for integrating into the general flowline concept of HYDALP.
WP332 and WP333 have not yet started.
Tasks within WP 330
WP 331 Review & improvement of methods for MROI UBE Baumgartner
WP 332 Water balance and evapotranspiration MLURI
WP 333 Documentation of methods UBE Baumgartner
The only active Task is WP 331- Review and improvement of methods for MROI.
Responsible: Michael Baumgartner, UBE, months 2-10
The review of the most commonly used methods for medium resolution sensors, especially NOAA-AVHRR data is ongoing. An extended summary will be presented in the next 3-month report. Within the next few weeks, the development of new approaches of using medium resolution remote sensing data, including geocoding and classification procedures, will start.
From visit to UBE: Ron Caves, SCEOS gave details, below.
R. Caves visited UBE on 25th and 26th June 1997 to get better acquainted with their work on MROI and its role in the HydAlp Project. The main steps in AVHRR processing were discussed.
AVHRR data is received as 10-bit and has to be stored as 8 or 16 bit. 8 bit storage involves an element of information loss. 10 to 8 bit conversion is achieved either by dividing by four or by scaling between minimum and maximum values. 16 bit storage involves no information loss but twice the amount of space is needed.
Radiometric and atmospheric correction are not needed for snow cover mapping as the snow albedo is generally much higher than that for other features. Calibration would be needed if snow quality were an issue.
Geometric correction:
AVHRR has a wide field of view and the distortions caused by the Earths curvature must be corrected. Distortions are so severe along the edges of the swath that it is advisable to use data only from the central third of the swath. Geometric correction can be neglected for small sub-images extracted from the centre of the swath. The only reference on geometric correction of AVHRR data known to MB is in German (Urs Frei, University of Zurich Remote Sensing Series). The availability of a reference in English needs to be investigated.
Geocoding is the main processing problem for AVHRR. Geocoding must be accurate for time series analysis. The NOAA platforms, (there are several) are of an old design and do not have particularly stable orbits. This results in a marked variation in the equatorial crossing of each satellite. Hence, each AVHRR image has to be separately geocoded.
The equatorial crossing and other orbit information is listed in image headers. Geocoding can be based on these orbit parameters and 2-3 GCPs. However, this method has been found to produce misregistration errors of 5-6 pixels (i.e. 5-6 km), which is not sufficiently accurate for HydAlp. The PCI AVHRR Orbital Navigation routines are of this type. The geocoding approach adopted at GIUB is based on matching a much larger number of GCPs (15-20 per sub-scene). Where possible GCPs are selected from a reference set identified from previous images in a time series, though this is not always possible. This approach is time consuming particularly in mountainous regions - geocoding throughput is one image per day.
Classification is based on a supervised learning routine. If the image is cloud free the visible and NIR channels are sufficient for classification. In the presence of clouds NIR and FIR are used. Problems arise when clouds and snow have similar temperatures, e.g. thin cirrus and around the edges of clouds (mixed pixels); the latter can cause halo like effects.
It is advisable to classify an image prior to resampling it, as nearest neighbour then becomes the automatic choice of method for resampling.
Several planned improvements to existing methods were discussed. These included:
Responsible: R.Ferguson, SCEOS, months 1-17
This work package has the following objectives:
The work is broken down into the following sub-work packages:
WP 410 Intercomparison of the SRM and HBV runoff models.
WP 420 Compilation of runoff parameters.
WP 430 Methods for remote sensing and hydro-meteorological data fusion.
WP 440 Hydrological model modification.
WP 410 was the only work package operational in months 3-6. The work carried out is summarised below.
Responsible: O. Turpin, SCEOS, months 1-17
WP supervision and quality control involves resolving any problems that arise and ensuring that the objectives of all tasks are met and that all deliverables are on time. The only other task currently operational, WP 411, is on time, with no problems thus far.
Responsible: O.Turpin, SCEOS, months 1-9
This work package has the following objectives:
This task is not continuous throughout months 1-9. Some preliminary work was done in months 1-3. The main work has commenced, though only intermittently in months 5 and 6 because most of the project participants concerned have been on leave at one time or another. Points which are expected to be covered in the intercomparison were listed in the month 1-3 progress report and the list is not repeated here.
New work performed has included the following.
All these lines of work are ongoing.
A list of the parameters required to run the two models being compared, and the temporal resolution of these data are given as:
Variable |
temperature |
daily |
daily |
precipitation |
daily |
daily |
discharge |
daily |
daily |
pot. evap. |
monthly |
snow cover |
daily |
Responsible: H.Rott, IMGI, Months 12-28
This work package has not yet been actioned.
Responsible David Miller: MLURI, months 22-30
Objectives: Information provision: Centre for Earth Observation Demonstrator
Development of the Hydalp World Wide Web (WWW) site has been in two main areas. These are presentation and administration and documenting geographically referenced data.
1. Presentation and administrative materials within the WWW pages have increased to include minutes for the Scottish Customer Focus Group; a calendar which Participants can edit for a centrally available reference site; and current reports from the Hydalp project. Some illustrations of current datasets are also available. The results of the survey of Participant computer resources are available as are the reporting trees for the months of June and July 1997.
2. Development of the meta-data and meta-model pages is progressing with reference to the proposals made by EUROGI. The content of the pages is now believed to be appropriate for the purposes of Hydalp. An example page is included in the Appendices of the report for WP310. Design of the pages has been with a view to providing potential future users an informed impression of the nature, content and quality of both the data and the models being used (or developed) within Hydalp. By necessity, such pages have not yet been exposed to a wider audience and thus refinement for a wider applicability may be required.
However, several pages have now been completed for datasets within BASAT, BASCH and BASUK. These are currently at the stage of requiring to be checked by the Participants before release to the rest of the project.
The meta-model pages have not yet been used. Both of the hydrological models being used within Hydalp will be included in due course.
A listserver facility has been introduced for aiding electronic communications between participants, which is available as an alternative to individual mailings. Access to the listserver is only for Participants and requests for inclusion on the "list" should be sent to the , "list moderator" ( who is located at MLURI.
A file transfer protocol (ftp) site has been established at MLURI for the transfer of large digital datasets (address:; login: anonymous; password: anonymous; directory: hydalp). The advantage of such a site being based at the Participant's host computer is principally one of the ease of data management. Further use of this site is envisaged, at least for participants involved in WP310.
Current developments are focusing on the potential role of the HYDALP WWW site within the CEO ESWE site. Specifically, what links will be required between Hydalp WWW pages and those of ESWE for active demonstrations. This will be an important step because it will establish certain 'ground rules' as to how the group envisage the demonstrator to be used by outside parties.
All WWW that are provided by the Hydalp group are now linked into the project home page, at
Organisation |
user_name |
David Miller |
user_organisation |
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH |
Date |
16/07/97 |
data_set_name |
basuk watershed plus 1km |
data_date |
June 1997 |
Description |
A vector dataset of the catchment boundary of the BASUK study site. The derived watershed has been buffered by 1km to ensure that all other datasets are described and assessed with respect to the entire catchment and that there are no gaps due to misregistration, errors in boundary delimitation or issues associated with using large pixel resolutions (such AVHRR). |
raster_vector |
Filename |
basuk_sh_1km |
Software |
ArcInfo GRID (Ver. 7) - algorithms to derive the watershed. In-house software (Fortran) for uncertainty assessments of watershed with respect to the DEM. No information is available on the algorithm used to derive the OS raster DEM. |
Formats |
Erdas Imagine (*.img and *.lan) ArcInfo Grid |
Operating_system |
Solaris 2.4 and 2.5 |
Format |
Erdas Imagine Version 8.2 (*.img) |
Projection |
Modified Transverse Mercator Airy spheroid (1838) Central meridian: 2 degrees west scale factor at central meridian: 0.9996 Latitude of origin 49 degrees north False Eastings: 400000m False Northings: 100000m |
data_quality |
Resolution |
50m x 50m Derived from Ordnance Survey 1:50 000 maps with a contour Vertical interval of 10m. |
Attributes |
1 = inside catchment 2 = within 1km buffer outside of catchment boundary |
Methods |
Other |
The quality of the dataset is dependent upon the quality of the input OS DEM. Reporting on the DEM OS indicate an RMSE of 3m in the uplands. A study of an area to the east of the BASUK shows errors of RMS 7m. Therefore, the boundary should be treated with caution particularly where the watershed is not distinct and there are low slopes running away into the adjacent catchments. (accuracy statement - pending) |
Copyright |
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen. Copyright for the original DEM is Crown Copyright, Ordnance Survey, Southampton. |
Contact |
Dr David Miller Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen Ab15 8QH Tel: +44 1224 318611 x 2240 Fax: +44 124 311556 Email: d, |