Claire Souchet
Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH, Scotland, UK
The main conclusions for each fibre group are contained in the reports of each of the rapporteurs. The objective of this summary is to identify the further actions needed in relation to the establishment of a common database.
Cashmere: The traits to be measured have been finalised. The database structure has been well established. Four tables will be designed, including the three main types of traits and additional information concerning the animal itself. The implementation of such a database framework only requires a proper format to be agreed upon, its contents having been well defined.
Angora : The traits to be measured have been identified and finalised. Recording protocols have been identified, as a common recording card for the three concerned countries. A database framework has not been yet finalised, but the recording card system should be a prior step to such implementation. This should be done before the next workshop.
Fine wool: Measurements used for Selection Indices have been finalised and information to be included within a database has been identified and agreed upon. It concerns animal identity information and production data. The final format of the database has to be defined.
Mohair: Database structure has been agreed upon. Five tables will be designed, concerning the animal identification, the fleece weight, the fleece assessment, the fibre test and the reproduction data. The final format for the database and implementation details only require to be finalised. The final format for the database and implementation details only require to be finalised.
The discussions during this workshop allowed great progress to be made since the last workshop. Database contents for each fibre type and recording protocols have been identified. The final format of the common database needs to be finalised, as well as its management. All this information should be ready to be presented in the next workshop, where industry and manufacturer representatives will have the opportunity to add a further input.