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Kros, J., Reinds, G.J., Devries, W., Latour, J.B., and Bollen, M. Modelling the response of terrestrial ecosystems to acidification and desiccation scenarios. Water Air and Soil Pollution 85:1101-1106, 1995.

Kros, J., Reinds, G.J., Devries, W., Latour, J.B., and Bollen, M.J.s. Modelling of soil acidity and nitrogen availability in natural ecosystems in response to changes in acid deposition and hydrology. SC-DLO, Wageningen:Report G5, 1995.

Mol-Dijkstra, J.P., Kros, H and van der Salm, C. Comparison of simulated forest soil response to acid deposition reduction with two models of different complexity. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Special Issue The DYNAMO Project 2(4), 473-483, 1998.

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