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RECIPE Team Publications |
Below are copies of the publications of the RECIPE team.
Please be aware that these are for your own use only and distribution of these
is protected by the copyright of each individual journal.
- S. Chapman, A. Buttler, A.-J. Francez, F. Laggoun-Defarge, H. Vasander,
M. Schloter, J. Combe, H. Harms, D. Epron, D. Gilbert, and E. Mitchell.
(2003) Exploitation of northern peatlands and biodiversity maintenance: a
conflict between economy and ecology. Frontiers
in Ecology and the Environment 1 (10):
525-532. (PDF)
- S. I. Nikolaev, E.A.D. Mitchell, N.B.
Petrov, C. Berney, J. Fahrni, J. Pawlowski. (2005) The testate lobose amoebae (order
Arcellinida Kent, 1880) finally find their home within Amoebozoa.
156(2): 191-202. (PDF)
- R.R.E. Artz, S.J. Chapman, C. D. Campbell (2006) Carbon utilisation
profiles of microbial communities in peat are depth-dependent and correlate
with whole soil FTIR profiles.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 2958-2962. (PDF)
- E. Bortoluzzi, D. Epron, A. Siegenthaler, D. Gilbert, A. Buttler (2006)
Carbon balance of a European mountain bog at contrasting stages of
Phytologist 172: 708-718. (PDF)
- F. Charriere, N. Pavillon, T. Colomb, C. Depeursinge, T.J. Heger,
E.A.D. Mitchell, P. Marquet, B.Rappaz (2006) Living specimen tomography by
digital holographic microscopy : morphometry of testate amoeba. Optics
Express 14: 7005-7013. (PDF)
- L.Comont, F. Laggoun-Défarge, J.-R. Disnar (2006)
Evolution of organic matter indicators in response to major
environmental changes: the case of a formerly cutover peatbog (Le Russey,
Jura Mountains, France).
Organic Geochemistry 37: 1736-1751.(PDF).
- R.R.E. Artz, I.C. Anderson, S.J. Chapman, A. Hagn, M. Schloter, J.M.
Potts and C.D. Campbell. (2007) Changes in fungal community composition in
response to vegetational succession during the natural regeneration of
cutover peatlands.
Microbial Ecology (In Press).(PDF)
Conference papers
- Measuring and modelling of pore water gases in various
regeneration stages of a Jura cutover bogs. A. Siegenthaler, P.
Steinmann, A-J. Francez, W. Rosselli, A. Buttler. 2nd Swiss Geoscience
Meeting, Lausanne,. November, 19-20, 2004. Abstracts Vol. 2. pp. 296. (PDF).
- Carbon balance of a cutover bog in the Jura mountains at different stages of regeneration. Estelle Bortoluzzi and Steve Chapman. International Conference "Peat and Peatlands 2007 - Peat in horticulture and the rehabilitation of mires after peat extraction: which issues for tomorrow?", Lamoura, France, October 8-11, 2007. (PDF) (PPT)
Other publications
- Wie reagieren Torfmoore auf die globalen Veranderungen. A. Buttler and
E.A.D. Mitchell (PDF).
Papers submitted but not yet accepted:
- Sanna Kivimäki, Mika
Yli-Petäys and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila. Carbon sink function of sedge and
Sphagnum patches in a restored cut-away peatland: increased functional
diversity leads to higher production? Submitted to Journal of Applied
Ecology (PDF).
- Rebekka R.E.
Artz, Stephen J. Chapman, Jean Robertson, Jackie Potts, Fatima
Laggoun-Défarge, Sébastien Gogo, Laure Comont, Jean-Robert Disnar and
André-Jean Francez. FTIR spectroscopy
can predict organic matter quality in regenerating cutover peatlands.
Submitted to Soil Biology and Biochemistry (PDF)
- Emanuela Samaritani, Andy
Siegenthaler, Mika Yli-Petay, Alexandre Buttler, Pascal-Antoine Christin and
Edward A. D. Mitchell.
regenerating cutover bogs carbon sinks or not? A study in the Swiss Jura
Mountains with predictions of climate change impacts on the C balance.
Submitted to Journal of
Applied Ecology (PDF).
- Rebekka R.E. Artz, Stephen J.
Chapman, Andy Siegenthaler, Estelle Bortoluzzi, Mika Yli-Petays and
André-Jean Francez.
Functional microbial
diversity in cutover peatlands responds to restoration and is directed by
labile carbon. Submitted to
Journal of Applied Ecology
- Fatima Laggoun-Défarge,
Edward Mitchell, Daniel Gilbert, Jean-Robert Disnar, Laure Comont, Barry
Warner and Alexandre Buttler. Assessing cutover peatland regeneration by
combined analyses of organic matter properties, bacteria, and testate
amoebae (Protista). Submitted to Journal of Applied Ecology
- Francez A.-J.,
Josselin N., Chapman S.J., Artz R., Laggoun-Défarge F., Buttler A.,
Gattinger A., Gilbert D. Siegenthaler A., Vasander H. and Yli-Petais M.
carbon and nitrogen in abandoned peatlands after peat extraction: patterns
of response to regeneration age and plant community at a European scale.Submitted
to Journal of Applied Ecology
I hope these will be of use to you when preparing new
submissions. Feel free to send me pdf copies of your published papers!
Many thanks

Last updated:
Tuesday January 23, 2024