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Please find contributions from participants below - click here
Please find contributions from participants below - click here
Please find contributions from participants below - click here
· 4rth PROGRESS MEETING MAY 2005, SCHEYERN (doc) (pdf)
Please find contributions from participants below - click here
Please find contributions from participants below - click here
Rebekka Artz (for Macaulay Land Use Research Institute) | Fatima Laggoun-Defarge/Jean-Robert Disnar (for ISTO) |
Estelle Bortoluzzi (for UFC-CE; UFC-LBE ) | Andre-Jean Francez (for ECOBIO) |
Mika Yli-Petays (for UNHEL) | Andreas Gattinger (for TUM-BO) |
Andy Siegenthaler (for AR-WSL ) | Antonis Chatzinotas (for EPFL) |
Daniel Gilbert representing Carine Maitre (for socio-economics France, AR-WSL) | Daniel Epron (for UFC-LBE; Univ. of Nancy) |
Revised Systematic Core Sub-sampling strategy for various situations (version 28/10/03) | Sample subsampling and dispatch (version 28/10/03) |
Experience at le Russey with the WPII trenches (updated version 27/10/03) |
Group S (socio-economics) or (pdf) | Group M (microbial and molecular microbial ecology) or (pdf) |
Group G (gas exchange and diversity) or (pdf) | Group C (water and soil chemistry, organic matter quality) or (pdf) |
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Rebekka Artz (for Macaulay Land Use Research Institute) | Fatima Laggoun-Defarge & Laure Comont (for ISTO) |
Steve Chapman (eTIP guide) | Andre-Jean Francez (for ECOBIO) |
Andy Siegenthaler (for AR-WSL ) | Michael Schloter (for TUM-BO) |
Daniel Gilbert (for AR-WSL) | Antonis Chatzinotas (for EPFL/UFZ) |
Group S (socio-economics) or (pdf) | Group M (microbial and molecular microbial ecology) or (pdf) |
Group G (gas exchange and diversity) or (pdf) | Group C (not held) |
Rebekka Artz (fungal diversity data) | Fatima Laggoun-Defarge (organic matter & testate amoeba) |
Estelle Bortoluzzi (for Russey carbon exchange data ) | Steve Chapman (CLPP data) |
Andy Siegenthaler (porewater gases and ion data ) | Daniel Gilbert (socio-economics) |
Other presentations:
Andy Siegenthaler, Philippe Steinmann, Andre-Jean Frances, Walter Rosseli & Alexandre Buttler. 2nd Swiss Geosciences Meeting, Lausanne, 2004.
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Mika Yli-Petäys (For UNHEL) | Rebekka Artz (for Macaulay Land Use Research Institute) |
Andre-Jean Francez (for ECOBIO) | Andreas Gattinger (for TUM-BO) |
Antonis Chatzinotas (for UFZ) | Laure Comont (for ISTO) |
Andy Siegenthaler (for AR-WSL ) | Viviane Froidevaux (for WSL socioeconomics) |
Estelle Bortoluzzi (for UFC-CE; UFC-LBE ) | Daniel Gilbert (for AR-WSL) |
Daniel Epron (for Nancy) | (evening) short into to Baupte peatland |
Group S (socio-economics) or (pdf) | Group M (microbial and molecular microbial ecology) or (pdf) |
Group G (gas exchange and diversity) or (pdf) | Group C (not held) |
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Mika Yli-Petäys (For UNHEL) | Rebekka Artz (for Macaulay Land Use Research Institute) |
Andre-Jean Francez (for ECOBIO) | Andreas Gattinger (for TUM-BO) |
Antonis Chatzinotas (for UFZ) | Laure Comont (for ISTO) |
Ed Mitchell (for AR-WSL ) | Gerald Schwartz (for socioeconomics) |
Amandine (for socio-economics)(presentation not given) | Daniel Gilbert (for AR-WSL) |
WP2 Sample subsampling and dispatch |
Group S (socio-economics) or (pdf) | Group M (microbial and molecular microbial ecology) or (pdf) |
Group G (gas exchange and diversity) or (pdf) | Group C (not held) |
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WP01 - Management practices | |
no presentations | |
WP02 - Carbon sequestration by peatland vegetation | |
Edward for Emanuela Samaritani (Chaux d'Abel fluxes) | Mika Yli-Petäys (Aitoneva fluxes) |
Daniel Epron for Estelle Bortoluzzi (Russey fluxes) | Rebekka Artz (Middlemuir fluxes) |
WP03 - Structure and diversity of the microbial loop | |
Antonis Chatzinotas (protist T-RFLP) | Thierry Heger/Edward Mitchell (testate amoeba) |
Rebekka Artz (fungal DGGE) | Brigitte Hai (bacterial T-RFLP) (also as pdf) |
WP04 - Functional diversity of bacterial communities | |
Rebekka Artz (CLPP by Microresp) | for Andreas' talk, please see WP06 below |
Andy Siegenthaler (Respiration assays, methanotrophs' FISH, litter decomposition expt WPIII) | |
WP05 - Physical and chemical quality of peat organic matter | |
Laure Comont/Fatima Laggoun-Defarfe/Sebastien Gogo/Jean-Robert Disnar (organic matter quality) | Rebekka Artz (FTIR organic matter profiles) |
WP06- Carbon tunover at different depths | |
Andre-Jean Francez (microbial turnover and specific activities) | Andreas Gattinger (PLFA on 13C experiment, methanogen-methanotroph molecular profiles) |
WP07 - Management options, guidelines, sustainability and socio-econonomic benefits | |
no presentations |
e_tip guide | e-tip results slide |
e-tip Finland | |
Reminders to us all to help finish the final deliverables and miletones of RECIPE | |
Original hypotheses (from draft version of Addenda to EU proposal) | |
3rd periodic report | Original inventory of work (Alexandre's spreadsheet) |
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These pages are maintained by: Rebekka Artz
Updated: 23 Jan 2024, Content by: