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24. Natural Care


The Mull Eagle Scheme offers support to hill farmers on Mull who have sea eagles and/or golden eagles on their land. It has the following objectives:
  • Helping to safeguard the sea eagle and golden eagle populations on Mull , through increased wardening and monitoring of eagles, in conjunction with RSPB and Police Wildlife Liaison officer led initiatives.
  • Fostering the pride and commitment of land managers towards the eagle populations on Mull and the recognition that eagles are an asset to the island.
  • Supporting land managers in measures aimed at reducing vulnerability of sheep flocks to sea eagle predation.
  • Trialling a number of habitat improvements aimed at increasing levels of wild prey taken by eagles.

The scheme offers incentive payments towards:

  • Extra shepherding and sheep health measures, aimed at reducing risk of predation by sea eagles.
  • Extra support for lamb protection, in special cases where sea eagles nest close to lambing parks.
  • Carrying out reporting/wardening tasks related to both golden and sea eagles.
  • Habitat management trials, aimed at increasing the levels of eagle prey, at a few selected locations.

The Natural Care Scheme supercedes the Pilot Mull Sea Eagle Management Scheme which was introduced in 1998 and ended in December 2004.

Natural Care - East Scotland Grassland Management Scheme >>