19. Land Management Contract MENU SCHEME
The LMC Menu Scheme is available to all farmers on a non-competitive basis. Farmers can choose from a menu of 17 separate measures, which apply at all- Scotland level, including, for example, training and access measures and a number of animal welfare, woodland and environment-related measures. Farmers have a free choice which combination of measures from the menu they want to take up (SEERAD 2005c), although some of the measures only apply if the habitat is present on the farm. The following is the full list of measures for the LMCMS 2005:
Table 19.1 : Measures and payment rates of the Tier 2 LMC (SEERAD 2005a)
Payment rates |
1 |
Animal health and welfare programme |
Up to £1135 |
2 |
Membership of quality assurance scheme |
Up to £150 per scheme |
3 |
Training |
Up to £500 |
4 |
Farm and woodland visits |
£100 per visit |
5 |
Off-farm talks |
£50 per talk |
6 |
Buffer areas |
£200 per hectare |
7 |
Management of linear features |
£0.10 per metre of hedgerow £1 per metre of ditch £0.10 per metre of dyke |
8 |
Management of moorland grazing |
£1 per hectare |
9 |
Management of rush pasture |
£125 per hectare |
10 |
Biodiversity cropping in-bye |
£40 per hectare £150 per hectare with stooking |
11 |
Retention of winter stubbles |
£40 per hectare |
12 |
Wild bird seed mixture |
£329 per hectare |
13 |
Summer grazing of cattle |
£1 per hectare |
14 |
Nutrient management |
£2 per hectare |
15 |
Improving access |
£2.75 per metre of path Up to £150 for capital items |
16 |
Woodland plan |
£10 per hectare of woodland |
17 |
Farm woodland management |
£30 per hectare of woodland |
A maximum amount that will be payable to a farm has been implemented depending on the size of the farm. For 2005 the maximum amount will be:
- first 10 ha at £75 per hectare
- next 90 ha at £30 per hectare
- next 900 h at £1 per hectare
- any hectares over 1000 at £0.10 per hectare.
Land Management Contract Menu Scheme - Uptake >>