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Scottish Environment LINK - The voice of Scotland's environment movement

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Overview of the 1999 Scottish Environment Audits 2: Agriculture & the Environment


Adeloye, A.J. and Low, J.M. (1996) Surface-water abstraction controls in Scotland . Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management 10:123-129.

Barclay, G . (1998) The Scottish gravels: a neglected resource (N.B. reference as given in Egdell 1999)

Dargie, T.C.D. and Briggs, D.J. (1991) State of the Scottish Environment 1991. A report to Scottish Wildlife and Countryside Link. Perth 73pp.

Daw, M., Edwards, S. and Wright, E . (1998) Water and agriculture in Scotland : a review. Department of Agriculture, University of Aberdeen .

Egdell, J. (1999). Agriculture & the Environment. Scottish Environment Audits No 2. Scottish Wildlife & Countryside Link, Perth . 16pp

Houldsworth, B. (1998). A suitable case for treatment; the way forward for Scotland ’s sewage sludge. Report for Scottish Wildlife Trust and Friends of the Earth Scotland .

RSPB (1995) The farmland waders of Scotland : their conservation status and needs. RSPB, Edinburgh.

RSPB (1996) Wildlife and agriculture in Scotland : a secure future. RSPB, Edinburgh.

Scottish Agricultural Pollution Group (1998) Pollution Review. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Stirling .

SNH (1995) The natural heritage of Scotland . SNH, Perth

The Access Forum (1998) Access to the countryside: The Access Forum’s Advice.

UK Government (1994) Biodiversity: the UK Action plan. HMSO London