AIR Meeting Minutes from Scotland

STORMS Project
Invercauld Hotel, Braemar, Scotland
28th April to 4th May 1997


Joensuu: Seppo Kellomaki MLURI: Marianne Broadgate
Heli Peltola David Miller
Aberdeen: Andrew Cameron Florestal: N/A
Roger Dunham
CNIG: Jose Uva Umea: Erik Valinger
Galway: James Mc Hale FC, NRS: Barry Gardiner
Chris Quine
Juan Suarez
Visitors: Dick Birnie (MLURI) - Thursday

CHAIRMAN: Seppo Kellomaki/Andrew Cameron
MINUTES: David Miller

Tuesday 29th April

Arrival of participants at MLURI.

Discussions about the Joensuu Conference to be held in August 1998 by Heli Peltola (Joensuu), Chris Quine (NRS) and Barry Gardiner (NRS).

Compilation of Participant WWW pages (CNIG and NRS) at MLURI followed by viewing and commenting on content, additions required and manner of presentation.

18.30: Group arrival at Invercauld Arms, Braemar.

Wednesday 30th April

8.35: Introduction and welcome by Andrew Cameron (AU).

8.40: Seppo Kellomaki welcomed the group and reviewed project progress by saying that most of the tasks are now finishing, and for the next period it was important to concentrate on integration, and the remaining Milestones which included assessing the reliability of the methods developed, the 30 month report to Brussels and addressing the requirements of the Final Reports (1. Progress, 2. Science and 3. Exploitation). The 30 month reporting involved the web pages, and a short summary which Joensuu would compile to send to Dr Arabatzis. Therefore it was necessary for Heli and he to know what progress had been made, and for participants to focus on the work to be finished within the last 6 months.

8.50: Heli Peltola detailed the requirements of the project (Milestones, Deliverables and Reports).

Participant presentations (for content, see WWW pages).

9.05: James McHale (Galway)

10.15: Roger Dunham (AU/Buckingham)

11.25: Erik Valinger (Umea)

14.20: Jose Uva (CNIG)

15.15: Heli Peltola (Joensuu)

16.15: Marianne Broadgate/David Miller (MLURI)

17.15: Barry Gardiner/Chris Quine (NRS)

Thursday 1st May

8.45: Juan Suarez (NRS)

10.15: Heli Peltola (Joensuu) Review of Project Deliverables by Task

11.25: Marianne Broadgate (MLURI) - Discussion on Task 6

15.30 - 17.00 Working Groups:

Friday 2nd May

08.45 - 10.35: Business Meeting (Chairman, Seppo Kellomaki)

11.00 - 12.30: Working Groups:

14.00 - 15.30

Saturday 3rd May

09.30 - 12.30:

Re-affirmation of Action Points;

Group discussions:

14.00: Visit to Balmoral Estate, Aberdeenshire. A tour of the estate, led by Mr John Dobson, Chief Forester.

17.00: End of Meeting

Action Points:

  1. 1. Galway - Send data to NRS (check attributes) - 2/5/97
  2. 2. NRS - Letter on tree pulling database to Eugene Hendrick (Via Galway) - 2/5/97
  3. 3. Galway - Written report on work to date (To MLURI) - End May
  4. 4. AU - Materials (Hamsterley and Blackhall Forest MOR & MOE, conclusions and silvicultural strategies to reduce damage) for WWW to MLURI (plus any additional conclusions) - End May
  5. 5. Umea - Numerical models to NRS (and MLURI) - Mid May
  6. 6. Umea - Materials (particularly the model paper and the model summaries) for WWW to MLURI - End May
  7. 7. CNIG - Example of Delphi code to NRS for Task 6/Gales - End May
  8. 8. CNIG - Test data for Sara to MLURI - 9/5/97
  9. 9. CNIG/NRS - NRS to run airflow model for Portuguese site - 9/5/97
  10. 10. NRS - NRS to run airflow model for Finnish site - 9/5/97
  11. 11. NRS - Tree pulling and wind monitoring - June
  12. 12. MLURI - Tree height data for Cwm Berwyn - End July
  13. 13. Umea - Meta-model form - End June
  14. 14. NRS - "DAMS" scores for Finnish site - End June
  15. 15. MLURI - Distance from stand edges for Cowal - Mid May
  16. 16. Joensuu - Agree date and purpose of EU presentations with Dr Arabatzis
  17. 17. MLURI - MLB to propose framework adjustments and implement (Task 6, each participat has right of comment but not veto)
  18. 18. All groups - Information on an example parameter and its sensitivity within the model to MLURI - End August
  19. 19. MLURI - WWW template onto "ftp" site - Mid May
  20. 20. MLURI - Summary of stand variability discussion - Mid May
  21. 21. MLURI - Copy and circulate notes and minutues of meeting - Mid May
  22. 22. NRS - Summary of silvicultural strategies discussion - End May
  23. 23. NRS - Cwm Berwyn : run risk model with "alternative" version of soils data
  24. 24. NRS - Cwm Berwyn : run risk model under different yield model options
  25. 25. NRS - Copy of tree pulling database to Galway if contribution made from Galway
  26. 26. Galway - Canopy area of 'swaying' study to AU - End May
  27. 27. All groups - Exploitation report - document/list links to be made, or already made, with industry
  28. 28. All - An outline of the Report structure to be prepared by end-August.
  29. 29. All - Participants to provide text by Chapter headings to Task Leaders for Final Reports.
  30. 30. CNIG An opportunity for the Fire aspects of STORMS to be the focus of a Conference session at GISPlanet in Lisbon in 1998 will be explored.
  31. 31. All - Thirty month summary to Joensuu (Deadline: Mid-June) Participants to edit the version of the files on the Joensuu ftp site.

Additional Task Action Points and Notes

  1. General "Cut-off" date for models and data for project - End June (note exceptions below)
  2. Task 1 - MLURI - Update information - End June
  3. Task 4.2 - MLURI - Complete stand variability - End August
  4. Task 4.3 - CNIG - Complete - End August
  5. Task 5.1 - MLURI - Complete - End June
  6. Task 5.5 - CNIG - Complete - End Project
  7. Task 5.6 - CNIG - Complete - End Project
  8. Task 5.7 - CNIG - Complete - End Project
  9. Task 5.8 - CNIG/NRS - Complete - End June
  10. Task 6 - MLURI - End Project
  11. Task 7 - (See working group notes)
  12. Task 8 - All - Final reports

Task 6:

  1. 1. Show what factors causing damage are important,
  2. 2. Show why these factors are important,
  3. 3. Show how the component models of STORMS can help,
  4. 4. Show examples and selected limitations of the models

Sundry additional points:

Responsible demonstrations of the WWW pages were agreed upon, such that unpublished or confidential information (data, models, etc.) are not provided to outside parties.

A response to the 4th Call of the Fourth Framework will be dependent upon the actual details that are published and the starting point can be the project proposal that was halted in March 1997.


| Administration | Data | FTP site (MLURI) |


| Description | Objective | Participants | Photo Gallery | WWW Resources | PROJECT home page |
Marianne Broadgate -

Last modified: Tue May 20 22:48:51 BST 1997