AIR Meeting Minutes from Sweden

STORMS Project


Swedish University Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
22 to 27 October 1996


Joensuu: Seppo Kellomäki Aberdeen: Andrew Cameron
Heli Peltola Roger Dunham
Ari Talkkari
Florestal: N/A Galway: James Mc Hale
MLURI: Marianne Broadgate CNIG: Mario Caetano
David Miller Tiago Oliveira
Umea: Jonas Fridman FC, NRS Barry Gardiner
Erik Valinger Chris Quine

CHAIRMAN: Seppo Kellomäki
MINUTES: Andrew Cameron

Action points of the meeting

1. Participant discussions

Participants reported satisfactory progress over the last six months through informative presentations and discussions. It was felt that Participant 08 should concentrate on the long-term loading experiment particularly since the information produced will integrate well with other Tasks. In addition, Participant 08 agreed to make their tree pulling data available to the other participants.

Action 1: J Mc Hale to set up the long term loading experiment as a priority

Several points were also noted during the discussions on the snow work. It was agreed that S Kellomäki will provide the specifications of the temperature data needed to run the weather simulator for Sweden and Britain.

Action 2: S Kellomäki to provide information for E Valinger, M Broadgate and C Quine

It was noted that IP appropriate data exists so Sweden and Britain will provide the appropriate data to S Kellomäki.

Action 3: E Valinger and C Quine to pass the data to S Kellomäki

It was also suggested that predictions from the weather simulator should be compared with the actual data. The possibility of using West-East transects of snow and wind data from example sites in Britain, Sweden and Finland was discussed. In addition the availability of airflow models required for fire spread modelling was discussed.

Action 4: C Quine E Valinger and H Petola to explore the possibilities

Action 5: CNIG to inform NRS what airflow models they require for fire spread modelling

2. Project integration

After some discussion it was decided to simplify the "decision tree" currently being developed under Task 6 to guide users to the appropriate models. It was agreed that the split between "risk" and "hazard" was not needed as a main determinant. It was also decided that details of the sources of data and other information needed to run and interpret the models could be added later once the main structure was established. It was agreed that a WWW system for the demonstrator should be adopted.

Action 6: M Broadgate to revise structure of the decision tree

Action 7: NRS to provide model output data for the Cwm Berwyn test area to M Broadgate by January 1997

Action 8: E Valinger to provide additional information on his model structure to M Broadgate by January 1997

It was agreed that silvicultural advice would be given to M Broadgate by January 1997 for incorporation into the demonstrator.

Action 9: CNIG to provide silvicultural advice on fire

Action 10: M Broadgate to provide silvicultural advice on snow

Action 11: AU to provide silvicultural advice on wind

B Gardiner suggested that models should not be used in geographic locations where they had not been tested. It was agreed that users of the demonstrator should be informed where models do not exist for specified geographic locations.

3. 24-month report

The timetable for this report was agreed as follows: