Javier Martínez Vassallo

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias, Spain.

Javier Martínez Vassallo graduated in Animal Science at the Politechnic University of Madrid in 1970. He obtained an MSc in Animal breeding at the University of Edinburgh in 1974 and returned to Madrid to complete his doctoral thesis on animal genetics. Dr Martínez Vassallo is currently a research manager at the Spanish Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA). He has been involved in developing agricultural research policy priorities since 1988 and, because of his previous positions (as deputy director of INIA), he is well aware of the agricultural research situation in other European countries. In 1993, Dr Martínez Vassallo was responsible for organising a 1-week international seminar on "Agriculture and food research in Europe after reform of the CAP".

Lignon, R., Hernandez, J., Diouf, J., Tallada, F., Morancho, J., Vassallo, J.M., Orfanides, J. & Vives, J.M. (1992). Los recursos alimentarios de nuestro planeta. In "La Declaración de barcelona". Los Derechos Alimentarios del Hombre: 39-72.

Vassallo, J.M., Diaz, C., Arroyo, A. & Garcia Medina, J.R. (1989). Relationship between level of performance and layer of structure of Avileña cattle in Spain. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 106:265-271.

García Medina, J.R., Diaz, C. & Vassallo, J.M. (1987). Dos aspectos que relacionan la explotación de la raza Avileña con el aprovachamiento de dehesas. In: Conservación y dasarollo de las dehesas portuguesa y española. SGT, MAPA: 165-177.

Dr J. Martínez Vassallo

Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación,
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias
Carretera de la Coruña, Km 7, 28040 Madrid,

Tel:  +34 1 347 41 95
Fax; +34 1 347 1472