The future development of EU rural policy mechanisms and the implications for livestock farming research in the disadvantaged areas

First European Workshop of the LSIRD network

Centro de Investigación y Desarollo Agraria, Granada, 23rd - 24th May 1997

Field trip
Venue and accommodation
Travel arrangements


Established in 1996 to explore the future role that livestock farming will play in the development of the European less-favoured areas, and the implications of this for research, the LSIRD network is organising a series of conferences and workshops that will draw together the experience of a diverse group of experts in this field.

The LSIRD network held its first interdisciplinary conference in Greece (Nafplio) in January 1997. The programme explored the areas in which different research disciplines could be applied to address the specific problems encountered in LFA livestock production, and possible approaches to enhance the role of livestock in European rural development.

Moving on from Nafplio, a series of four workshops will examine in detail four main factors likely to have a significant influence on future LFA livestock farming, and to identify specific areas in which future research will be needed. These factors are:


This first workshop will examine the ways in which current rural policies influence the types of production system found currently in the LFAs, and discuss how these policies are likely to develop given the influence on them from the WTO negotiations, the incorporation of Eastern European countries into the CAP, the "Cork Conference", and the demands for increased emphasis in the environmental management role of agriculture. This will be set against the current trends in the livestock production and product processing chain and its associated technologies.

The workshop will then draw together these strands into a scenario, or series of scenarios of future policy situations in the LFAs and make a series of recommendations of the implications that these will have for research directed at LFA livestock farming.



The programme has been broken down into 12 key themes. Each of these is addressed by a recognised expert in the field, who will prepare a short report (1000 - 1500 words) prior to the workshop - in time for these to be circulated to the rest of the participants (deadline 9th May). These reports will be used as a basis for the chapters in the workshop report that will form the outcome of the meeting.

It is intended that the time taken in presenting these reports at the workshop should be kept to a minimum (5 minutes), leaving time for full participatory discussion. On the strength of these discussions, further points may be added to each report reflecting the range of experience present. Total time for consideration of each report is about 25 minutes. There will be a concluding session for general discussion.

Subsequent to the meeting, a draft of the full workshop report, as amended will be circulated to all the participants for approval before publication.


A field trip has been arranged to visit nearby rural development initiatives of the local development agency in Orgiva, under the guidance of staff from the Centro de Investigación y Desarollo Agraria (Centre for Agricultural Research and Development). These include a goat cheese enterprise, textile and artisan workshops and agritourism.


Both the workshop and the accommodation will be at the Centro de Investigación y Desarollo Agraria, Granada (Contact Dr Javier Calatrava (Tel +34 58 267311 Fax: +34 58 258510).

Location of the Institute



Unless otherwise arranged with LSIRD, participants should book their own flights, using as far as possible reduced-rate fares (e.g. APEX). It may be found that international travel is more convenient to Malaga, rather than Granada itself, and a bus will be arranged if necessary by LSIRD when all the flight details are known. It is important that LSIRD is informed as soon as possible of your :

Travel expenses may be claimed back in full from LSIRD network for which we will need the ticket invoice and an appropriate claims form.

If you have any queries at all about this, please contact Jerry Laker

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