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LSIRDnetwork subgroup 3

Adding value to livestock products

Dr Brian Revell

A network of economists and rural development specialists (including farm business management and food-processing specialists) will be established. The objective will be to coordinate research in relation to:

· the socioeconomic, policy, and environmental constraints to the development of further processing and value-adding activities for livestock products in disadvantaged areas;

· the opportunities for diversified value-adding activities for livestock products. These activities may take place both on-farm, off-farm, within or outside the designated areas;

· the requisite infrastructural, human capital, and marketing arrangements to facilitate further development of such activities;

· the potential for rural employment generation from such activities;

· appropriate small-scale technologies for on-farm value-adding activities (see Revell & Dunn, 1993).

· participation in the feasibility study of on-farm processing. and

· disseminate information on further processing and value adding activities to the other sub-groups.

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