15-16 Sep 1997 Environmental policies in Europe: towards sustainability ?
23-25th Sep 1997 Grassland management in "Environmentally Sensitive Areas"
23-25 Oct 1997 Ecological basis of livestock grazing in Mediterranean ecosystems
29 Nov - 3 Dec 97 Sheep & goat husbandry in the Central and Eastern European Countries: a struggle to survive. International seminar. Budapest, Hungary.
1-2 Dec 1997 The Potential Role of Rare Livestock Breeds in UK Farming Systems 
23 March 1998 Economic and Monetary Union - Threat or opportunity for UK Agriculture?
25 - 27 March 1998 Third European Symposium on Rural and Farming Systems Analyses: Environmental Perspectives
21-23 April 1998 Natur- und Kulturlandschaft - Zur Geschichte, zu Modellen und Perspektiven der europäischen Landschaftsentwicklung [Natural & Cultural Landscapes - History, models and perspectives of European Rural Development], University of Paderborn, Germany.
27-30 April 1998 First International Symposium on Research into the Management of Sensitive Rural Areas
25-28 May 1998 Mixed farming systems in Europe, Dronten/Wageningen
2-5 June 1998 GBDL/IAALD/CTA/NitraNet International Conference on 
'The Role of Agricultural Information in Decision Making ind Research and Practice', 
Freising (Germany)
6-10 June 1998  The 6th Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism
Luhacovice, Czech Republic 
26 Sep - 1 Oct 98 6th International Symposium on the Milking of Small Ruminants
22 Oct - 24 Oct 98 Livestock Production and climatic uncertainty in the Mediterranean
29 Nov - 4 Dec 98 Rural livelihoods, empowerment and the environment: going beyond the farm boundary
3-5 Dec 98 A future for livestock production in the European LFAs: Meeting economic, environmental and policy objectives through integrated research. 2nd European Conference of the LSIRD network, Dublin.
19-23 July 1999 VI International Rangeland Congress: People and Rangelands: building the future
October 1999 IX International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Pretoria, South Africa
1-4 Sept 1999 EAAP VIII Symposium on Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Aberdeen
15-19 Sept 1999 EUROMAB Symposium. Changing agriculture and landscape: Ecology, management and biodiversity decline in anthropogenous mountain grassland.
14-17 Oct 1999 First European Wool Conference Sheep breeding and quality wool production
Feb 12-18, 2000 Society for Range Management 53rd Annual Meeting, Boise, Idaho USA 
April 3 to 7, 2000  European Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension into the Next Millennium
Environmental, agricultural and socio-economic issues. Volos, Greece.
12-14 April, 2000 Natur und Kulturlandschaft: Neue Modelle zu Maßnahmen der Landschaftsentwicklung mit großen Pflanzenfressern und praktische Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung, - Brakel, Westfalen, Deutschland.
[Natural and cultural landscapes: New models of landscape development measures using large herbivores and practical experience in their application] - Brakel, Westfalen, Germany
3-5 May, 2000 AGRIBUSINESS 2000 - Foresight into the future, Sofia, Bulgaria. 
15-21 May, 2000 7th International Conference on Goats, Tours, France & Poitiers, France.
17-21 June 2000 7th European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism, County Clare , Ireland
29 June-1 July 2000 European Rural Policy at the Crossroads,  University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
11-13 September 2000 6th Research Conference of the British Grassland Society, SAC Aberdeen.

Organising a conference ? Let us know about it.

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