Sheffield Meeting - arrangements


Link to UK rail travel timetable

Name Arrive Depart
Helmut Rott Wed 10th June Sun 14th June
Thomas Nagler Wed 10th June Tues 16th June
Graham Glendinning Mon 8th June Tues 16th June
Michael Baumgartner Wed 10th June Sat 13th June
Hannes Kleindienst Wed 10th June Tues 16th June
Stefan Voigt Wed 10th June Tues 16th June
Barbro Johansson Wed 10th June Tues 16th June
Gary Wright Wed 10th June at 17.59 Sat 13th June at 08.43
Roger Dunham Wed 10th June at 17.59 Tues 16th June at 08.20
Josef Aschbacher Wed 10th June Sat 13th June
Otto Pirker Wed 10th June Sat 13th June

Note: Roger will not be in Sheffield over weekend, but will return Sunday evening


Main technical meeting

Rutland Hotel,
452 Glossop Road,
S10 2PY
Tel: 0114 2664411
Fax: 0114 2670348
Map of location - from

Workshop meeting

Harley Hotel,
334 Glossop Road,
S10 2GW
Tel: 0114 2752288
Map of location - from


Technical meeting will be held in room B8, Department of Geography, Winter Street, Sheffield, S10 2TN.

Day 1: Thursday, 11 June 97, 9:00 h s.t.

  1. Welcome
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Summary of work performed during project month 10 to 16 (each 20 min + discussion: 200-Baumgartner, 300-Quegan, 400-Ferguson, 500 - Rott)
  4. Report on ongoing tasks (each 15 min + discussion):

Workshop agenda (provisional)

  1. Status, implementation, improvements and demonstration of the:
  2. Application of the flowlines to BASSW and BASUK data (RC/OT, 1 hour).
  3. Inputting EO products into the hydrolgical models (, 1 hour).

Detailed agenda for HYDALP hydrology session, 15 June, 9-12.30, Geog dept, Sheffield.

  1. Exchange of SRM experience: calibration problems, runoff corrections in relation to choice of met input data, progress with simulations (GG/HK, 1/4 hour).
  2. Exchange of HBV experience (as for #1) (OT/BJ/GG, 1/4 hour).
  3. Implications of WP 430 findings (CC, 1/2 hour).
  4. Discussion of HBV updating in WP441 (with demonstration preferably) (BJ, 1/2 hour).
  5. Discussion of WP 442 SCA interpolation: methods of SCA interpolation, intercomparison of results (GG/HK, 1/2 hour).
  6. Discussion of WP 442 seasonal variation in DDF/albedo (GG, 1/2 hour).
  7. Technical issues anticipated for runoff forecasts: quality of meteorological forecasts, data management (automated update of model files), extrapolation of SCA (GG/HK/BJ, 1/2 hour).
  8. Papers and conferences (RF, 1/4 hour).
  9. . Other: SRM-Java (current status and future plans), Spatial Snow Model Switzerland (HK, 1/4 hour).

We intend holding the EO session in the Geography department image processing lab where several networked workstations running PCI and ERDAS are available.

Topics for the joint integration session (chair SQ) in the afternoon (1330-1630) include:

  1. Synopsis of EO session (RC, 1/4 hour)
  2. Synopsis of modellers session (RF, 1/4 hour)
  3. Status, implementation, improvements and demonstration of the
  4. 'General flowline' (GG\TN, 1/2 hour)
  5. Inputting EO products into SRM (HK\SV, 1/2 hour)
  6. Inputting EO products into HBV (BJ\OT, 1/2 hour)
  7. Discussion and delegation of actions arising (SQ, 1 hour).


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Last updated 27th May 1998. Comments to