organisation UBE
user_name Stefan Voigt
user_organisation Stefan Voigt, UBE Department of Geography University of Berne Hallerstr. 12 CH - 3012 Berne, Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)31 631 8552 Fax: - 8511 e-mail:
date 20.01.1998
data_set_name rhi_stat
data_date 07.01.1998
description location and description of the meteorological and hydrological stations
raster_vector VECTOR
filename rhi_stat
software ArcView
formats ASCII
operating_system NT
format ArcView shape file
projection Oblique Mercator Swiss Datum (CH-1903) Bessel Ellipsoid 1841 central point: 7 26 22.50 (longitude) 46 57 08.66 (latitude) 560.00 (meter) azimuth: 90° false easting: 600,000 false northing: 200,000
data_quality NO
resolution 1m
attributes name name of the river elevation elevation of station type hydro or meteo river Hinterrhein, Vorderrhein, Albula, Julia, Glenner type_spec precip, synop rhi_fe flag if relevant for Rhein-Felsberg rhi_stat_id WMO met station code (e.g. 600240) chatch_area size of chatchment area (hydro only)
methods extracted from SMA data base and the Hydrologischer Atlas der Schweiz
other non
copyright non
contact Stefan Voigt, UBE Department of Geography University of Berne Hallerstr. 12 CH - 3012 Berne, Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)31 631 8552 Fax: - 8511 e-mail: