organisation MLURI
user_name David Miller
user_organisation Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH
date 16/07/97
data_set_name basuk watershed plus 1km
data_date June 1997
description A vector dataset of the catchment boundary of the BASUK study site. The derived watershed has been buffered by 1km to ensure that all other datasets are described and assessed with respect to the entire catchment and that there are no gaps due to misregistration, errors in boundary delimitation or issues associated with using large pixel resolutions (such AVHRR).
raster_vector VECTOR
filename basuk_sh_1km
software ArcInfo GRID (Ver. 7) - algorithms to derive the watershed. In-house software (Fortran) for uncertainty assessments of watershed with respect to the DEM. No information is available on the algorithm used to derive the OS raster DEM.
formats Erdas Imagine (*.img and *.lan) ArcInfo Grid
operating_system Solaris 2.4 and 2.5
format Erdas Imagine Version 8.2 (*.img)
projection Modified Transverse Mercator Airy spheroid (1838) Central meridian: 2 degrees west scale factor at central meridian: 0.9996 Latitude of origin 49 degrees north False Eastings: 400000m False Northings: 100000m
data_quality YES
resolution 50m x 50m Derived from Ordnance Survey 1:50 000 maps with a contour Vertical imterval of 10m.
attributes 1 = inside catchment 2 = within 1km buffer outside of catchment boundary
other The quality of the dataset is dependent upon the quality of the input OS DEM. Reporting on the DEM OS indicate an RMSE of 3m in the uplands. A study of an area to the east of the BASUK shows errors of RMS 7m. Therefore, the boundary should be treated with caution particularly where the watershed is not distinct and there are low slopes running away into the adjacent catchments. (accuracy statement - pending)
copyright Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen. Copyright for the original DEM is Crown Copyright, Ordnance Survey, Southampton.
contact Dr David Miller Macaulay Land Use Research Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen Ab15 8QH Tel: +44 1224 318611 x 2240 Fax: +44 124 311556 Email: d,