AAIR Project No PL 94-2392

Example Meta Data Form for EU Project data exchange

Source: Marianne Broadgate, MLURI
DATE: 24/10/95
organisation MLURI
user_name M.L.Broadgate
user_organisation Macaulay Land Use Research Institute
Aberdeen AB9 2QJ
date 24/10/95
data_set_name North Kallott Project Maps
data_date 1989
description Esker line vector map for the North Kallott Project Area, Northern Scandinavia (covering the northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland).
raster_vector vector
filename(s) esknk.dxf
software digitised using Autocad Version 12.0
formats .dxf
operating_system PC MS-DOS 5
format dxf format (output from Autocad)
projection Lambert Conformal Conical Projection
Standard parallels: 540 N and 680 N
Central Meridian: 180 E
False Northings and Eastings: Latitude 660N Longitude 180E
corresponding to x=8472.976, y=1000.000
data_quality N
resolution 1:1 000 000 scale original map
attributes No Attributes. Single layer coverage. All lines are eskers
methods Interpretation of National Maps of Quaternary Deposits (sand and gravel), by North Kallott Project team to produce this North Kallott project paper map. Further interpretation for simple conversion to digital data set has been done by representing each interpreted esker as a single line for digitising by Ned Peglar, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh.
other No other information
copyright Publication Division of National Board of Survey of FInland in cooperation with Land Survey of Sweden and the Geograhical Survey of Norway.
contact Mikko Punkari
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Edinburgh
Grant Institute of Geology
West Mains Rd
email: Mikko@glg.ed.ac.uk
tel: 0131 650 5919