Picture of a handcut and milled peat surface merging into a sphagnum moss carpet with the caption: 'RECIPE': Reconciling commercial exploitation of peat with biodiversity in peatland ecosystems HOME

The consortium will bring together complementary expertise from different European partners at several levels. In terms of microbial diversity, the project will combine expertise in molecular biology (bacterial DNA studies in Germany, fungal DNA in Scotland and protistan diversity in Switzerland), lipid analysis (Germany) and functional diversity (Scotland). In terms of peat vegetation, it will combine expertise in vegetation dynamics (Finland), litter decomposition (France) and carbon turnover (France). In terms of peatland management and socio-economic appraisal, this will range from the long-established experience in extensive peatlands (Finland) to the critical need for conservation of rare peat bogs (Switzerland). It is believed that the bringing together of this wide range of expertise will provide solutions that could not otherwise be attained.

Meet the team


Partner Institutes


MLURI logo

Dr Stephen Chapman

Environmental Sciences Group

The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK

  • overall project co-ordination and end-user consultation
  • FTIR spectroscopy
  • fungal genetic diversity
  • functional microbial diversity (CLPP)
  • socio-economics
Link to the Chrono-ecology group at the University of Franche-Comtè

Professor Alexandre Buttler,

Laboratory of Chrono-Ecology,

University of Franche-Comté, F

  • peatland ecology
  • experimental design
  • microbial loop
Link to the Laboratory of Forest Biology and Ecophysiology at the University of Henri Poincare, Nancy1

Professor Daniel Epron

Ecologie et Ecophysiologie forestieres

Université Henri Poincaré- Nancy 1

  • C flow through photosynthesis and respiration
  • 13C turnover
link to the Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orleans, University of Orleans

Dr Fatima Laggoun-Defarge

Institut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orleans

University of Orléans, F

  • organic matter quality
  • molecular markers of degradation
  • peat structure
link to the ECOBIO group at the University of Rennes 1

Dr André-Jean Francez

U.M.R.- C.N.R.S. n° 6553 "Ecobio"

Equipe "Interactions biologiques et transferts de matières",

University of Rennes 1, F

  • carbon turnover
  • Litter N quality and C release (15N experiment)
  • CO2/CH4 emissions
  • microbial biomass C & N
link to the Department of Forest Ecology at the University of Helsinki

Dr Harri Vasander

Department of Forest Ecology

University of Helsinki, FIN

  • vegetation cover
  • photosynthesis
  • respiration
  • restoration
link to the GSF National Research Centre for Environment and Health

Dr Michael Schloter

GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health

Institute of Soil Ecology

Technical University of Munich, D

  • bacterial genetic diversity
  • methano-genic/trophic populations
  • 13C litter
link to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Antenne Romande (in French)

Mr Jean Combe

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape, CH; Antenne Romande

  • socio-economics
  • protistan diversity
link to the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape

Professor Hauke Harms

ENAC-ISTE-LPE, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH

now at:

UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Germany


  • protistan genetic diversity
  • C flow through protista

Dr Philippe Grosvernier

LIN’eco, Reconvilier, CH

  • end-user consultation
  • conservation measures
  • socio-economics
logo of University of Alaska, Anchorage

Professor Edward Mitchell

ECOS-ENAC, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) & Swiss Federal Research Institute, Antenne Romande (WSL-AR)

previously at:

University of Alaska, Anchorage

  • testate amoebae (subcontract)


Meet (some of) the team - Near the Aitoneva field site in Finland

the RECIPE group members

Standing (left to right):  Vincent Pheulgin, Michael Schloter, Laure Comont, Daniel Gilbert, Andre-Jean Francez,Walter Rosselli, Andy Siegenthaler, Alexander Buttler. Seated (left to right): Estelle Bortoluzzi, Viviane Froidevaux, Daniel Epron, Fatima Laggoun-Defarge, Harri Vasander, Mika Yli-Petays, Anni Takko, Antonis Chatzinotas, Rebekka Artz, Nathalie Josselin.


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These pages are maintained by: Rebekka Artz

Updated: 23 January 2024